Top 459 Cabinet Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Cabinet quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Obama administration didn't have one person who had ever worked in business. Not one Obama cabinet member had ever seriously had a job, run a company, met a payroll in the American economy. And, as such, no way of understanding how business is done, from negotiations to any other aspect of it. In fact, people in Obama's cabinet were arrogant and condescending and looking down on those people as a bunch of shysters and a bunch of cheats and people that kill their customers and they're destroying the planet.
Mr Speaker, I withdraw my statement that half the cabinet are asses - half the cabinet are not asses.
I don't sound disloyal, but I've never had a pair of Marvel pyjamas or underwear. I do have a lot of Marvel figurines at home in a cabinet. Every time they make a new Marvel figure I put it in my cabinet.
First of all, Donald Trump cabinet or - I call it the 3-G cabinet, Goldman, generals and gazillionaires. And I think it's one of the things that for someone who has worked around the world for profit, it is different than working around the world to make sure we have strong alliances and to make sure that we are in the strongest position to protect our country.
Well, you know, Thomas Jefferson, who was the author of the Declaration of Independence said he wouldn't have any atheists in his cabinet because atheists wouldn't swear an oath to God. That was Jefferson and we have never had any Muslims in the cabinet.
If people can't abide by the confidentiality of the cabinet room, then they should leave the cabinet. — © Ian Macfarlane
If people can't abide by the confidentiality of the cabinet room, then they should leave the cabinet.
I think, for the good of the country and the fact that you don't want a question coming up every time there's a decision made, [Donald Trump] should basically take himself out of it and just be a passive participant in the sense that he has no decision-making, no involvement and no decisions get made separate from him. Which is the way the way it's done for more Cabinet offices. Or I think all Cabinet offices.
From where I sit, it's a superb cabinet [for Donald Trump] so far. A lot of these choices could have been made by Ted Cruz. So you're going to have this shotgun marriage between a very orthodox Republican cabinet and a very unorthodox.
I won't pretend that being booted out the cabinet wasn't painful.
I have seen cabinet secretaries who type with two fingers.
I'm in the most diverse Cabinet.
The Cabinet makes collective decision and when the Cabinet speaks it speaks with one voice.
I think of reading as like a medicine cabinet.
[Gulliver was soon being read] "from the cabinet council to the nursery".
I suppose I write music for people, not for the filing cabinet or the museum.
During the Koizumi administration, I served as the Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary as well as the Chief Cabinet Secretary. — © Shinzo Abe
During the Koizumi administration, I served as the Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary as well as the Chief Cabinet Secretary.
The cabinet has no propositions to make, but orders to give.
Ford was warm and friendly. He wouldn't embarrass a Cabinet member.
You grow when there are trophies in your trophy cabinet. I hope to achieve that here in Naples.
I would take issue with the assertion that President Trump has reached out to a diverse group for his cabinet secretaries. In fact, his cabinet is one of the least diverse in modern history.
Donald Trump and Sean Spicer do one thing after another to keep the media attention focused on them. And it works. These legislative achievements are being made which are chipping away at anything the government has that's of any use to anybody. Paul Ryan, I think, is the most dangerous guy in the government. He knows what he's doing. And it's very systematic. I presume he's behind the cabinet appointments, but it's pretty amazing that every single cabinet appointment is somebody devoted to destroying that part of government.
I want the cabinet to stand up and have a spine and a backbone and take responsibility.
Unlike the Obama Cabinet, the Trump Cabinet is not comprised of do-nothing bureaucrats, who worked their way up the twisted, scheme-ridden Washington ladder; rather, they are doers, achievers, and leaders, who have attained the heights of greatness in their particular fields.
The president Donald Trump told the "New York Times" that he regrets appointing Jeff Sessions. And when a president expresses no confidence in a cabinet member, then that cabinet member owes the president his resignation. When the president does it publicly, which is something we just have never seen before, then that cabinet matter really has no choice from that minute forward, absolutely no choice.
I would love to get a Moonman! I'd put it next to my other awards. I don't have a cabinet right now; they're just kind of all around my flat, one next to the TV, one in the bedroom. So, I'd have to build a cabinet.
I chair cabinet, we have robust debates during cabinet meetings and we actually come to decisions as a consensus. It's very much people are very passionate about different views and everything, but that's what a cabinet should be like.
Everybody's complaining about all of Trump's cabinet members, how rich they are, that's horrible. I'd rather have that than a bunch of people in Obama's cabinet that have never spent a minute making a payroll, creating a job, or a service, or inventing a product. What the hell is there about academics from the faculty lounge who don't know what they're talking about other than theoretically. Why not have a bunch of people who have succeeded wildly, sharing what they know, implementing what they know nationwide? I would much rather have that.
You have this all the way through this cabinet so that I think there are a lot of other things to worry about [Donald] Trump. But in conventional political terms, this is a cabinet that I think is going to have a very hard time delivering to the base that Trump courted in this election.
We have had a great relationship with the White House.We just had every cabinet person designee of ours meet with the cabinet members of the [Barack] Obama administration on Friday. I've met numerous times with Denis McDonough, they've been nothing but helpful.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Conservative cabinet was called Hotel Cecil.
I don't think I have suffered for want of being a Cabinet minister. I don't have a Cabinet minister to whom I report. I report directly to the Prime Minister.
When you look at the people that Donald Trump is actually put around him on his Cabinet, this is a pretty - I would argue a very conservative Cabinet. And whether it's on issues of immigration, his pick for the attorney general, very conservative on that issue.
I don't have a right to pick the president's cabinet on substance.
When a Cabinet Minister who is sacked for telling lies is re-appointed, in the face of every constitutional convention, only for the same man to be sacked again from the same Cabinet for the same offence by the same Prime Minister ? no wonder the public are cynical about politics.
As a young woman in politics, it also gives me great pleasure to see additional female cabinet representation here today. You know, these are very high levels of representation for women around the cabinet table and I think that that's something that's very important to me.
George W. Bush filled out his cabinet fairly quickly.
I don't have a medicine cabinet.
The weasel under the cocktail cabinet.
The Cabinet led by KCR had no place for a single woman.
It was as dark as the inside of a cabinet minister.
No matter what time it is, wake me, even if it's in the middle of a Cabinet meeting. — © Ronald Reagan
No matter what time it is, wake me, even if it's in the middle of a Cabinet meeting.
I have directed all of my cabinet to work to prepare a transition plan for the incoming administration.
Government is a collective unity. There is no decision by cabinet which can be attributed to one individual.
Cabinet spouses are not allowed to lobby other Cabinet members. It's against the rules.
A lot of people like cabinet making; people are intrigued by it. Women in particular like cabinet making. They like it more than men do - the men are not really interested in the cabinet making.
I laughed and it almost felt good. "Is that a dig at my liquor cabinet?" Cam smiled. "That wasn't liquor, it was swill. And that wasn't a cabinet, it was a drawer.
When God saw that people, instead of turning to God, were turning to the medicine cabinet, God made himself available in the medicine cabinet.
I've got all of my enemies here in the Cabinet where I can keep an eye on them.
Donald Trump has made outstanding picks for his Cabinet.
Presidents have the right to nominate their own cabinet secretaries. But their nominees don't have a right to confirmation. Senators have a constitutional duty to advise and consent to the appointment of all Cabinet officials. They should take that duty seriously.
In my medicine cabinet, the winter fly has died of old age. — © Jack Kerouac
In my medicine cabinet, the winter fly has died of old age.
There are no bad seats at the cabinet table.
Hillary Clinton is the smooth central representation of all that, and 'all that' is more or less what is in power now in the United States. It's what we call the establishment or the DC consensus. One of the more significant Podesta emails that we released was about how the Obama cabinet was formed and how half the Obama cabinet was basically nominated by a representative from Citi Bank. This is quite amazing.
When a Cabinet Minister who is sacked for telling lies is re-appointed, in the face of every constitutional convention, only for the same man to be sacked again from the same Cabinet for the same offence by the same Prime Minister no wonder the public are cynical about politics.
Trophies stay in the cabinet gathering dust, but friends are for life.
Tomer: “What's this?” Cabinet: “Wt's ths?” Wedge: “Cabinet.” Tomer: “I know it's a cabinet, but it's talking.” Cabinet: “...ts tlkng” Janson: “Oh that. It's the Catann Minister of Crawling Into Very Small Spaces.” Tycho: “He bet Wedge he could fold himself in the that cabinet, around the shelves and all.” Hobbie: “Never bet against Wedge. The Minister gets to stay in there until he admits that it was a stupid bet and that Wedge doesn't owe him anything.
[The Maldives] they've become deeply politically engaged - just for instance, the president taught his whole cabinet to scuba dive so they could hold an underwater cabinet meeting along their dying coral reef and pass a 350 resolution to send to the U.N.
There has to be a level of entertainment. But the trophy cabinet is something that is more visible.
In your telephone call, you [Malcolm Turnbull]said that neither you nor the Cabinet would be supporting my nomination. When I asked the reasons for this, you said that neither you nor the Cabinet has the view that I had the qualifications for the position [of UN's secretary-general].
I believe that creature is a changeling: she is a perfect cabinet of oddities.
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