Top 1200 Careful Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Careful quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I look at making a record and being in a recording studio as more of a craft; You have to be so much more careful and play simpler.
What happens during recessions, is you have less windfalls just helping you cover mistakes. You have to be more careful about not making mistakes.
Caution! Be very careful of false, meaningless, self-contradictory, and not even very funny warnings, like this one. — © Ashleigh Brilliant
Caution! Be very careful of false, meaningless, self-contradictory, and not even very funny warnings, like this one.
I have a very addictive personality, so I'm even careful about wanting more of anything than I need - even chocolate.
She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy I said 'Be careful his bowtie is really a camera'
I guess Smart Seth is glad, he said reluctantly. But be careful. Idiot Seth is the guy to watch out for.
We are facing a whole collection of crisis-like developments that we have to watch closely. But we also have to be careful what we point to as crisis indicators.
The way you can be careful of the catastrophe that success can bring is by paying attention to something else that comes along with success - responsibility.
Having the ability to get and gain respect through your work is great but you have to be careful not to get carried away.
Listen widely to remove your doubts and be careful when speaking about the rest and your mistakes will be few.
I think that's what you and I have in common, Donatella Versace, that careful balance. It makes me proud to be an Italian. In the end, I am proud to do what I do.
Were we more careful to obey the part of the word of wisdom that deals with the "do's" it might be easier to obey the "don'ts"
Be careful not to blame yourself if someone rejects Christ. If you do, you might be tempted to take credit when someone accepts him. — © Craig Groeschel
Be careful not to blame yourself if someone rejects Christ. If you do, you might be tempted to take credit when someone accepts him.
I would recommend the short story form, which is a lot harder to write since you have to be so careful with words, until there is plenty of time to doodle through a novel.
If you're going to be a great guide to what's great for consumers, and, indirectly, for investors, you've got to be very careful about who you contract with and what you're offering.
T20 is good entertainment. It is a game you need. People go to watch it. You have to be careful how far you let it go.
I think at times I have to be careful not to stick my foot in my mouth and not to have the pedal to the metal at all times, because that can hurt me as a quarterback.
The Republican Party needs to be very, very careful that it maintains the Golden Rule in its rhetoric regarding immigration policy.
I think I have an addiction to pretty much everything. I mean, I have to be very careful with myself as far as that goes, which is why I have a support group around me consistently.
If people realized someone would be sorting through their trash, would they be more careful in what they throw away?
There is value in education, but, as we do with anything else, we should start being careful to weigh that value with the price tag that's attached to it.
The greatest texts, I think, first dazzle, then with careful rereading, they instruct. I have learned from Virginia Woolf more than I even know how to articulate.
Be more careful of your conscience than of your estate. The latter can be bought and sold; the former never.
A bond is necessary to complete our being, only we must be careful that the bond does not become bondage.
My father has taught me all the tricks of the boys at an early age, which has made me very careful.
When I left Chicago, people said, 'Careful with that Texas heat'. I'm like, 'I'm from Puerto Rico. I know heat.
With my genetics, you have to be careful of doing too much cardio. I'm an ectomorph and you can lose a lot of size quickly if you overdo it on cardio.
Tennis has to be very careful.Not everyone is a computer, it is very good we have John McEnroe. I hope we have a couple more.
I always look at money not as a motivating factor but as an element in the composition. You can't ignore it, but you've got to be very careful that it's not motivating you.
It's not always easy to do what's not popular, but that's where you make your money. Buy stocks that look bad to less careful investors and hang on until their real value is recognized.
You must be careful how you walk and where you go, for there are those following you who will set their feet where yours are set.
And so we have to be careful with looking at additional stimulus that we don't provoke an increase in the bond rate and then offset a lot of the stimulus we've already got.
My view of foreign policy is that we need to be careful and circumspect about United States intervention in any foreign nation.
I don't regret pulling the trigger. I should have been more careful with many of the things I said afterwards. That was a big regret.
There is no movement in the golf swing so difficult that it cannot be made even more difficult by careful study and diligent practice.
As a drag performer, people have traditionally put us into the category of 'pervert' or 'deviant' or things like that. So I've always been really careful not to be vulgar or grotesque with sexuality.
I have a job that requires me to be in the public eye in the way that makes me extra careful about sharing information.
I'm very careful with money - both my parents were very sensible with it and I grew up to become an obsessive saver. — © Murray Walker
I'm very careful with money - both my parents were very sensible with it and I grew up to become an obsessive saver.
Be careful not to compromise what you want most for what you want now.
One must be careful with words. Words turn probabilities into facts and by sheer force of definition translate tendencies into habits.
Since having kids, I am more careful about saving rather than splurging. I used to spend all my money on trainers and high heels that I couldn't walk in.
Call me a midget, but just be real. I am all for correct terms, but please don't tiptoe around feelings. Don't be too careful, because that shuts you off from people.
I want to be careful to not stray too far away from what Batman is to me, but adding that element takes you in some directions that haven't been explored quite as much with the character.
There should be pluralism - the concept of many religions, many truths. But we must also be careful not to become nihilistic.
When I left Chicago, people said, 'Careful with that Texas heat'. I'm like, 'I'm from Puerto Rico. I know heat.'
Ignorance sheer ignorance. There is no confidence to equal it. It's only when you know something about a profession that you are timid or careful.
Tell no one the secret that you want to keep, although he may be worthy of confidence; for no one will be so careful of your secret as yourself.
You have to be really careful to watch out for the difference between banding together, and being grouped together by people who don't understand you. — © Jenny Slate
You have to be really careful to watch out for the difference between banding together, and being grouped together by people who don't understand you.
We should be as careful of our words as of our actions.
Accurate reading on a wide range of subjects makes the scholar; careful selection of the better makes the saint.
I'm not the kind of singer that's always super, super careful.
Don't judge other people. For example, if you want God's anointing to be on you for parenting, you need to be careful not to criticize other parents.
In general, I'm careful when I'm dealing with subjects of deep cultural importance and write with abandon when I'm dealing with issues of personal dysfunction.
I love massive books: books so big, like bricks, you could drown yourself in a pool with them if you're not careful.
We have to be careful not to let our game not be the game we know it should be.
If people want to legalize a particular relationship, we need to be careful if that kind of relationship has been disapproved for millennia.
I have always been quite careful when I have been approached to do a television project to have the option of writing the accompanying book.
I think about what I'm eating every day. I still have burgers and stuff that's not good for me sometimes, but I'm always trying to be careful. I don't just eat whatever I want.
The freer the society gets, the more dangerous the great beast becomes and the more you have to be careful to cage it somehow.
Investment by any foreign company in any element of the U.K.'s Critical National Infrastructure should receive careful scrutiny.
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