Top 1200 Changed Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Changed quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I think Kennedy being assassinated changed the world. That shot changed everything about America, and made us cynical, made people discontent and angry.
I'm not sure running the press has changed how I write (though perhaps it has in ways I can't see), but it has certainly changed my relationship to how books get made.
I haven't changed, but people's perception changed. — © Hima Das
I haven't changed, but people's perception changed.
Wenger is a legend for Arsenal. He changed the game in England and he changed how Arsenal look.
I grew up in the 1970s, but I don't think a whole lot had changed from the '60s. Oh, it had changed in the law books - but not in the kitchens of white homes.
The three-point line changed everything and the players' ability to be able to make three-pointers changed how you attacked the basket.
I do not believe in mixing of the races. You can quote me. I don't believe in it, and I never have. I've never changed. I've never changed my hair. I've never changed my color, I have always been proud of myself, and my fans are proud of me for remaining the way I've always been. I married a white man one time, but he was a creep
Everything has changed and nothing has changed.
Every one is made of matter, and matter is continually going through a chemical change. This change is life, not wisdom, but life, like vegetable or mineral life. Every idea is matter, so of course it contains life in the name of something that can be changed. Motion, or change, is life. Ideas have life. A belief has life, or matter; for it can be changed. Now, all the aforesaid make up man; and all this can be changed.
Human wisdom remains always one and the same although applied to the most diverse objects and it is no more changed by their diversity than the sunshine is changed by the variety of objects which it illuminates.
I'm not saying to you that every element of segregation and discrimination and second-class citizenship has changed. But in the political sense, the world has changed. People now who want to vote can vote.
Everything has changed and nothing is changed.
Steve Jobs changed my life. He also changed the life of every designer.
Your television has changed, your phone has changed. Why don't these other things you need, that the government tells you you must have in your home, change?
I nearly died three times in 2008, and when you go through those experiences, you realize that you're blessed every day that you wake up. My world changed, my life changed, and with the help of my wife Jane, I was able to survive.
My life has been extreme. Most people will not have the experience I've had. But the things that changed me, really changed me, they happen to everyone.
I think when I became a grandmother my life changed a lot, and I think I changed personally. — © Carine Roitfeld
I think when I became a grandmother my life changed a lot, and I think I changed personally.
Let me be clear about something: I've never changed my attitude towards playing for England. I've always wanted to play all three formats. That hasn't changed, and never will as far as I'm concerned.
Well, the league is changing every year. It changed when I came. It changed before me. First of all, we have to be thankful for all those guys in the '60s and '70s. They made this league one of the best sports leagues in the world.
Times have changed. Football has changed.
God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
I changed jobs like I changed shirts. It was something I just like to do - I like trying my hand at everything.
Times have changed. The athletes have changed.
I changed the world; the world changed me. Everything you do comes back to you. When you affect a situation, you are also affected.
They've changed the salesman but they haven't changed the product.
It's not like my body has changed since I've played in high school, beyond being more mature. It's not like my power has changed, either.
I haven't had the time to do a lot of writing. But nothing's really changed about me. It's just my day-to-day activities have changed, and as a person, I have to adapt to those changes.
I've got a split decision loss to Dominick Cruz and that changed everything, a fight that I thought I won. That changed everything, but I am the best bantamweight in the world.
So many people say that obviously my game has changed since I arrived here and I say that it's good that it changed, otherwise it would show a lack of intelligence.
Oh, 'The Thing' is one of my favorite movies of all time. That changed my life because I was like, 'I've got to do this.' Something that scared me that much? It was the first R-rated movie I ever saw, and I was like, 'Dude, I'm changed.'
I live in the same house as I did when I started acting. My life hasn't changed. Only people around me have changed with how they look at me.
Maturity is the art of living in peace with that which cannot be changed, the courage to change that which should be changed, no matter what it takes, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Shooting movies has changed, and me too - I have changed. And then, every film I do, something in my mind, my soul, changes. My natural change, I change at the same time as the films, I think.
I do feel really determined, and that I have to pull myself together, but I don't really think like, my market has changed and my company has changed, and I'm going to make it BIG in America!
Children haven't changed - the world around them has. Their basic natures haven't changed. They like ice creams. They like to have fun, play games if they get space.
There are those who thought that on The Big Day, December 21, 2012, the world would end. It did not. Indeed, little has changed, and that is the greatest sadness. After all the hype and all the hope, little seems to have changed.
In 50 years, the world has changed, especially for kids, but kids' needs haven't changed. They still need to feel safe, be close to their families, like their teachers, and have friends to play with.
I've often said that the only thing I can change with magick is my­self. I believe that. Whatever changes I wish to effect with magick, the first and only thing that will be directly changed by my magical operation will be me. Once I am changed, then the new changed me will then somehow affect or attract the desired object of my opera­tion.
I plead guilty to that when I was young pastor. In one of my churches I changed so much, one old wag said I'd changed everything in the church except the signs on the bathroom doors! I could have used a little more wisdom. And common sense.
I think probably winning these things [an Oscar] can be a bit of a curse depending on who you are and how you think. But I haven't been on a journey to get anywhere in particular, so that hasn't changed. And my criteria for choosing projects hasn't changed.
But just as elevators have changed the shape of buildings and cars have changed the shape of cities, bits will change the shape of organizations, be they companies, nations, or social structures.
Moral standards cannot be changed by battle and cannot be changed by ballot. — © Boyd K. Packer
Moral standards cannot be changed by battle and cannot be changed by ballot.
The sport has changed so much since 2004, it's incredible. If you look even at me, the way I'm fencing now compared to 2004, it's a completely different sport. They've changed so many things just with what [the referees] are calling, they've changed the timing of the [scoring] lights. You always have to be evolving as a fencer. The Olympics is interesting because it's such a small field compared to what we're used to. This world championships, I think we had a hundred and something [athletes]. The Olympics is going to be less than 32.
I changed my car completely - I was in a sports car and changed to a Jeep, which is more stable for the back and doesn't put too much stress on it.
I changed my body, changed my mindset in the game, and I was able to accomplish a win while playing a completely different style of golf. And it's pretty amazing to see that. I hope it's an inspiration to a lot of people.
English fiction was something I loved growing up, and it changed my life - it changed the trajectory of my life.
The tar sands has changed Canada in the same way the fur trade has changed Canada.
What I love about going home is that, if I turn my phone off or don't open my computer, nothing's changed. Obviously, the world has changed for me, but home looks and feels exactly the same.
I've had a couple of times where things were so extraordinary wonderful that it changed my world. One of them was when I met Ira Gershwin and started working with him. That was a game-changer for me. It changed the entire course and direction of my life.
I think it's pretty ridiculous to sit back and think that we've changed the horse so much, without realizing that they have changed us an awful lot too.
I have seen ups and downs. I am 10 films old. People say I have changed. But, I don't sense any change in myself. If I had to change, I would have changed in my second or third film.
I don't know. I'd like to think that I haven't changed that much. Within myself I don't think I've changed. — © Robert Pattinson
I don't know. I'd like to think that I haven't changed that much. Within myself I don't think I've changed.
All truths can be changed! Put this brave idea to the centre of your beliefs! All truths can be changed!
I have been reading the press more regularly than others over 50 years and it seems to me that there are things that have changed in the press that have changed its character.
Wherever the Bible has been consistently applied, it has dramatically changed the civilization and culture of those who have accepted its teaching. No other book has ever so dramatically changed the individual lives and society in general.
Their rhetoric is the same as always. The only difference is that the United States has granted them a whole series of concessions, and that the Cuban government has not changed at all. And that is part of the same thing I've always said, this isn't different, nothing has changed on the part of the Cuban government, absolutely nothing has changed on its part.
The world has changed, but education has not changed with it.
How do I think the industry's changed? Films have changed a lot. I think women are finally able to get older and be sexy just like men. So I'm really enjoying that part - that's my evolution.
I feel like I've always had gay fans, I don't think my dating a woman has changed my demographic, but it certainly changed the way I feel about politics.
Michael Jackson changed the format and history of music. His videos were films. He was the first who floated on the stage and changed the concept of a musical performance. He created something that's still the basis of a lot of what's done today.
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