Top 481 Cant Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Cant quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
You cant censor peoples dreams.
Yo, thats illogical I cant have it!
I eat everything and some days I eat too much, but I read this quote, 'if you cant control what you eat, you cant control anything in life.' It keeps playing in my head and then I exercise a lot.
Of this stamp is the cant of, Not men, but measures. — © Edmund Burke
Of this stamp is the cant of, Not men, but measures.
In a president, character is everything. A president doesn't have to be brilliant... He doesn't have to be clever; you can hire clever... You can hire pragmatic, and you can buy and bring in policy wonks. But you cant buy courage and decency, you cant rent a strong moral sense. A president must bring those things with him. He needs to have, in that much maligned word, but a good one nonetheless, a vision of the future he wishes to create.. But a vision is worth little if a president doesn't have the character - the courage and heart - to see it through.
the thing is you can get used to anything you think you cant you want to die but you dont you cant you just are
They cant censor the gleam in my eye.
Is not cant the materia prima of the devil, from which all falsehoods, imbecilities, abominations, body themselves, from which no true thing can come? For cant is itself the properly a double-distilled lie, the second power of a lie.
You cant just be against the president.
The English are the people of consummate cant.
The English are a nation of consummate cant.
Lately, I cant shake the feeling that Ive been living a dream for the last 10 years or so; I cant account for most of my 20s, and I have to continually remind myself that certain people are dead now and many of my friends have children.
You just cant predict baseball
The payment for sins can be delayed. But they cant be avoided. — © Shawn Ryan
The payment for sins can be delayed. But they cant be avoided.
You cant beat The Beatles, you join em.
I have a really interesting political point of view, and its not always something I say too loud at dinner tables here, but you cant go from a $2,000-a-night suite at La Mirage to a penitentiary and really understand it and come out a liberal. You cant. I wouldnt wish that experience on anyone else, but it was very, very, very educational for me and has informed my proclivities and politics every since.
people can die , dreams cant
I realize you cant please everyone.
If you skateboard, you cant be afraid to have people laugh at you.
My career is one of people involvement. I'm a promoter of the people, by the people, for the people. My magic lies, my people ties, this is what I want to do. I'm in it to win, I cant give in, I can't give up and I cant quit. Victory is mine. Working together works.
Cant you see, we are in a dialogue with the universe?
You cant put the toothpaste back in the tube.
If we cant face our losses, we cant be present either fully to everything that is. When people have cut off or not made peace with some part of themselves, they miss out on other aspects of life.
I cant live without activity; I cant be sedentary.
Of all the cants which are canted in this canting world, - though the cant of hypocrites may be the worst, - the cant of criticism is the most tormenting!
Just take me with you. Please. I cant. Please, Papa. I cant. I cant hold my son dead in my arms. I thought I could but I cant.
Time cant be given. But it can be shared.
In film, the camera can get an array of shots so the audience can see the emotion the character is giving off. Using close-ups on the characters face really helps get the message across. On stage, you cant do that. But the stage has that live feeling that you cant get anywhere else because the audience is right there.
You cant make your music good. You cant try to be good. You can try to be present and you can try to remain open so what is going to speak to you can speak through you.
I cant help having a sexy body.
Okay. I wish for world peace,” Weetzie said. “I am sorry,” the genie said. “I cant grant that wish. Its out of my league.” “Then I wish for an infinite number of wishes!” Those people on fairy tales never thought of that. “People in fairy tales wish for that all the time,” the genie said. “They arent stupid. It just isnt in the records because I cant grant that type of wish.
We can be bought, but we cant be bored.
You cant have justice unless you have truth.
If you judge the character, you cant play it.
I do what I do; I cant control who thinks what.
I cant pretend to be objective when it comes to service or sacrifice.
One thing that you cant fake is chemistry.
You cant go on winning all the time.
Stop focusing on what you cant do, focus on what God can do. — © Joel Osteen
Stop focusing on what you cant do, focus on what God can do.
You cant be satirical and not be offensive to somebody.
You cant second-guess yourself as a filmmaker.
So what if I cant spell Armageddon, its not the end of the world.
You cant take good health for granted.
When you have a nonverbal conversation with a total stranger, then he cant cover himself with words, he cant create a wall.
Worry is a waste of energy. It cant change the past. It cant control the future. It only makes today miserable
Of all the cants which are canted in this canting world - though the cant of hypocrites may be the worst - the cant of criticism is the most tormenting!
You cant please all the people all the time.
What is opportunity to the man who cant use it?
Gettysburg. . . . You cant understand it. You would have to be born there. — © William Faulkner
Gettysburg. . . . You cant understand it. You would have to be born there.
i usedta live in the world really be in the world free & sweet talkin good mornin & thank-you & nice day uh huh i cant now i cant be nice to nobody nice is such a rip-off regular beauty & a smile in the street is just a set-up
I cant live in a 'world without love.'
Cant is the twin sister of hypocrisy.
Cant is the parrot talk of a profession.
You cant be too careful on a skateboard.
I cant control everything, and I dont need to
... where the Greeks had modesty, we have cant; where they had poetry, we have cant; where they had patriotism, we have cant; where they had anything that exalts, delights, or adorns humanity, we have nothing but cant, cant, cant.
I have no physical genius about me. I cant dribble a ball and run at the same time, I cant do lay-ups - Im not an athlete. But my experience as a kid was, I was made fun of so much that what I did then, is, I wouldnt participate. And I think I cheated myself out of a lot of fun.
Coltrane, you cant play everything at once!
You cant be controlling in improv.
If you haven't signed anything, you cant be ripped off.
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