Top 484 Catastrophe Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Catastrophe quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Catastrophe is numerical. Loss is singular, one beloved at a time.
They [Democrats] are the troubadours and the crooners of catastrophe.
Feeling good about government is like looking on the bright side of any catastrophe. When you quit looking on the bright side, the catastrophe is still there. — © P. J. O'Rourke
Feeling good about government is like looking on the bright side of any catastrophe. When you quit looking on the bright side, the catastrophe is still there.
No connection between Iraq and the 9/11 catastrophe.
I'll tickle his catastrophe.
The notion that one will not survive a particular catastrophe is, in general terms, a comfort since it is equivalent to abolishing the catastrophe.
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience.
Know the difference between a catastrophe and an inconvenience. - To realize that it's just an inconvenience, that it is not a catastrophe, but just an unpleasantness, is part of coming into your own, part of waking up.
What is the alternative to peace? A catastrophe for both peoples [Palestine and Israel].
The automobile is the greatest catastrophe in the entire history of City architecture.
The universe remains dark. We are animals struck by catastrophe.
The catastrophe of the tragic hero thus becomes the catastrophe of the fifth-century man; all his furious energy and intellectual daring drive him on to this terrible discovery of his fundamental ignorance - he is not the measure of all things but the thing measured and found wanting.
I think that Windows 8 is kind of a catastrophe for everybody in the PC space. — © Gabe Newell
I think that Windows 8 is kind of a catastrophe for everybody in the PC space.
We are in a race between cooperation and catastrophe, and the threat is outrunning our response.
Life delivered me a catastrophe, but I found a richness of soul.
I'm planning a catastrophe.
It's not natural for people in the opposition to leave. It's always a personal catastrophe.
George Bush is a catastrophe for the world. And a dream for Bin Laden.
I'm fascinated with old stories that you can read in newspapers that seem like catastrophe movies.
As modern physics started with the Newtonian revolution, so modern philosophy starts with what one might call the Cartesian Catastrophe. The catastrophe consisted in the splitting up of the world into the realms of matter and mind, and the identification of 'mind' with conscious thinking. The result of this identification was the shallow rationalism of l' esprit Cartesien, and an impoverishment of psychology which it took three centuries to remedy even in part.
History is a race between education and catastrophe.
One may as well be optimistic. The road to catastrophe will be rougher if it's paved with dread.
In front of the photograph of my mother as a child, I tell myself: she is going to die: I shudder, like winnicott's psychotic patient, over a catastrophe which has already occurred. Whether or not the subject is already dead, every photograph is this catastrophe.
A hundred times have I thought New York is a catastrophe and 50 times: It is a beautiful catastrophe.
Then I had lunch with my cousin who works for WaterAid and she said yes, it's a catastrophe. And another catastrophe is that every day 1,400 children die from poisoned water, so now I'm an ambassador for WaterAid.
The concept of progress must be grounded in the idea of catastrophe. That things are 'status quo' is the catastrophe
Sometimes a catastrophe is simply a course correction.
Not merely hope, but any burdensome yearning: ambition, hatred, love (especially love) - how rarely do our emotions meet the object they seem to deserve? How hopelessly we signal; how dark the sky; how big the waves. We are all lost at see, washed between hope and despair, hailing something that may never come to rescue us. Catastrophe has become art; but this is no reducing process. It is freeing, enlarging, explaining. Catastrophe has become art: that is, after all, what it is for.
Dynamic ecstasy is absolute romanticism , absolute heroism . And here I return to my point. From my point of view, after the catastrophe which we feel and think is universal, a catastrophe resulting from an excess of useless dynamism of useless progress, of useless realism, of useless technology, after this an unattainable democracy is to be reached through the conception and realization of a new romanticism.
Our Strategic Petroleum Reserve is there for a natural disaster or some other catastrophe.
Catastrophe and creation are twins.
Floating high on the waters of catastrophe
Great success is built on failure, frustration, even catastrophe.
The environmental crisis is a signal of this approaching catastrophe.
A director without a vision is a catastrophe.
Anything in history or nature that can be described as changing steadily can be seen as heading toward catastrophe.
We would not have this catastrophe of Obamacare if it were not for Jon Tester.
History is a constant race between invention and catastrophe. — © Frank Herbert
History is a constant race between invention and catastrophe.
Saw Washington Monument. Phallic. Appalling. A national catastrophe.
I think religion has caused so much catastrophe in the world.
Better to be caught in sudden, complete catastrophe than to be gnawed by the cancer of imagination.
Most of us would rather risk catastrophe than read the directions.
Prophesying catastrophe is incredibly banal. The more original move is to assume that it has already happened.
Perhaps catastrophe is the natural human environment, and even though we spend a good deal of energy trying to get away from it, we are programmed for survival amid catastrophe.
I like to be in New York. Le Corbusier described it in the 1930s as a 'wonderful catastrophe.' It is still a wonderful catastrophe, but inspiring.
Nobody's interests are served by what's happening in Syria today. It's a catastrophe. It's the worst human catastrophe since World War II. And, as I said just now, it represents a failure of the entire international community to come to grips with solving it.
Being broke is not a disgrace, it is only a catastrophe.
History: the category of human phenomena which tends to catastrophe. — © Jules Romains
History: the category of human phenomena which tends to catastrophe.
Wild globalization has benefited some, but it's been a catastrophe for most.
Humanity is sitting on a time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet's climate system into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced - a catastrophe of our own making.
One man's death: that is a catastrophe. A hundred thousand dead: that is a statistic
The demise of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.
Know the difference between a catastrophe and an inconvenience.
Continued inflation inevitably leads to catastrophe.
We see an extensive program of dismantling state institutions... These are ingredients for catastrophe.
Catastrophe Theory is-quite likely-the first coherent attempt (since Aristotelian logic) to give a theory on analogy. When narrow-minded scientists object to Catastrophe Theory that it gives no more than analogies, or metaphors, they do not realise that they are stating the proper aim of Catastrophe Theory, which is to classify all possible types of analogous situations.
Oh, what a catastrophe for man when he cut himself off from the rhythm of the year, from his unison with the sun and the earth. Oh, what a catastrophe, what a maiming of love when it was a personal, merely personal feeling, taken away from the rising and the setting of the sun, and cut off from the magic connection of the solstice and the equinox!
You, Ms. Lane, are a menace to others! A walking, talking catastrophe in pink!
It's like we're a catastrophe waiting to happen.
Wild globalisation has benefited some, but it's been a catastrophe for most.
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