Top 100 Calmer Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Calmer quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The future regulatory arrangements for the newspaper industry need to be done in a much calmer deliberative way, in slower time when we've got beyond this media firestorm.
I do think that my work has gotten calmer, and that the violence of some of the earlier series was necessary to reach the higher degree of concentration in the later ones.
I'm more of a quiet guy, relaxed, calmer off the court. — © Grayson Allen
I'm more of a quiet guy, relaxed, calmer off the court.
I actually felt calmer and more serene when we got up to the tower that I think I ever have. We had literally done everything we could to prepare.
I think, with more experience, I'm probably wiser, calmer. You hope you'll be able to use your knowledge a bit better.
When you are practicing zazen, do not try to stop your thinking. Let it stop by itself. If something comes into your mind, let it come in, and let it go out. It will not stay long. When you try to stop your thinking, it means you are bothered by it. Do not be bothered by anything. It appears as if something comes from outside your mind, but actually it is only the waves of your mind, and if you are not bothered by the waves, gradually they will become calmer and calmer.
I always feel calmer when I exercise. In fact, that's probably the main reason I exercise.
Exercise makes me a better parent. I'm calmer and happier.
I had a theater that was right across the street from me, and I would just go there after school and just hang out and watch... and everything seemed calmer there and nicer there and warmer there.
The most important thing I learned during games is to be calmer, to try to smooth over other people's or my own mistakes, and not to tackle people unnecessarily. Patience was key for me.
MS Dhoni still the best bet as Test, ODI captain. No calmer finisher than Dhoni
Horses are calmer people. They also don't throw things at cats.
I'm much calmer as I get older, but I'm still just as capable of getting that strung-out stressed-out feeling of mental and spiritual unwellness. — © Anne Lamott
I'm much calmer as I get older, but I'm still just as capable of getting that strung-out stressed-out feeling of mental and spiritual unwellness.
The less passion there is, the better we work. The calmer we are the better for us and the more the amount of work we can do.
Lower stress equals a calmer approach at the plate. Calm equals a still head, allowing us to see the ball better. Confidence and relaxation; the hitter's Holy Grail.
And love makes one calmer about many things, and in that way, one is more fit for one's work.
the child unlucky in his little State, Some hearth where freedom is excluded, A hive whose honey is fear and worry, Feels calmer now and somehow assured of escape
The world in many ways would be a much calmer and gentler place if women ruled. There would have been fewer children sacrificed to the gods of greed and power.
For me, the subtlety of black and white inspires the imagination of the individual viewer to complete the picture in the mind's eye. It doesn't attempt to compete with the outside world. I believe it is calmer and gentler than colour, and persists longer in our visual memory.
The more you nurture a feeling of loving kindness, the happier and calmer you will be.
We do that in our zeal our calmer moment would be afraid to answer.
Little by little, not by making big promises, I need to be calmer, read more, spend more time with my loved ones, and be more mindful about nature and environment.
It makes me so much calmer when I’m responding to e-mails later.
Art has made me calmer and more content.
I listen to John Mayer when I get ready. He's my calmer.
With time, you learn to be calmer.
The calmer and more well-ordered my desktop is, the more I can convince myself I'm on top of things.
I used to fly off the handle in everyday life, but I'm a little calmer now.
I work best when there is adversity: I seem to get calmer the more the fur is flying.
Bathed in sweat and trembling with agitation, no, not with agitation, but with fear, for he finally admitted it to himself: it was naked fear that had seized him, and in admitting it he grew calmer and his thoughts clearer.
Instead of passing on choppy waters to the next generation, we should endeavor to leave them a calmer sea.
The man coming back from the hard mountain trip is a wiser being, calmer and radiating inside. I'd say momentary liberated.
You are killing me, fish, the old man thought. But you have a right to. Never have I seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you, brother.
This isn't the same Johnny Gargano that is going to overreact to things and let his emotions get the best of him. In 2019, I'm a little calmer and more collected.
I must demonstrate I'm closer to people - a simpler, calmer presence, yet someone who can also make decisions and obtain promised results.
The decline and fall of the modern religious right's notion of a Christian America creates a calmer political environment and, for many believers, may help open the way for a more theologically serious religious life.
Any creative professional lives on high emotions and while others might handle stress of life in a calmer manner, we are sensitive and vulnerable to issues.
Just blocking noise out and doing something you love and enjoying it and having fun with it. It's kind of made my mentality in me staying calmer much better. — © Kyle Larson
Just blocking noise out and doing something you love and enjoying it and having fun with it. It's kind of made my mentality in me staying calmer much better.
By accepting our aging and letting its lessons broaden us internally, we become calmer in the face of the body's inevitable deterioration. Becoming less attached to our outer appearance is so liberating.
What I discovered all over Ireland is that people living simple lives by the sea or in the remote countryside seem a lot calmer than city folk with their iPads and their Android phones.
I did a lot of work without thinking about it in a calm, rational way. Stopping and thinking about what I was doing made my music calmer and deeper in tone.
Along with 'Free,' where I sing quite a bit, there are additional songs on 'Skin' where you can hear my voice in the background - lots of 'oohs' and 'aahs.' But more often than not, I use my vocals to prompt other rappers and singers to feel calmer, better, bolder.
I've improved as an actor, thanks to my wonderful directors. As a person, I've changed, too; I was 16 when I did 'Thullavatho Ilamai,' and I'm 32 now. With age, I've sobered down. I'm calmer; I can see things more clearly now.
The more prepared I am, the calmer I will be.
Music can't save the world, but can make one a little calmer.
I'm much calmer when there's no TV or music playing in the background.
My family thought if I spent time in the military, I'd become more reasonable, a bit calmer. But I've always been extreme in what I do - both as a believer and a nonbeliever.
I can't stress this enough: The single thing that will guarantee a happy, fulfilled, and calmer life is the quality of your human relationships, especially the people you love and who love you back.
My energy level rises but I get calmer, if that's possible. What a lot of people tend to do is get real tight and get all psyched up and take themselves out of their game.
My strength was that I am more balanced and calmer than most other riders. — © Miguel Indurain
My strength was that I am more balanced and calmer than most other riders.
The best thing about yoga is that it is not just about weight loss but being fit from within. It's about better concentration, a calmer mind, and knowing your body.
Sometimes I try to just sit at home and do something calmer and simpler and just be in my life. You know, not trying to solve a lot of things at once.
I feel like I'm calmer, I'm kinder, I'm more patient the more I do my own meditation.
I'm so glad I'm not 20 years old anymore. I was in a hurricane. I'm a lot calmer now. I don't cause destruction for myself and others everywhere I go.
The English, a spirited nation, claim the empire of the sea; the French, a calmer nation, claim that of the air.
I think meditating on tour is integral. It's a priority, because everything is so chaotic, and the calmer you stay, the calmer everybody is. Sometimes I do it hotel lobbies, or in corners, and I try to find moments. It's not ideal when people come out and almost step on you.
My mother was an artist and highly strung, whereas my father was much calmer.
The Art of Living course is designed to detox the body, and in this process the body is left calmer, and people are left with a lot more clarity and presence of mind.
Night is the best time to visit sewers, because the businesses dispelling the most waste are closed, and the flows are calmer.
A lot of people... are afraid of pictures which have visible emotions in them. They feel calmer in front of pictures which are placid.
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