Top 1161 Capture Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Capture quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Working in the Arctic is definitely colder, but not necessarily harder. There were different challenges. And in many ways, Chasing Coral was even more of a struggle for me personally. And more of a struggle to capture. Glaciers right now are changing very consistently. The interesting thing that we realized with Chasing Coral was that the corals reefs. They can go from living to dead in two months. And if you're not there at the right time to capture that before and after, you just show up and it's a dead reef. So it was a challenge to be at the right place at the right time.
When you're facing an opponent over a broad front, you don't aim for the opponent's strong points, important though they may be. Pick a little outpost that you can capture and win. And then you find another place that you can capture and win it, and then you move slowly toward the big places.
I think being attracted to mistakes is one of the things that film can capture in a way that theater can't. Film can capture a moment of spontaneous life that will never be captured again.
My belief about performance capture is that it's a technology which allows actors to play extraordinary characters. But from an acting perspective, I've never drawn a distinction between playing a conventional, live action character and playing a role in a performance capture suit. And from a purely acting point-of-view, I don't believe there should be a special Oscar category because I think it sort of muddies the waters in a way.
In 'Uncharted,' we do the scenes the same way you would do a film or television show. The motion capture - the performance-capture process - is what makes such a difference for this franchise. So I don't approach it any differently. The other actors and I go in and rehearse scenes together, and then we go in the next day and perform.
I think all photographs lie. They capture such a small amount of a person's personality, if they capture anything. — © Martin Schoeller
I think all photographs lie. They capture such a small amount of a person's personality, if they capture anything.
My two older brothers are both molecular biologists and neuroscientists, and I feel like representing them accurately is never done in movies, and I really wanted to at least capture the spirit of a Ph.D. student whose goal and aspiration is to increase the sum total of human knowledge. That is noble. That was really, really important, to capture the three-dimensionality of scientists. Scientists fall in love, scientists have the greatest sense of humor, scientists are passionate.
We are trying to capture the widest possible audience all around the world. In other words, we are trying to capture the people who are even beyond the gaming population.
I'm not contented to capture the world. I want to change it.
We need it to capture the energy of contemporary life.
Try to capture what you can't bear to be without
I don't capture moments, I capture ideas.
If I were white, I could capture the world.
If you can capture the element of surprise, you're way ahead of the game.
All I've tried to do (with my writing) is capture the essence of my time.
I love to just listen and watch. I could happily watch a security camera at a store. Often during a day I'll see a guy selling pretzels or an argument that somebody's having on a stoop and I'll think, "Oh I wish I had my camera, I wish I could capture this moment." There's something about people being people and interacting that can be so beautiful when it's framed by a camera. That desire to capture people as they are, and the stubbornness to keep going when they don't necessarily want you to capture them being who they are, are key.
Toronto is hard to capture in a few strokes. — © Michael Helm
Toronto is hard to capture in a few strokes.
Create more value than you capture.
Football is a sport of emotions, and we have to capture that in our films.
I like to try to capture places that a lot of people went to or have a deep emotional connection to. Malls, abandoned speedways, abandoned theme parks. To me, those are most interesting kinds of things to capture.
You know what the reward is to capture Saddam. You don't even need to capture Saddam, just say where he is. It's $25 million. This is what I love about our priorities. We spend $25 million trying to get rid of Saddam Hussein. The Republicans spend $50 million trying to get rid of Gray Davis. It doesn't seem quite right.
A profile, a look, a voice, can capture a heart in no time at all.
Life is so fluid that one can only hope to capture the living moment, to capture it alive and fresh ... without destroying that moment.
When I first did 'The Lord of the Rings,' I was acting on the set with the other actors, but then I had to go back and repeat the process on my own to do the physical capture on a motion capture stage.
Inspiration doesn't really work like that - you're not looking out for it. Inspiration is something that tends to capture you rather than you capture it.
I have a company in the U.K., a performance-capture studio. We're looking to push the boundaries of performance-capture technology in film and video games, but also in live theater, using real-time performance capture with actors onstage, and combining that with holographic imagery.
Sometimes animals may suffer more because of their more limited understanding. If, for instance, we are taking prisoners in wartime we can explain to them that although they must submit to capture, search, and confinement, they will not otherwise be harmed and will be set free at the conclusion of hostilities. If we capture wild animals, however, we cannot explain that we are not threatening their lives. A wild animal cannot distinguish an attempt to overpower and confine from an attempt to kill; the one causes as much terror as the other.
To speak technically photography is the art of writing with light. But if I want to think about it more philosophically, I can say that photography is the art of writing with time. When you capture an image you capture not only a piece of space, you also capture a piece of time. So you have this piece of specific time in your square or rectangle. In that sense I find that photography has more to do with time than with light.
There is nothing simple or dull in achieving the transparent page. Vulgar ostentation is twice as easy as discipline. When you realise that ugly typography never effaces itself, you will be able to capture beauty as the wise men capture happiness by aiming at something else.
I find it fascinating the things that capture people's imagination.
In 'Beowulf,' director Robert Zemeckis uses a technique called 'motion capture' to conjure fantastical things, angles into action and sweeping vistas to stun your eyes and take your breath away. But what he hasn't mastered and what the technique can't do is this: emotion capture.
I think being attracted to mistakes is one of the things that film can capture in a way that theater can't. Film can capture a moment of spontaneous life that will never be captured again. I like a lot of structure and a lot of lines, but then within that I make room for things to happen that you couldn't have predicted.
The capture of Saddam has not made America safer.
I would say, when you're playing video games that involve competition against somebody else, you have to be able to understand what's going on and react in the fastest time possible to either - if it's a capture the flag game, capture the flag, if you're trying to take out the other team, take them out. Same thing in basketball.
[Making movies] you're not trying to capture reality, you're trying to capture a photograph of reality.
It's hard sometimes to capture magic when it comes to live records.
Makeup can help you capture a moment.
To capture the pawn, threaten the queen.
I try to capture reality, nothing else.
Challenge the mind and capture the heart.
I hope to capture the public's imagination, but I can't live in the anxiety of that. — © Michael McDonald
I hope to capture the public's imagination, but I can't live in the anxiety of that.
I always capture one aspect or the other of Delhi in my raps.
Phone networks can capture life on our planet.
I honestly think the impulse is to grab something and capture it, and not capture a moment that you want to remember, but just capture an image that you want other people to see right away. It's about how someone is going to "like" this and it's no longer an experience. It's just this constant sharing of images. I personally don't like that very much.
Motion capture is exactly what it says: it's physical moves, whereas performance capture is the entire performance - including your facial performance. If you're doing, say, martial arts for a video game, that is motion capture. This is basically another way of recording an actor's performance: audio, facial and physical.
GoPro is ideal for pro-active capture, meaning, 'Hey, we're going to do something fun, and we're going to capture a video of it.'
It is not a disaster to be unable to capture your ideal, but it is a disaster to have no ideal to capture.
Capture of a wild animal is invariably traumatic.
I naturally prefer and capture the beauty in life.
The most important thing in imaging for me is the dynamic range. The dynamic range means the tones that you can capture from highlights to dark and the bits, the depth of color that you can capture.
Rare are the people who can capture a human being.
Commercials capture your attention, that's all. — © Calvin Klein
Commercials capture your attention, that's all.
The idea that a book can advise a woman how to capture a man is touchingly naive. Books advising men how to capture a woman are far less common, perhaps because few men are willing to admit to such a difficulty. For both sexes, I recommend a good novel, offering scenarios you might learn from, if only because they reflect a lot of doubt.
This Tony Haywire guy, whatever his name is, he told the BBC on Sunday that he believes the new oil cap that they've installed will eventually capture the vast majority of oil spewing from the well. You know, if they could capture half the BS spewing from Tony Hayward, people would be thrilled.
If I were white I could capture the world.
Motion-capture is not a genre. Motion-capture is a tool and technique and what we tried to do was to really use both motion-capture and traditional animation to build a system.
I was trying to capture this man's [Idi Amin] energy, and I did a lot of research in studying him. I tried to capture his 'Warrior King' energy inside of me as much as possible.
An artist's concern is to capture beauty wherever he finds it.
You've got to capture an audience. You don't go out there and just sing, or just play. If you can't capture an audience, you might as well not be out there.
To draw something is to try to capture it forever.
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