Top 1200 Catch Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Catch quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I'm just trying to affect the game in some way whenever I get an opportunity. If that's stealing a base, making a catch, beating out a double play, whatever it may be.
We had been getting some bad results, now it is up to us to make up the ground and catch Manchester United.
We read each other through our eyes, and anatomically they are an extension of our brains. When we catch someone's eye, we look into a mind. — © Siri Hustvedt
We read each other through our eyes, and anatomically they are an extension of our brains. When we catch someone's eye, we look into a mind.
There's people who actually have a whole science devoted to what makes a sticky meme and that idea of that question of why some ideas about how civilizations work catch on and others don't.
I've never been a manipulator, even in my bachelor days. I never wanted to do things to people that could catch up with me later on.
With anything new, if it's weird or cool, it will catch people's attention. But slowly, that new thing, if it catches on, it becomes a trend itself.
Oh, if I had been loved at the age of seventeen, what an idiot I would be today. Happiness is like smallpox: if you catch it too soon, it can completely ruin your constitution.
I never watch MTV. I don't have time to watch TV. And when I do, I'm watching the Discovery Channel. 'Deadliest Catch: Crab Fishing in Alaska,' that's my show.
I'm exactly where I want to be - we live out here on the James River outside Richmond. I have three ponds, and we catch the biggest, most beautiful bass you've ever looked at in your life.
If you are a programmer working in 2006 and you don’t know the basics of characters, character sets, encodings, and Unicode, and I catch you, I’m going to punish you by making you peel onions for six months in a submarine.
In boxing, some fighters have good chins. You just have to be persistent and continue following the plan and trying to catch them nicely and, obviously, hope to be knocking him out.
If you're unable to catch it in time, the cancer can spread to the lymph nodes and at that point, the cancer is essentially incurable, but that doesn't mean your condition can't be improved.
If I hear that Quito, Ecuador, is doing something to have a whole area of town that's zero emissions, and we're thinking about that in Los Angeles' downtown, I'm like, 'I better catch up.'
Picture it in your mind's nostril: you get in a cab in time to catch twin thugs named Vomit and Cologne assaulting a defenseless pine-tree air freshener.
For me, there's a subtlety in focusing on the right shape of T-shirt and pant. I recognise that it's boring, but the idea is to catch people off-guard and reward them in some valuable way.
I'll tell you this: You have to remember to chase and catch your dreams, because if you don't, your imagination will live in empty spaces, and that's nowhere land.
There is hardly a more heart-thrilling pleasure enjoyed by mortals, than that which parents feel when seeing their child first being able to 'catch knowledge of objects.
It makes perfect economic sense to integrate women in the economy in the developing world in order to catch up with advanced countries, thereby minimising socioeconomic costs as well.
I wanted the moments of my life to follow and order themselves like those of a life remembered. You might as well try and catch time by the tail. — © Jean-Paul Sartre
I wanted the moments of my life to follow and order themselves like those of a life remembered. You might as well try and catch time by the tail.
We provide a breadth of live and catch-up content - what we define as this season's content, none of which is available in the Netflix rerun world.
People who live together naturally catch the looks and air of one another and without having one feature alike, they contract a something in the whole countenance which strikes one as a resemblance
It's hard to read good fiction when I am writing, because if it is really good I catch myself sort of inadvertently imitating a great writer.
Life took over 4 billion years to evolve into you, and you've about 70 more years to enjoy it. Don't just pursue happiness, catch it.
He who interrupts the course of his spiritual exercises and prayer is like a man who allows a bird to escape from his hand; he can hardly catch it again.
One move nobody knows about, when I catch the ball on the wing and I'm driving, I'm looking at the defender's legs, and I'm yanking their legs back as I run by.
When people say 'love to hate', they actually mean 'love to be appalled by' - if they truly hated them, they'd never repeat a catch phrase.
Every time you sort of let go of the bar, you knew someone was there to catch you, and vice versa. And, I mean, come on. It's Method Man. It's been a dream to meet him forever.
Time is a monster that cannot be reasoned with. It responds like a snail to our impatience, then it races like a gazelle when you can't catch a breath.
I'm an owl; I'm up. I probably go to sleep during the time when most people wake up. The first half of the day, you might not catch me.
I watch a movie or a T.V. show or whatever; if it's good, I like to watch it more than once, and it's always fun to catch something you didn't see initially.
For a comedian to kind of catch onto something right as something's catching on in our culture, a lot of it is luck, and you hope the joke is funny.
Shooting stars are not stars at all. They re just rocks that enter the atmosphere and catch fire under friction. What we wish on when we see one is only a trail of debris.
I was an only child of a father who loved me deeply, but we didn't play catch, even though I was an athlete. We didn't go fishing or hunting or any of the things I wanted to do. Why not? He just didn't do that.
People who live together naturally catch the looks and air of one another and without having one feature alike, they contract a something in the whole countenance which strikes one as a resemblance.
There is a design behind the world that we are living in, which is veiled to most of us most of the time, but every once in a while, you catch a glimpse of it.
My mother always told me not to handle a buffalo by its tail, but always catch it by its horns. And I have used that lesson in everything in my life, including the Railways.
Play a little light catch and only some short sprints for me. Then on the day-of, it's just getting loosened up and ready to go out there and pitch.
Sponsorships and marketing are oftentimes pretty short-lived. From a company's standpoint, they're often not looking to do tremendously long contracts. They're always trying to catch the next big thing.
When a coach tells you to shoot the ball, it's like a green light for you. You can't want that more than anything. But the catch is you got to be good enough to know that when you're not open, you gotta pass.
But the summits of poetry are mysteries; they are shiftingly veiled, and those who catch the glimpses see different aspects of the transcendental; but they have seen something, and they come down with the glory lingering on them.
Staying in the present is the key to any golfer's game: once you start thinking about a shot you just messed up or what you have to do on the next nine to catch somebody, you're lost.
As a child, I used to spend nearly all my summer holidays with my aunt in Wales, and we used to catch mackerel in a boat and then cook them on board. — © Mary Quant
As a child, I used to spend nearly all my summer holidays with my aunt in Wales, and we used to catch mackerel in a boat and then cook them on board.
I avoid the young adult section altogether if possible, although it's sometimes fun to catch a girl lying on the floor, reading "Gossip Girl."
Better to see widely than to see too closely and allow some feature of place or situation to catch you unawares. Do you understand?
I would like to go fishing and catch a fish stick. That would be convenient. I could easily get a job at Mrs. Paul's.
I watch Letterman. Once in a while, on the odd night, I'll catch the Food Network and watch 'Ace of Cakes,' which I'm kind of obsessed with.
I love to fish. You can go hours without anything happening, and all of a sudden a big blue marlin comes into the spread and it's cockpit chaos. My dream is to catch a grander, a 1,000 pounder.
I simply want to take a break and catch my breath. But I also think that, sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is to deliberately keep some time free and see what the world throws at you.
To catch a wave, to stand up - it was just life-changing. There was nothing that even came close. I quit playing all other sports - by the time I was eleven, they were toast.
Look at Matsumoto. You need at least 10 years of sleep to catch up with her." "Shut up! Rangiku's a freak of nature!
We try to spread the word about the charity by doing fun little stunts to catch people's attention. Like when Hank Green did a music video for us.
I try to catch flies in cups and put them outside. After I wrote 'The Underland Chronicles'... well, once you start naming cockroaches, you lose your edge.
I'm no reformer; for I see more lightThan darkness in the world; mine eyes are quickTo catch the first dim radiance of the dawn,And slow to note the cloud that threatens storm.
Rahul is my greatest critic; I look up to him. At 40, I'm fit, and that's because of Rahul. If I'm neglecting my health, he's the one to catch hold of me. — © Mukul Dev
Rahul is my greatest critic; I look up to him. At 40, I'm fit, and that's because of Rahul. If I'm neglecting my health, he's the one to catch hold of me.
The only way to beat my crazy was by doing something even crazier. Thank you. I love you. I knew it from the moment I saw you. I'm sorry it took me so long to catch up.
Many writers are neither spirit nor wine, but rather spirits- of-wine: they can catch fire, and then they give off heat.
I'm always picturing her, whenever I make a catch, her reaction. And sometimes, when I drop a ball, I'm like, 'Darn it. I let my mama down.'
In a typical mental health catch-22, the alienating nature of depression tends to keep its sufferers from finding their way to the very support groups that might help them.
My desire as a storyteller is to always catch the readers off guard; to give them something they aren't expecting, and take them in a direction that is satisfying in the here and non.
We've got our football where no one wears anything and the guys are in little shorts and they beat the crap out of each other, and they can catch it and they can kick it, and it's the only place it's played in the world.
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