Top 1200 Change Management Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Change Management quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
The true foundation of republican government is the equal right of every citizen in his person and property and in their management.
Changing quadrants is often a change at the core of who you are, how you think, and how you look at the world. The change is easier for some people than for others simply because some people welcome change and others fight it.
I don't think comedy really does change people's minds; I think you can only get someone who is almost ready to change their mind. You can't change someone from one direction straight into the other, but if you get someone who is considering your view, and you make a good point, there's power in that.
Shareholders have the right and obligation to set the parameters of corporate behavior within which management pursues profit. — © Eliot Spitzer
Shareholders have the right and obligation to set the parameters of corporate behavior within which management pursues profit.
We women, we're always being invited to change our hairstyle, change our clothes, change our wardrobes. It's also important for us to remember as we age to keep changing the way we think of the world. I'm not saying to be flaky at all; but rather than being rigid about something, stay open and available.
Most of the upper management of I.S. were undead. I always thought it was because the job was easier if you didn't have a soul.
You need the management personnel who can help you out with various things. The captain can't be asked to get into every decision.
It is a great thing to be at your age... You are at a very specific time of age ... an age where you can follow all your dreams. But also at an age when you can change-you can change your dreams, you can change paths. When you start something when you're young, you should not decide 'this is it, this is my way and I will go all the way.' You have the age where you can change. You get experience, and maybe dislike it and go another way. Your age is still an age of exploration.
Shortly after that, we got management problems over in England, and Judas Priest asked me to join.
You can't be a practicing attorney without being very disciplined and detail-oriented and having good time management.
Corporate culture matters. How management chooses to treat its people impacts everything - for better or for worse.
I change my socks often, because I had bad bouts of athlete's foot fungus infections as a kid. I may be able to change socks less frequently and not get the fungus. But, I'd rather not run the test to determine just how infrequently I could change socks. I don't feel superstitious about it.
Management, whether you're managing in the lower division or you're right at the top, is about getting the best out of what you've got.
I started backstage, making the tea, looking after the actors, doing stage management for two years. — © Rita Tushingham
I started backstage, making the tea, looking after the actors, doing stage management for two years.
Efficient management without effective leadership is, as one individual phrased, it, "like straightening deck chairs on the Titanic".
The time which passes over our heads so imperceptibly makes the same gradual change in habits, manners and character, as in personal appearance. At the revolution of every five years we find ourselves another and yet the same;--there is a change of views, and no less of the light in which we regard them; a change of motives as well as of action.
Occasionally, the book tells stories that would likely grate on senior management – but that is what free speech is all about.
One of the duties of old-age, is the management of time. The less that remains to us, the more valuable we ought to consider it.
The days of CEOs getting rich while shareholders lose has got to end. Management must be accountable.
I don't think people are like, "I'm going to save the planet by planting my own herbs." But on environmental issues like climate change, there's a sense of hopelessness and despair. Maybe it's really a small gesture but if you can have a garden it may make you feel like you're helping in some way, or that you're making a connection. You can't change the world but you can change your backyard.
I'd like to thank the management at Force India for giving me the chance to return to Formula One as a team driver.
The key to risk management is never putting yourself in a position where you cannot live to fight another day.
Over the last eight years, the Obama-Clinton administration has undermined our space program tremendously. That will change. So many good things come out of it, including great jobs. And it will change very quickly under a Trump administration and it will change before it is too late.
I think you can improve on that natural ability with training and exposure to great leaders of the past and to management theories.
Despite the international scientific community's consensus on climate change, a small number of critics continue to deny that climate change exists or that humans are causing it. Widely known as climate change "skeptics" or "deniers," these individuals are generally not climate scientists and do not debate the science with the climate scientists.
One of the nastier trends in library management in recent years is the notion that libraries should be 'responsive to their patrons'.
A good idea is like a lighted match, easily blown out by the cold winds of rigid management.
No matter how you measure it, women and girls bear the brunt of poverty. But it's also clear that women are also our greatest hope for ending it. We at CARE have long believed that if you change the life of a girl or woman, you don't just change that individual, you change her family and then her community.
I wish i could change my mind as easily as I change socks But then I don't change socks so easily
Increased public ownership of the economy should be structured to create more worker self-management and control.
You're living at a time of extremism, a time of revolution A time where there's got to be a change. People in power have misused it And now there has to be a change and a better world has to be built And the only way is going to be built is with extreme methods And I for one will join with anyone, don't care what color you are As long as you want change this miserable condition that exists on this earth
Decide, before you start, that you're going to change three things about what you do all day at work. Then, as you're reading, find the three things and do it. The goal of the reading, then, isn't to persuade you to change, it's to help you choose what to change.
The Kentucky Fried Chicken corporation made a bobble head of me and sent it to my management. No card, nothing.
We're trying to democratise financial services, to ensure that management and movement of money is a right for all citizens, not the privilege of the affluent.
Sometime during the mid-50s I said, 'I am an artist.' Before that, for many years, I had said, 'I'm going to be an artist.' Then I went through a change of mind and a change of heart. What made 'going to be an artist' into 'being an artist', was, in part, a spiritual change.
No one is more keen than me to see the Hunting Act repealed, because I believe in the management of wildlife.
Most management systems have to do with establishing trust and getting people to cooperate. They're not really about expertise or science.
Time management is surely the most critical aspect of acing multiple arenas: home, work, and family.
McAfee's No. 1 strength is that they have a fantastic R&D team, engineering, as well as research at the core of security: database threat management. — © Renee James
McAfee's No. 1 strength is that they have a fantastic R&D team, engineering, as well as research at the core of security: database threat management.
I think as a manager you want to manage at the highest level possible and international management is one of those higher levels.
Money management has been a profession involving a lot of fakery - people saying they can beat the market, and they really can't.
Many traders ride an emotional roller coaster and miss the essential element of winning: the management of their emotions.
Mutual fund managers want your money in their funds. They get paid based on assets under management.
Experience shows that when political governance and economic management diverge, overall development becomes unsustainable.
If Sun were to hand the management of Java over to a committee of monkeys, would it be more successful?
Every change in conditions will make necessary some change in the use of resources, in the direction and kind of human activities, in habits and practices. And each change in the actions of those affected in the first instance will require further adjustments that will gradually extend through the whole of society. Every change thus in a sense creates a "problemfor society, even though no single individual perceives it as such; it is gradually "solvedby the establishment of a new overall adjustment.
Management is like making love. There's heat from both sides. You have an instinct to get there. You have no idea what you're really in for, but you do it anyway.
I feel like everything comes into your life for a reason. With 'Awake,' I got to do a drama, and with 'Anger Management,' that's my comedy.
I recognized that teaching and research institutions vitally depend on the involvement of active scientists also in management functions. — © Richard Ernst
I recognized that teaching and research institutions vitally depend on the involvement of active scientists also in management functions.
I'm fighting for real change, not just partisan change where everybody else gets rich but you. I'm fighting all of us across the country are fighting for peaceful regime change in our own country. The media donor political complex that's bled this country dry has to be replaced with a new government of, by, and for the people.
The key to long-term survival and prosperity has a lot to do with the money management techniques incorporated into the technical system.
Divide and Conquer. As long as some people have commanded the work of others, this has been management's basic principle.
Management's job is to convey leadership's message in a compelling and inspiring way. Not just in meetings, but also by example.
If a sufficient number of management layers are superimposed on top of each other, it can be assured that disaster is not left to chance.
Failing to differentiate among employees — and holding on to bottom-tier performers — is actually the cruelest form of management there is.
Most business schools are geared toward churning out investment bankers and management consultants.
Change is always subjective. All through evolution you find that the conquest of nature comes by change in the subject. Apply this to religion and morality, and you will find that the conquest of evil comes by the change in the subjective alone. That is how the Advaitic system gets its whole force, on the subjective side of man.
When it comes to housework the one thing no book of household management can ever tell you is how to begin. Or maybe I mean why.
We no longer even understand the question whether change is by itself good or bad, ...We start out with the axiom that it is the norm. We do not see change as altering the order... We see change as being order itself - indeed the only order we can comprehend today is a dynamic, a moving, a changing one.
Training the eye is the most important way to gain an appreciation and understanding of good design in busienss management.
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