Top 1200 Cat Love Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Cat Love quotes.
Last updated on October 21, 2024.
As God is my witness, the more I deal with women, the more I like my cat.
If you think cat food is for cats, how come it doesn't come in mouse flavor?
It's the bedsit culture: people get a cat, and then, in a few months, when they move on or go travelling, they just throw the animal out. It's so discouraging. — © Celia Hammond
It's the bedsit culture: people get a cat, and then, in a few months, when they move on or go travelling, they just throw the animal out. It's so discouraging.
If I show you pictures of my grandmother, what you see is these eyes - cat eyes - and high cheekbones.
I wouldn't be a great candidate for dramatic fighting TV; I'm not a cat-fighting kinda person.
The cat is such a perfect symbol of beauty and superiority that it seems scarcely possible for any true aesthete and civilised cynic to do other than worship it.
It was so cold today that I saw a dog chasing a cat, and the dog was walking.
A cat, after being scolded, goes about its business. A dog slinks off into a corner and pretends to be doing a serious self-reappraisal.
You may not, cannot, appropriate beauty. It is the wealth of the eye, and a cat may gaze upon a king.
The banker rubs his nose, thinking of his cat stalking something on the lawn.
I have four dogs, four horses, a cat, and a bunch of wild frogs.
You cannot share your life with a dog, as I had done in Bournemouth, or a cat, and not know perfectly well that animals have personalities and minds and feelings.
It always gives me a shiver when I see a cat seeing what I can't see. — © Eleanor Farjeon
It always gives me a shiver when I see a cat seeing what I can't see.
A cat is witty, he has nerve, he knows how to do precisely the right thing at the right moment.
You can't just run out and start the car until some cat invents a car.
When you love a woman don't be bothered about what others have said about love, because that is going to be an interference. You love a woman, the love is there, forget all that you have learned about love. Forget all Kinseys, forget all Masters and Johnsons, forget all Freuds and Jungs. Please don't become a language professor. Just love the woman and let love be there, and let love lead you and guide you into its innermost secrets, into its mysteries. Then you will be able to know what love is.
A dog doesn't want very much and is happy with that. A cat doesn't know what he wants and wants more of it.
I'm fascinated by Greta Garbo. My cat's named Greta, and I have a framed photograph of her from 1949.
Love is the will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth... Love is as love does. Love is an act of will -- namely, both an intention and an action. Will also implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to love.
Cats of great personality are always found in association with sensitive, cat-conscious people; it is a two-way process of immense mutual benefit.
The cat would eate fish, and would not wet her feete.
I thought if I could create a convincing cat I could say and do anything I wanted on the human condition.
Exactly how intricate a sport is jogging? You were two years old. You ran after the cat. You pretty much had it mastered
The cat is such a perfect symbol of beauty and superiority that is seems scarcely possible for any true aesthete and civilized cynic to do other than to worship it.
All day long the door of the sub-conscious remains just ajar; we slip through to the other side, and return again, as easily and secretly as a cat.
I’m in, Cat. I’d never leave you. Especially when you’ve got death breathing down your neck.” “Very funny,” I retorted, since Bones was inches from my throat
Cat, you ruined mom's dress!" "Honey, it was ruined when she bought it.
Mysterious as it may be, there is something wonderful at the heart of our existence, and it is about nothing other than love; love for God, love for one another, love for creation, love for life itself.
From his soft fur, golden and brown, Goes out so sweet a scent, one night I might have been embalmed in it By giving him one little pet. He is my household's guardian soul; He judges, he presides, inspires All matters in his royal realm; Might he be fairy? or a god? When my eyes, to this cat I love Drawn as by a magnet's force, Turn tamely back upon that appeal, And when I look within myself, I notice with astonishment The fire of his opal eyes, Clear beacons glowing, living jewels, Taking my measure, steadily.
I love what the Valley does. I love company building. I love startups. I love technology companies. I love new technology. I love this process of invention. Being able to participate in that as a founder and a product creator, or as an investor or a board member, I just find that hugely satisfying.
Ted Cruz is the Schroedinger's cat of politicians. He is both eligible and not eligible to be president.
That cat will write her autograph all over your leg if you let her.
Some cats are blind and stone deafdeaf some. But ain't no cat wuz ever dumb.
Choupette literally has the finest tuna, the finest of everything a cat could ever have.
Chris Brown is brilliant. That cat is crazy brilliant, and I wish him the best.
Learning to see love and to express that love is the purpose of living this life. What's real has love at its heart; the universe is constructed from love, and that love is very much tied to our power of attention and imagination.
I have four dogs, four horses, a cat, and a bunch of wild frogs
I've met many irresponsible people in my life but never an irresponsible cat. — © Rita Mae Brown
I've met many irresponsible people in my life but never an irresponsible cat.
Look here: "Mo' money, mo' problems," my ass. You's a naive cat if you still believe that.
I have a dog as well, and I'm not a vegan or anything. But I needlepoint and I have a cat, so it's not boding well.
Love is ease, love is comfort, love is support and respect. Love is not punishing or controlling. Love lets you grow and breathe. Love's passion is only good passion -- swirling-leaves-on-a-fall-day passion, a-sky-full-of-magnificent-stars passion -- not angst and anxiety. Love is not hurt and harm. Love is never unsafe. Love is sleeping like puzzle pieces. It's your own garden you protect; it's a field of wildflowers you move about in both freely and together.
I knew the name; I knew who Leatherface was. But I hadn't seen any of the films, mostly because I'm a scaredy-cat.
To love is not a passive thing. To love is active voice. When I love I do something, I function, I give. I do not love in order that I may be loved back again, but for the creative joy of loving. And every time I do so love I am freed, at least a little, by the outgoing of love, from enslavement to that most intolerable of master, myself.
When I joined the family business, our clients were mostly on the marketing side, from Morris the Nine Lives Cat to KFC's Colonel Sanders.
I own some bugs encased in lucite or something. I also have a big cat's eye - a fake one - made for a taxidermist. I really like animals.
I would say the best toy for any cat is always some sort of dangling item on a string or fishing-rod-type structure.
The cat would eat fish but would not get her feet wet.
In the beginning, God created man, but seeing him so feeble, He gave him the cat. — © Warren Eckstein
In the beginning, God created man, but seeing him so feeble, He gave him the cat.
The Cat was a creature of absolute convictions, and his faith in his deductions never varied.
A cat's got her own opinion of human beings. She don't say much, but you can tell enough to make you anxious not to hear the whole of it.
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but her's curiosity could have massacred a pride of lions.
If you gave wings to a cat, it would not condescend to be a bird. It would be an angel.
I enjoy spending my spare time with my wife, our cat, and our bird.
If you are worthy of its affection, a cat will be your friend but never your slave.
Religion is like a blind man looking in a black room for a black cat that isn't there, and finding it.
A computer and a cat are somewhat alike - they both purr, and like to be stroked, and spend a lot of the day motionless. They also have secrets they don't necessarily share.
When I'm away from a red carpet, I'm a big introvert, I'm very quiet, and I like to sit in silence at home with my cat, Nino, who is my whole world, or most of it.
If you hold a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way.
Clark Gregg is so cool. He's a pretty cool cat. People are drawn to him.
I had the X rating on my films. Now they do as much on The Simpsons as I got an X rating for Fritz the Cat.
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