Top 1184 Carries Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Carries quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Constant repetition carries conviction.
The egg of every species of animal or plant carries a definite number of bodies called chromosomes. The sperm carries the same number. Consequently, when the sperm unites with the egg, the fertilized egg will contain the double number of chromosomes.
We get wise by asking questions, and even if these are not answered we get wise, for a well-packed question carries its answer on its back as a snail carries its shell. — © James Stephens
We get wise by asking questions, and even if these are not answered we get wise, for a well-packed question carries its answer on its back as a snail carries its shell.
I should think that many of our poets, the honest ones, will confess to having no manifesto. It is a painful confession but the art of poetry carries its own powers without having to break them down into critical listings. I do not mean that poetry should be raffish and irresponsible clown tossing off words into the void. But the very feeling of a good poem carries its own reason for being... Art is its own excuse, and it’s either Art or it’s something else. It’s either a poem or a piece of cheese.
In the psychological literature, depression is often seen as a defense against sadness. But I'll take sadness any day. There is no contest. Sadness carries identification. You know where it's been and you know where it's headed. Depression carries no papers. It enters your country unannounced and uninvited. Its origins are unknown, but its destination always dead-ends in you.
A Christian is one who points at Christ and says, 'I can't prove a thing, but there's something about his eyes and his voice. There's something about the way he carries his head, his hands, the way he carries his cross-the way he carries me.'
Fate carries its own clock.
We get wise by asking questions, and even if these are not answered, we get wise, for a well-packed question carries its answer on its back as a snail carries its shell.
The bluebird carries the sky on his back.
Age carries with it a double load of guilt.
My painting carries with it the message of pain.
He carries well, to whom it waighes not. [He carries well, to whomit weighs not.]
Nobody under 40 carries a comb. — © Joe Sestak
Nobody under 40 carries a comb.
The gospel is not weight, it is wings. It carries us.
There is nothing you can substitute for reps and carries in a game.
A poem makes clear without making simple. Poetry's language carries what lives outside language. It's as if you were given a 5-gallon bucket with 10 gallons of water in it. Mysterious thirsts are answered. That alchemical bucket carries secrets also, even the ones we keep from ourselves.
I guess, as an Emanuel, I have a voice that carries.
It is not by whining that one carries out the job of king.
Humility is not disgraceful, and carries no loss of true pride.
A woman carries her clothes. But the shoe carries the woman.
Every day carries with it a responsibility.
Love is the bee that carries the pollen from one heart to another.
Being in my rhythm, I can never tell whether I got 15 carries or 25 carries. It's never really a difference to me. I just go out and play.
Menstruation not only carries with it the connotation of a productive system that has failed to produce; it also carries the idea of production gone awry, making products of no use, not to specification, unsalable, wasted, scrap.
I don't think anybody who carries a rifle carries the future. Because I don't believe that you can really change the world by killing and shooting. You have the change it by creating and competing.
Self carries grief as a pack mule carries the side bags, being careful between the trees to leave extra room.
Good is god, but better carries it.
You've got two veins; one carries blood directly to the body, one carries blood to the heart. That tumor was growing and was pressing on that vein. That vein was getting skinnier and skinnier.
I'm not really worried about how many carries I get or anything, I just want to make sure we win the game. So if I need 50 carries to win the game, I'm going to get it.
Free speech carries with it some freedom to listen.
The Lord God carries us throughout our lives just as a father carries his child. The Lord carried me, and He still is. He made you. He knows what you're good at. He knows what you can do and what you can become. Trust Him. Love Him. He'll always love you back.
Coal is a portable climate. It carries the heat of the tropics to Labrador and the polar circle; and it is the means of transporting itself whithersoever it is wanted. Watt and Stephenson whispered in the ear of mankind their secret, that a half-ounce of coal will draw two tons a mile, and coal carries coal, by rail and by boat, to make Canada as warm as Calcutta, and with its comfort brings its industrial power.
Excess always carries it's own retributions.
If they need me to have 25 carries and eight catches a game, whatever they need me to do, I'm ready to go. Or if they need me to have eight carries and six catches but play the whole game and pass protect and help shifts on the D-ends, I'm ready to go.
No one enjoys feeling weak, whether it is emotionally, spiritually or physically. There is something within the human spirit that wants to resist the thought of weakness. Many times this is nothing more than our human pride at work. Just as weakness carries a great potential for strength, pride carries an equally great potential for defeat.
Writing in certain environments carries with it an occupational risk.
I'm not a person who carries my emotions on my sleeve.
Sin carries in it its own misery. — © John Piper
Sin carries in it its own misery.
Words and feathers the wind carries away.
You are a citizen, and citizenship carries responsibilities.
A trophy carries dust. Memories last forever.
The body is simply the suitcase that carries us around.
Longing, felt fully, carries us to belonging.
And yet one carries the sins of his forebears as one carries their features in his face. One bears their blood, and their honor or their blight.
Whatever comes from the brain carries the hue of the place it came from, and whatever comes from the heart carries the heat and color of its birthplace.
Anything to help the team win, I'm willing to do. Whether its 32 carries or 10 carries, I'm willing to do it.
Whether we are aware of it or not, every act of trust carries with it a shiver of fear. A favorable situation can become dangerous. Deep down we know that life is insecure and precarious. However, if we do trust, the shiver carries with it a philosophical optimism: Life, with all its traps and horrors, is good The bet is implicit in trust itself. If we could be sure of everyone and everything, trust would have no value - like money, if it were suddenly limitless, or sunshine, if there were always fine weather, or life, if we were to live forever
Excess always carries its own retribution. — © Ouida
Excess always carries its own retribution.
The betrayal of trust carries a heavy taboo.
Jesus Christ carries on intercession for us in heaven; the Holy Ghost carries on intercession in us on earth; and we the saints have to carry on intercession for all men.
My life carries its own meaning in itself.
What kind of archaeologist carries a weapon?
Truth carries with it confrontation.
If a man carries his horse out of a slave State into a free one, be does not lose his property interest in him; but if he carries his slave into a free State, the law makes him free.
Every job carries occupational hazards.
If it's five carries, if it's 10 carries, whatever it is, I'm willing to give it my best effort - 100 percent.
Seven out of 10 black faces you see on television are athletes. The black athlete carries the image of the black community. He carries the cross, in a way, until blacks make inroads in other dimensions.
Every intelligence operation carries risks.
Do I think I can take 20 carries now? Well, I think finally last week and this is week was probably the first time I could probably say, yeah, I could take 20 carries and go do some damage.
She carries chaos like an overcoat.
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