Top 1200 Chasing Money Quotes & Sayings - Page 8

Explore popular Chasing Money quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
Man is a distance runner as a consequence of hundreds of thousands of years of chasing antelopes, horses, elephants, wild cattle, and deer.
When you first make money, you're just excited that you have it and just buy things on a whim. You don't really think about the implications that taxes have, because when you owe money, all of a sudden all of the money in your account - it's gone!
What are the moral implications? What do these people do when they have tremendous amounts of money? They use that money to perpetuate their own wealth and their own power. Every day, Congress works on behalf of big-money interests.
We have never heard of laundering in Macau; money laundering is unheard of. Mind you, my casino, every bit of money - someone says Stanley Ho, you issue me a check of so much money - we don't give that easy.
We are not spending the Federal Government's money, we are spending the taxpayer's money, and it must be spent n a way which guarantees his money's worth and yields the fullest possible benefit to the people being helped.
The American dream has always been about chasing opportunity and pursuing a brighter future for ourselves and our children. — © Jay Inslee
The American dream has always been about chasing opportunity and pursuing a brighter future for ourselves and our children.
It's fun to have money, but the more money I get, the less interesting it becomes. If you don't have very much, you have to think about it. If you are starving, you become interested in food. If you are struggling to pay the bills, money becomes tragically important.
My father said, 'You must never try to make all the money that's in a deal. Let the other fellow make some money too, because if you have a reputation for always making all the money, you won't have many deals'.
I played basketball and baseball up until college, yea. Then I lost my discipline and started chasing girls and whatnot.
Every sentence he manages to utter scatters its component parts like pond water from a verb chasing its own tail.
There are lots of professions where your social following is key now. But chasing followers is strange to me. I'd rather focus on the work.
My first job was an AFI short film, Chasing Daylight, when I was 11, and I made a couple of commercials that never aired.
I felt foolish and tired, as if I had been running to escape someone chasing me, only to look behind to discover there was no one there.
My bank is the worst. They are screwing me. You know what they did to me? They're charging me money for not having enough money. Apparently, when you're broke, that costs money.
The only reason I create something is because I'm chasing a feeling. You can use a bunch of musical or psychological operations to achieve that result.
My money slow, my money stupid, money ditzy
The breath must be enticed or cajoled, like catching a horse in a field, not by chasing after it, but by standing still with an apple in one’s hand. — © B.K.S. Iyengar
The breath must be enticed or cajoled, like catching a horse in a field, not by chasing after it, but by standing still with an apple in one’s hand.
By working to get away from your circumstance you can make something better of yourself, but there’s no guarantee... But you know what? The joy of it is chasing that dream.
Somebody said, 'Roger doesn't know how to spend money.' And I thought, 'I don't spend money because I don't have it!' If I had it, I could spend money! That's about the only time I was told that!
The actors are in control, getting outrageous amounts of money. The reason they're getting this kind of money is because the studios don't know what else to do. They don't have a clue about what to do except to pay an actor a lot of money.
I didn't even know how to speak Hindi or act. I didn't think about fame and money. I didn't talk about money with the producers, as I was a minor. My parents handled that part. But I am from a family where money was never an issue.
Every time I got paid, I would give my parents money. I would save some money, and I would have a little money to spend.
Chasing the sensation. Whether it was drugs or sex or whatever. Those things had become my main focus in life.
My first job was an AFI short film, 'Chasing Daylight,' when I was 11, and I made a couple of commercials that never aired.
My passion for storm chasing has always been driven by the beautiful and powerful storms displayed in the heartland each spring.
There was a time when people accepted magical experiences as natural. There were no priests then, and no one went chasing after the secrets of the occult.
Any number of scoundrels, having money enough to start with, can establish themselves as a 'government'; because, with money, they can hire soldiers, and with soldiers extort more money; and also compel general obedience to their will.
How you handle or mishandle your money tells us who you are and, more important, it tells YOU who you are. Your priorities, passions, goals, and fears are shown clearly in the flow of your money. Your value system, or lack of one causes money to flow around you, passed you, or to you. When money is in your possession, what you do with it screams loudly who you are.
Money you know you need or want to spend in the next few years is savings. Money you keep handy for an emergency belongs in savings. Money you hope to use soon for a down payment on a house belongs in savings. And all savings belong in a low-risk bank savings account or money market account.
Making money has always been pretty easy for me, but today I don't need any more money. I still work, because money is important, but my work is more important than the money, now. And that's a very big difference. I just work because I enjoy my work.
The arts are a green industry with a very high rate of return. This is not money thrown away by any stretch of the imagination. This is money that creates jobs. This is money that brings life, financial life, to communities.
There's a lot of money being generated by nerds right now. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, the list goes on and on. Nerds make more money than our government. And with money comes power.
My buddy Tom... he'd been chasing a girl for two years, and he got her the old-fashioned way - dates and listening.
Jesus Christ said more about money than about any other single thing because, when it comes to a man's real nature, money is of first importance. Money is an exact index to a man's true character. All through Scripture there is an intimate correlation between the development of a man's character and how he handles his money.
There is an unwritten social rule now that you can harangue the wealthy to give money away, but you mustn't ask how the money was made. There are no galas celebrating the money people knew better than to seek. Charity begins after profit.
Money follows art. Money wants what it can't buy. Class and talent. And remember while there's a talent for making money, it takes real talent to know how to spend it.
With the first episode [of John Mulaney Show] I tell a story that happened to me accidentally chasing a woman down the subway.
I was born with a shotgun in my hand, chasing pheasant through the cornfields. My dad probably started taking me out when I was 4, 5 or 6 years old.
Demanding respect is like chasing a butterfly. Chase it, and you'll never catch it. Sit still, and it may light on your shoulder.
I don't ever think it's a good idea to try to recreate the success you've had before; it's all about chasing something fresh and new.
Over two thousand years ago, Aristotle taught us that money should be durable, divisible, consistent, convenient, and value in itself. It should be durable, which is why wheat isn't money; divisible which is why works of art are not money; consistent which is why real estate isn't money; convenient, which is why lead isn't money; value in itself, which is why paper shouldn't be money. Gold answers to all these criteria.
Money is power, money is force, money will do good as harm. In the hands of good men and women it could accomplish, and it has accomplished, good. — © Russell Conwell
Money is power, money is force, money will do good as harm. In the hands of good men and women it could accomplish, and it has accomplished, good.
One of the greatest problems that money creates is that you never know whether you are loved or your money is loved, whether you are desirable or your money is desirable. And it is so difficult to figure out, that one would have preferred not to have had money; at least life would have been simple.
That is the eternal folly of man. To be chasing after the sweet flesh, without realizing that it is simply a pretty cover for the bones.
It's like chasing a beautiful woman for 80 years. Finally, she relents and you say, 'I'm terribly sorry. I'm tired.'
When you are getting to No. 1 you're always chasing a dream. And then when you're there your focus changes because the expectation to defend that title is massive.
I don't play for money. I'm not sure I even can play just for money. Money is great; I can't lie about that.
Start building a network of fellow entrepreneurs that understand your passion and don’t make you feel guilty about always chasing it.
It's unfair to the hard-core stay-at-home moms to pretend you're able to have an amazing body by chasing around your kids.
Money goes where money is, money yearns where money is.
Everybody's got money for vacation time. Look at how much we all spend just to get - well, I get sick on the loop-the-loop roller coasters. People pay money for that kind of experience. So I would certainly save up money, save several vacations worth of money, to go on a suborbital flight or any rocket flights.
If you know your characters well enough, you aren't trying to grasp for storylines. You're really thinking about their flaws and their passions and what they're chasing.
If you don't concentrate on counting the money, people soon realize that money is not the focus of your consciousness, so they give you everything other than money: kudos, acclaim, praise, etc., etc. And sooner or later you'll be in trouble.
When you speak to a man or a woman about money, they will use water visualizations. For men, it typically is a river. Money comes in; money goes out. The level rises; the level sinks. For women, when you talk about money, to her... it's a pond. It's a set amount. She husbands it, and it typically goes in one direction... which is down.
If government manages to establish paper tickets or bank credit as money, as equivalent to gold grams or ounces, then the government, as dominant money-supplier, becomes free to create money costlessly and at will. As a result, this 'inflation' of the money supply destroys the value of the dollar or pound, drives up prices, cripples economic calculation, and hobbles and seriously damages the workings of the market economy.
I think you're in trouble if you start chasing what you've done in the past. You always need to move on and look forward and do something new. — © Passenger
I think you're in trouble if you start chasing what you've done in the past. You always need to move on and look forward and do something new.
It isn't me making money as much as it is me spending my money in a way that I feel is effective. My methodology is to say I'm not just going to throw money at a problem but rather personally invest myself in it.
The reality of television production now is that all the development money and pilot money now goes to the Internet so they can try to get pilots cheaper, than if they were producing them for television. I understand, it's a business, but what's great about doing it on the web, and one thing that attracted me is the amount of creative freedom that you do get with the web. That's the only advantage of there not being a lot of money involved, is that you're really able to write and do what you want... because there's not a lot of money involved and not money at risk.
The best way to make money is not to have money as your primary goal. I've seen great people come into the business world primarily motivated to make money. Almost without exception they failed.
When a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn't out collecting for the Red Cross.
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