Top 1200 Careful What You Say Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Careful What You Say quotes.
Last updated on October 23, 2024.
A tree falls the way it leans. Be careful the way you lean.
When you do reality, you have to be pretty careful. You have to almost monitor yourself to make sure that you don't get yourself in situations that you shouldn't [be in].
Be careful with how you make the world perceive you, because they'll perceive you like that for the rest of your life. — © Jaden Smith
Be careful with how you make the world perceive you, because they'll perceive you like that for the rest of your life.
When you do reality, you have to be pretty careful. You have to almost monitor yourself to make sure that you don't get yourself in situations that you shouldn't.
When I left Chicago, people said, 'Careful with that Texas heat'. I'm from Puerto Rico. I know heat.
My photographs are proof of what happened. When I go to Russia, sometimes I meet ex-soldiers... They say, 'We came to liberate you....' I say: 'Listen, I think it was quite different. I saw people being killed.' They say: 'No. We never... no shooting. No. No.' So I can show them my Prague 1968 photographs and say, 'Listen, these are my pictures. I was there.' And they have to believe me.
We can't choose our fate, but we can choose others. Be careful in knowing that.
While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.
My warning is: Be careful Angela Merkel. If you don't see the suffering that has been imposed on the rest of the European people, then Germany will make itself hated.
Like any country with sophisticated intelligence services, Russia has long been a careful student of U.S. freedoms, laws and the constraints of its main nemesis in the U.S., the FBI.
My personal sense of humor is edgy, I would say more cable-like: words you're not allowed to say, ideas that the majority of people might say, "That's too risqué for me."
I am well aware of it myself that I have to be careful. But I want to make it clear that I am not a dirty player.
It would appear that we have reached the limits of what it is possible to achieve with computer technology, although one should be careful with such statements, as they tend to sound pretty silly in 5 years.
Wikipedia is just an incredible thing. It is fact-encirclingly huge, and it is idiosyncratic, careful, messy, funny, shocking and full of simmering controversies - and it is free, and it is fast.
I belong to the political party that generally fits my philosophical beliefs, but I reserve the right to vote my conscience after careful deliberation. My voting record reflects this.
If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.
I'm one of those parents who are quite careful about documenting their children's upbringing. I really try to actively observe. I write down the little things that happen.
Most crime fiction plots are not ambitious enough for me. I want something really labyrinthine with clues and puzzles that will reward careful attention. — © Sophie Hannah
Most crime fiction plots are not ambitious enough for me. I want something really labyrinthine with clues and puzzles that will reward careful attention.
I think I tend to feel discomfort more when I anticipate or arrive upon moments in which I need to be careful. As a gay person, there's the fear of violence, and we're not making that up.
A lot of the best suspense operates on a careful withholding of information as opposed to the doling out of information.
Be careful of who and what you let into your space. Not everyone is worthy of your presence.
In the study of management, unfortunately, many writers have been so anxious to articulate a theory in the form of, "If you do this, this will result," that they never go through this careful effort.
When we talk about women's economic empowerment, we should be careful that we're not just giving women more to do.
One of the things that I think we have learned is that we should all be very careful about making predictions about the future.
You can only make a good noise on the guitar if you're committed. Little careful noise doesn't work. You have to be bold.
Food recommendations are a must, but be careful. A friend went to a cafe I'd suggested and got food poisoning.
A woman who is careful with her words is a gift to all who know her.
Old habits die hard, and if you're not careful, the person you used to be can overtake the person you're trying to become.
If you live in the digital economy, you have to be careful to have your investment thesis squarely bolted into your reality.
The careful student of history will discover that Christianity has been of very little value in advancing civilization, but has done a great deal toward retarding it.
Sometimes friends are dangerous. We must be very careful about the help friends give us.
I do think you learn things about genre storytelling, but you also have to be careful not to learn too much.
The character of 'Mama' is so ambitious in a way that everything I did was always on the verge of being almost funny. So you have to be very careful with that. It's that sort of face that you don't usually see in horror.
Foreign influence is truly the Grecian horse to a republic. We cannot be too careful to exclude its influence.
As human beings, we are nothing but the stories we live and die by — so you’d better be careful what stories you tell yourself.
The dreadful decision in Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission was the culmination of the Republican appointees' careful work to open American politics to corporate influence.
Because it is gone you cannot say it will not return; even though you may say it has never yet returned-you cannot say that it will not. It is blasphemy to say a bit of metal has destroyed life, just as it is presumptuous to say that because life has disappeared it has been destroyed. I stood among the heaps of the dead and I knew-no, I felt that death is only a sound we make to signify the Thing we do not know.
I always say I'm one of the toughest mama's boys you're ever gonna meet. And I say that to send a message to all the young thugs out there; that it's nothing to be ashamed of to say you love your mother.
'Community' is a comedy show, and one of the characters happens to be a Christian. I do think they have been very careful to make sure everyone is the butt of the joke for various reasons.
Do not internalize the industrial model. You are not one of the myriad interchangeable pieces, but a unique human being, and if you've got something to say, say it, and think well of yourself while you're learning to say it better.
By the time I entered college, I had decided not to have children, a decision that was never regretted. Accordingly, I was careful to court only girls who wanted to have professional careers.
Vlad decided that teachers' ideas were a lot like bunches of garlic-intriguing from afar, but up close sadly sickening and, if you weren't careful, DEADLY. — © Heather Brewer
Vlad decided that teachers' ideas were a lot like bunches of garlic-intriguing from afar, but up close sadly sickening and, if you weren't careful, DEADLY.
You've got to be careful against classy fighters, especially counter-punchers because if you go for the finish too early, you can end up getting finished yourself.
The scientist is indistinguishable from the common man in his sense of evidence, except that the scientist is more careful.
We may neglect the wrongs which we receive, but be careful to rectify those which we are the cause of to others.
I am a professional actor, and I am very careful about being sincere to the characters I play.
We have to be careful not to look for confidence in the acceptance of others because true confidence only comes from knowing God.
When I fought with Michael Johnson, when I took his arm for the kimura, I can break it, but I go very slowly, be careful, because I don't want to give him injury.
Realism in foreign policy means careful consideration of all aspects pertinent to the issue, before taking a decision. This is the only way you can move from where you are to someplace else.
You have to be careful what you imagine, because the act of imagining is the act of encouraging yourself to be a certain kind of person.
As the law catches up and the battle between corporate profits and social good plays out, we need to be careful not to be lulled into a false sense of privacy.
I try to be a lot of things for the authors I work with - a careful reader, a helpful friend who also happens to be an experienced writer, a thoughtful editor, and a creative midwife.
You should be careful about who you pretend to be, because who you pretend to be - is actually who you are! — © Kurt Vonnegut
You should be careful about who you pretend to be, because who you pretend to be - is actually who you are!
Let us be careful to distinguish modesty, which is ever amiable, from reserve, which is only prudent.
One thing appears reasonably certain, and that's that those who make allegations of a culture of deception, of intimidation or cover-up need to be extremely careful about such accusations.
I like the idea of having a paperless society.But to be paperless means you have to be so careful with your identity.
Your parents were always trying to get you to be careful when you were a kid, and that's all pervasive in this society.
In the New Hebrides, any dancer making a mistake was assaulted, wounded, and possibly killed by bowmen posted to keep careful watch for inaccuracies in rituals.
I refuse to promote anything on Instagram for money and I'm aware that I have to be careful about saying yes to anything.
If you've been to Moscow, it's a really exciting and great city, but it still feels like you should be a little careful about which way you're going to step.
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