Top 1200 Calm Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Calm quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Sometimes, people say, 'You need to fight smart.' After a fight gets started I don't know what happens with me. I feel crazy. A lot of times my coach says, 'Calm down. Calm.'
I have tactics that calm me down and mellow me out so I go in to the game calm and ready instead of punching the walls.
If an individual has a calm state of mind, that person's attitudes and views will be calm and tranquil even in the presence of great agitation.
When a crisis occurs, I feel that one of my greatest responsibilities is to set a tone of calm no matter what the problems. Sometimes I have to fake confidence a lot. I also have to fake calm.
It's a safe bet that someone who tells you you need to calm down has never actually seen you when you needed to calm down. — © Robert Breault
It's a safe bet that someone who tells you you need to calm down has never actually seen you when you needed to calm down.
True enough, the country is calm. Calm as a morgue or a grave, would you not say?
I think people take their behavioural tips from everyone else. So, if the director is calm and the lead actors are calm, no one wants to be the sore thumb. And I've remained friendly with everyone.
Calm's not life's crown, though calm is well.
You have to accept both losing and winning well. I've stayed calm when I'm winning and I've stayed calm when I've lost.
Calm assertive energy is the energy you project to show your dog you are the Pack Leader. Assertive does not mean angry or aggressive. Calm-assertive means always compassionate, but quietly in control.
The calm. If there is God or something Higher for me it is this. The calm. If there is something that will hold me when I need to hold it is this the calm. There is no anger, no rage, no Fury. There is no want, no need, no desire. There is no hatred no shame no regret. There is no grief, no sadness, no depression. There is no fear. Absolutely no fear. When one lives without fear, one cannot be broken. When one lives with fear one is broken before one begins to live.
See how God writes history. No technical knowledge is required; only a calm day and a calm mind.
Once you learn to remain calm under the stressful circumstances of a fight, you will have no trouble remaining calm under the stressful circumstances of life.
Pour some water into a tub and stir it up. Now try as hard as you can to calm the water with your hands; you will succeed in agitating it further. Let it stand undisturbed a while, and it will calm down by itself. The human brain works much the same way.
I've stayed calm when I'm winning and I've stayed calm when I've lost. Tennis is a sport where we have a lot of tournaments every week, so you can't celebrate a lot when you have big victories, and you cannot get too down when you're losing, as in a few days you'll be in the next tournament and you'll have to be ready with that.
This is not a problem. I'm making everybody very calm, distracted by my bad results and then I'm going to shoot. One good result and I'm coming back. This is a distraction, it's the calm before the storm.
My parents were very calm about the photographers, the fans, and all that. But I understood right away that I hadn't done anything to deserve that attention. No matter what happens, it will be there. I didn't choose it. You just can't take that too seriously. You need to live your life. And stay calm.
The meditative, calm sound is a reflection of my personality. I've got a silly and a crazy side, but it makes sense the music would come across that way. I do yoga every day and try to keep a sense of peace and calm in my life. I don't have a lot of frantic energy.
So let the mind flow like water. Face life with a calm and quiet mind and everything in life will be calm and quiet. — © Thich Thien-An
So let the mind flow like water. Face life with a calm and quiet mind and everything in life will be calm and quiet.
There are calm Korean players and not calm. There are calm Western players.
That's definitely a part of who Superman is and definitely who Clark on the farm is. It translates to how calm he is. I feel like I'm pretty calm most of the time and relaxed, which gives presence to the character.
If I am angry, I am angry. If I am angry, then I have to be calm, and to be calm, I have to tell you to your face what I think about you. If we don't agree, then okay, 'Bye!' It's no problem.
If you can act calm, that's step one in trying to convince yourself to be calm.
He thought of how calm he was. His calm was so perfect that he could not destroy it even by being conscious of it.
See me, how calm I am. Ay, people are generally calm at the misfortunes of others.
Almost all negative moods are missing one key element - calm. By learning calm, you learn to deal with difficult areas. Calm allows us to achieve what we want, without being overwhelmed by anxiety.
I clung to nothing, in a way I was calm. But it was a horrible calm—because of my body; my body, I saw with its eyes, I heard with its ears, but it was no longer me; it sweated and trembled by itself and I didn’t recognize it any more.
When we speak of a calm state of mind or peace of mind, we shouldn't confuse that with an insensitive state of apathy. Having a calm or peaceful state of mind doesn't mean being spaced out or completely empty. Peace of mind or a calm state of mind is rooted in affection and compassion and is sensitive and responsive to others.
But calm, white calm, was born into a swan.
I grew up with the media circus. My whole life. My parents were very calm about the photographers, the fans, and all that. But I understood right away that I hadn't done anything to deserve that attention. No matter what happens, it will be there. I didn't choose it. You just can't take that too seriously. You need to live your life. And stay calm.
Meditation helps you stay in a calm, clear-headed state so that when challenges come at you, you can deal with them like a ninja - in a calm thoughtful way. When you're centered, your emotions are not hijacking you.
The reason you take antidepressants is to feel calm. And romantic love is not calm -it's elation, it's mood swings, and you're killing all that when you take the drug.
Since I was a young kid, I have always been calm on the ball. That comes down to awareness as well. When you have good awareness and you know what's going on around you, you don't need to panic. There is no point. It just makes things worse. You have to stay calm, cool, and collected.
To pretend to be calm is to be calm, in a way.
The reason you take antidepressants is to feel calm. And romantic love is not calm - it's elation, it's mood swings, and you're killing all that when you take the drug.
I was always nervous, always scared. That's stayed with me my whole life. I think it's all our genes. We're all stuck with ourselves. I wish I were calm. Never get scared, always calm, but that's not me. I panic easily.
Mandy is not calm. So that's acting. I'm acting. And, and I love playing someone calm.
First of my own personal requirements is inner calm. This, I think, is an essential. One of the secrets of using your time well is to gain a certain ability to maintain peace within yourself so that much can go on around you and you can stay calm inside.
I used to be very superstitious, and then I got too much into that. I just try to stay away from all the superstitions that I can and try to get as calm as I can before the game. That's my new superstition: just to get as calm as I can.
The calm man is not the man who is dull. You must not mistake Sattva for dullness or laziness. The calm man is the one who has control over the mind waves. Activity is the manifestation of inferior strength, calmness, of the superior.
The artist has a duty to be calm. He has no right to show his emotion, his involvement, to go pouring it all out at the audience. Any excitement over a subject must be sublimated into an Olympian calm of form. That is the only way in which an artist can tell of the things that excite him.
New Orleans is my kind of city. I think there's a lot going on, but it's also very calm. It's a place where I can actually drive a car without being stuck in traffic for for 40, 50 minutes. It's my kind of city. A lot going on but still calm.
The profound calm which only apparently precedes and prophesies of the storm, is perhaps more awful than the storm itself; for indeed, the calm is but the wrapper and envelop of the storm, and contains it in itself, as the seemingly harmless rifle holds the fatal powder, and the ball, and the explosion.
It was only from an inner calm that man was able to discover and shape calm surroundings. — © Stephen Gardiner
It was only from an inner calm that man was able to discover and shape calm surroundings.
No - I'm quite calm inside during the game for most of the time - not 100%, but generally very calm.
The commercial storm leaves its path strewn with ruin. When it is over there is calm, but a dull, heavy calm.
One important reason to stay calm is that calm parents hear more. Low-key, accepting parents are the ones whose children keep talking.
When people come to me saying they want to kill themselves, I tell them, "What’s your rush? You can kill yourself any time you like. So calm down. Suicide is a positive act." And they do calm down.
The American surge of combat forces into Baghdad that was ordered by President Bush worked. And there was a calm, a relative calm that descended on the country kind of late 2008. That pretty much held until the last American combat soldiers left at the end of 2011.
Calm soul of all things! make it mine To feel, amid the city's jar, That there abides a peace of thine, Man did not make, and cannot mar! The will to neither strive nor cry, The power to feel what others give! Calm, calm me more! nor let me die Before I have begun to live.
Fighting is all about calmness and relaxation. My appearance was all an illusion. My appearance is of a mad man, but I'm really calm and collected. Even though I'm fighting, I'm calm and relaxed as possible, despite my displays, because once you get excited, you can't fight at the highest level of your ability.
Anyone can take the wheel of the ship in calm water but it's not so easy when it's not calm water. You can't just enjoy the good times, you have to be resilient in the tough times.
In golf, you have to stay patient and calm. On the race track you can let loose, but in golf you can't and you must be calm.
I think I'm very calm in adversity, always remaining calm, and I don't panic. I think that's the main thing. — © Iker Casillas
I think I'm very calm in adversity, always remaining calm, and I don't panic. I think that's the main thing.
The truth of life lies in the impulsiveness of matter. The mind of man has been poisoned by concepts. Do not ask him to be content, ask him only to be calm, to believe that he has found his place. But only the madman is really calm.
The reality is I'm kind of like an ocean. Everything is calm, calm, calm. I'm good. When the ball goes up in the air, the waves start rocking.
Religion is, as it were, the calm bottom of the sea at its deepest point, which remains calm however high the waves on the surface may be.
Everyone is calm and collected but I am telling you something - I am not calm and I am not collected. It's a sick world out there.
Calm down, Horus said. "Don't tell me to calm down!" Bast frowned. "I didn't." "Talking to him!" I pointed at my forehead.
You can't do traditional work at a modern pace. Traditional work has traditional rhythms. You need calm. You can be busy, but you must remain calm.
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