Top 410 Chat Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Chat quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I've always been kind of a shy guy. Not very outgoing. I might not start a conversation, but if somebody else does, I'll chat away.
I am more of an introvert person who is a little shy to get into random chat. I would rather observe people silently.
I love those moments - the homework, the school run, when I get to chat to other mums. That's real life. — © Tess Daly
I love those moments - the homework, the school run, when I get to chat to other mums. That's real life.
One day, I would like to have my own chat show. Oprah is my idol because she uses her platform so responsibly.
That's what hell must be like, small chat to the babbling of Lethe about the good old days when we wished we were dead.
I've never been one to chat about others without actually beating them. I don't get it, personally.
I like to exchange ideas because we all want to win. If a footballer doesn't agree, then you try and have a chat to work things out.
I do not have a Facebook page, and I do not chat on Twitter. I don't have a web site, even if there are people who have opened one in my name, complete with my photo.
I started going to yoga classes as I thought that would be a good place to meet girls, but it is hard to chat to someone when you are balancing upside down.
I tend to get starstruck with sports people. I was on a chat show with retired Scottish footballer Denis Law and I just lost it and couldn't talk to him.
I like to chat either at my site or, sometimes, through MSN and ICQ. And even if I do reveal my identity, there are a lot of times when no one believes me.
You can be walking down the street for a chat, but until you've got the selfie out of the way, people aren't ready to talk.
The one thing you can do that the audience can't do - all those smart people online in the chat rooms can't do - is deliver a satisfying emotional journey for a human being, for a character.
I get embarrassed by people. It's really awkward for me to have a chat with people who have been to see a gig. — © Andrew Lawrence
I get embarrassed by people. It's really awkward for me to have a chat with people who have been to see a gig.
I think that when you're 5'4" and 150 pounds and you love to chat and you have a blog about shopping, trying to maintain a tiny bit of mystery where you possibly can is not a bad thing.
When girls walk home we put on lippy and makeup. We chat. Sometimes we pretend to be hunchbacks. But that is it. Perfectly normal behavior.
Send her a quick note while you`re stuck in a long meeting. A lighthearted chat definitely makes the time go faster.
I would quite like to do something on Ireland about the culture, James Joyce, Yeats, persuade Seamus Heaney to have a chat and do some cooking.
'Sinskari' is an adult chat show, which will include questions about their deep dark secrets. Some dialogues may have to be beeped out.
Games don't cause racism. But the real-time chat makes nasty comments hard to moderate and easy to spread.
I've got a group chat with my friends, and they were telling me I was blowing up on Twitter. I don't really look into those things, though.
I want to do a 'Facejacker' film. I want to explore the characters more, maybe do a Terry Tibbs chat show.
I don't have a fondness for movies, which leaves me stranded when it comes to cocktail party chat, but I prefer language and books.
Calcutta's the only city I know where you are actively encouraged to stop strangers at random for a quick chat.
There is a big dining table at In Sung hyung's house. That's our hangout spot, and we drink teas and chat.
If I got involved with the chat rooms and Facebook and everything - I would probably never leave. That's why I don't do it. I literally don't do it. At all.
I feel sex is a common topic everyone see in content of any television shows be it a fiction or live comedy or a chat show.
Most novels I come across have all the excitement of a long trip on a bus with a sensitive glee club. Yammer and chat.
Back when I was a student, I had Steve Jobs over to my house for a fireside chat with the GSB High Tech Club.
I'm not a big fan of TV. It's an unavoidable situation being Ozzy Osbourne, people want you to go on chat shows, and I'm not good at it. I don't feel comfortable doing it.
If the lift is broken, I'll just sit and wait for them to sort it out. I don't believe in friendly conversation or chit-chat.
My projects are just side effects of what I obsess over, what I chat about, what random things pop into my head, what I dream at night.
When I'm on the net, someone always wants to chat with me. But outside of MySpace, it's a completely different world. I don't get recognized that much on the street.
What I enjoy most about directing is the chance of working things out with the writer, plus I need their approval and I like the chat.
The dialogue and conversation about food is everywhere - television, chat rooms, social media outlets and among everyday conversations.
Nonbelievers may welcome the collapse in British religiosity, but the decline in church attendance has meant that the chance to chat each week with other people has vanished.
It would be interesting to go to Buckingham Palace. I'd just like to see what goes on - I'm not bothered about hearing any political chat.
I wouldn't say I'm a friend of David Byrne, but I guess I'm an acquaintance. I'm obviously an admirer, and we've met, but we don't call and chat about 'Breaking Bad' or anything.
I'm that person in the bar who's like, "Can they turn the music down? I would like to chat." — © Domhnall Gleeson
I'm that person in the bar who's like, "Can they turn the music down? I would like to chat."
There is perhaps no better way to appreciate the dizzying stupidity of the United States than to chat with 25 consecutive morning radio hosts.
I'm so glad you're here," Aphrodite said. "War is coming. Bloodshed is inevitable. So there's really only one thing to do." "Uh... and that is?" Annabeth ventured. "Why, have tea and chat, obviously
When famous people come up to you it's a bit weird, but it's an honour, really, when they recognise you and want to chat to you for a bit.
As with any social platform, there will always be trolls, but HQ Trivia has guidelines in place to ensure the chat vibes remain chill and family-friendly.
I don't think I've ever prayed in my entire life, never sat and had an imaginary chat with God.
If there is an option to use a real human being and to have a chat with somebody and do your shopping that way, I do try and do that.
I've never met Beckham, but I'd love to. I'm a massive fan of him. Hopefully we can cross paths and chat.
Today's evangelism is just as likely to take place via chat rooms and viral videos as it is in a personal conversation or a sermon.
I don't ever read chat rooms, because if you've got sixteen nice things, number seventeen is always the person that just wants to be contrary.
I feel comfortable in Spanish, I chat like a parrot, but I don't have the confidence in Spanish that I do in English. — © Sandra Cisneros
I feel comfortable in Spanish, I chat like a parrot, but I don't have the confidence in Spanish that I do in English.
A female celebrity just has to chat and smile with a guy for him to become the new man in her life. Amazing.
Simon has always said we're a chat show pretending to be a music show.
Growing up in a small town in upstate New York, some of the first real friendships I had were in chat rooms.
I'm not gonna lie. I used to be in AOL chat rooms a lot causing trouble back when you had dial-up modems.
It is sometimes necessary for each person. Fill up with delicious food, get drunk, sing loudly and chat frivolously.
I really love the internet. They say chat-rooms are the trailer park of the internet but I find it amazing.
Instant messaging and chat rooms have basically created a level playing field for deaf people.
Trust me - never in my life did I think I'd be carrying my groceries home and have a stop-and-chat with Karl Lagerfeld.
I want to know who my client is. I see her on Instagram, but it's another thing to get to chat with her.
I can now video chat with my grandkids from any corner of the world, listen to music, or order food and have it delivered to my front door.
In general, I like whatever my mother cooks. But I especially like her chat meals.
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