Top 1200 Chasing Money Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Chasing Money quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
A deal is like chasing a girl. You work on it until she says, 'Yes,' for a date.
I just think it’s amazing that a person could lose everything, chasing nothing.
On weekends, I'm chasing my six-year-old girls around the city. That's my cardio! — © David Kirsch
On weekends, I'm chasing my six-year-old girls around the city. That's my cardio!
There are two goddesses in your heart,” he told them. “The Goddess of Wisdom and the Goddess of Wealth. Everyone thinks they need to get wealth first, and wisdom will come. So they concern themselves with chasing money. But they have it backwards. You have to give your heart to the Goddess of Wisdom, give her all your love and attention, and the Goddess of Wealth will become jealous, and follow you.” Ask nothing from your running, in other words, and you’ll get more than you ever imagined.
The key to his success? He's just faster than the guys chasing him.
I did not see the sense in chasing a little white ball around a field.
So you think that money is the root of all evil? [...] Have you ever asked what is the root of money? Money is a tool of exchange, which can't exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value. Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears, or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Money is made possible only by the men who produce. Is this what you consider evil?
I am just a girl chasing her dreams and having an amazing adventure.
I wondered, "Why have I been chasing happiness my whole life when bliss was here the entire time?
There's nothing like being on the field, taking on blocks, chasing after fast guys.
Holly is alive,' thought Foaly 'My princess lives,'exulted Orion. 'And we're chasing a dragon
Not knowing the thing that's chasing you is a lot scarier than seeing it right in front of you.
If you're spending your entire early 20s chasing the next party, what are you running away from? — © Demi Lovato
If you're spending your entire early 20s chasing the next party, what are you running away from?
It's a headache, chasing a guy around. I'd rather play against a quarterback that sits still.
A cheerful demeanor makes brighter the day; as the sun, chasing darkness and sorrow away.
Don't go chasing after butterflies, when everything you want is right by your side.
I do write all the time about - you tell me what your dreams are. What are you chasing? It's not impossible. Name it.
Yeah, apparently chasing a bus uses different muscles than sitting and eating.
When man has mastered money he shall have mastered not only his economic problem of prosperity but also his political problem, for he will see that money has no place in state functions, and, the money power being entirely in his own hands, he will easily master the state and clearly define its services. Thus money must be seen as the means of mastery of all economic and political problems. Until we have mastered money we shall not master any of our problems. Not money, but a false money system, is the root of all evil.
I can't stand golfing, I'm not a golfer. Can't do five hours of chasing a ball around a field.
I learned at a young age what chasing flavors meant, and I've been doing that my whole life.
Americans make money by playing `money games,' namely mergers, acquisitions, by simply moving money back and forth ... instead of creating and producing goods with some actual value.
Until you take ownership for your life, you will always be chasing happiness.
I'm not worried about misconception or a perception that's bad. If I were, I'd be chasing something all the time.
Ironically, the pursuit of happiness can lead us into the eternal trap of chasing unhappiness.
Not knowing the thing that’s chasing you is a lot scarier than seeing it right in front of you
Chasing profits and building a long-term profit model are two different things.
Playing golf is like chasing a quinine pill around a cow pasture.
I'm not chasing mail volume down because I'm going where we see growth. That's what we need to do.
We are young; we are naive with money. Money can go fast. If anyone thinks he is something better just because he has more money in the account, then he can very quickly fall on your face.
It's hard to get older as an actress. You see a lot of people, especially in L.A., chasing youth.
Historically, over the last two or three hundred years, the relationship that we've had with money as a society - having money, talking about money - has been a little bit of a shameful thing. Splashing money about is clearly wrong, but there's nothing wrong about giving it back.
Not chasing success, I want to focus on my process. If I do that, eventually everything gets sorted out.
If I get an iTunes check, I take the money out and say, 'OK, with this money I'mma go shoot me this many videos, with this money I'm going to do this amount of studio sessions.'
Then there was communism's weak-tea sister, socialism. Socialists maintained that we shouldn't take all the money away from all the people since all the people don't have money. We should take all the money away from only the people who make money. Then, when we run out of that, we could take more money from the people who...hey, wait! Where'd you people go? What do you mean you're "tax exiles in Monaco?"
The money matters. And secret money is corrupting, secret money is dangerous, secret money leads to scandal.
Realize what you really want. It stops you from chasing butterflies and puts you to work digging gold.
You can't be chasing 338 and still have 5 wickets in the end. It's about mindset and the way you look at the game. — © Sourav Ganguly
You can't be chasing 338 and still have 5 wickets in the end. It's about mindset and the way you look at the game.
Chipping and putting for par is like a dog chasing cars, he won't be doing it for very long.
I'm more of a fisherman as opposed to a scientist perhaps and chasing the whale. But I've had some success.
If I listened to my instincts, I'd be down at the pub chasing women, not under a 400 pound bar squatting
The money pigs of capitalist democracy: Money has made slaves of us. Money is the curse of mankind. It smothers the seed of everything great and good. Every penny is sticky with sweat and blood.
A Madagascar Hissing Roach chasing Jerry Lewis. That would be a really neat treat.
There are still things out there in the universe to contemplate and spend our lives chasing.
I hope my story inspires everyone out there to keep hustling and chasing their dreams.
Winning a Grand Slam was something I was chasing the first day I became a coach.
We reward people for making money off money, and moving money around and dividing up mortgages a thousand times over, selling it to China... and it becomes this shell game.
Am I just chasing it because it's the hardest thing for me to get and I want to prove I can do it? — © Tina Fey
Am I just chasing it because it's the hardest thing for me to get and I want to prove I can do it?
Chasing dragons with plastic swords, Jack Off Jimmy everybody wants more.
Immortality is a ridiculous illusion, an empty word, a butterfly net chasing the wind.
Do you realize that if the pilgrims have been chasing bobcats instead of turkeys.. we'd all be eating pussy on Thanksgiving?!
Own what you have, be happy, love your family, and be sure of yourself no matter what passion you are chasing.
For me, money is to use - it's only to use. So I never have money because I always spend. That's why in a way I protect myself in having houses. But if I had just cash or kept it in the bank, I'd spend it immediately. But not for stupid things. So I don't like to have money. I never have money in my pocket.
I don't feel like I get germs when I hold money. Money has a certain kind of amnesty. I feel, when I'm holding money, that the dollar bill has no more germs on it than my hands do. When I pass my hand over money, it becomes perfectly clean to me. I don't know where it's been - who's touched it and with what - but that's all erased the moment I touch it.
We still spend more time chasing funds than we do in the studio in creative work.
Chasing meaning is better for your health than trying to avoid discomfort.
Chasing kids on the beach and sleeping is the closest I come to exercising while in Hawaii.
I stared at him (Dionysus). "You''re married? But I thought you got in trouble for chasing a wood nymph-
People think that I popped out of my mother's womb singing 'Chasing Pavements'.
Most of the things we spend our lives chasing will turn to dust in the end.
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