Top 1200 Check Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Check quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I tell jokes for a check; I'm on TV for a check.
America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked 'insufficient funds.'
Banks will fee you to death. If you bounce a check, the bank has a policy to re-post the check three more times to see if it will be paid. If it continues to bounce they charge a $30 overdraft every time. So, one bounced check will rack up $90 for the bank.
On my income tax 1040 it says 'Check this box if you are blind.' I wanted to put a check mark about three inches away. — © Tom Lehrer
On my income tax 1040 it says 'Check this box if you are blind.' I wanted to put a check mark about three inches away.
... the Kindle is a "roach motel" device: its license terms and DRM ensure that books can check in, but they can't check out.
I hit Instagram and Twitter as soon as I wake up. And then I check my texts and emails. It's funny that I check social media before I check my email.
I give you everything you want as an artist, for so long. Consistency. Wordplay. Wittiness. You can check the checklist. Only thing I don't check off on is album sales.
When something in art or music piques my interest, I tend to go check it out, and most things I check out, I'm not very good at. But a few things I've gone to check out have given me back as much love as I gave them, usually much more.
Our morality seems to be only a check on the ultimate domination of force, just as our politeness is a check on the impulse of every pig to put his feet in the trough.
Check out the albums, ... Check out the live performances. That's the reality of it all. Music is such an energizing thing.
Making a Hollywood film you don't have a very big movie because they have a Safety Captain and insurance people on the set. They have to check first. 'Don't do it. Let me check. Make sure everything is safe.'
What you have in most education software is that they're catering to the decision-maker who makes the budget allocations, and that decision-maker has a lot of check boxes. Does it do this? Check. Does it do that? Check. They could care less about the end user experience.
How this feels is I'm just another task in God's daily planner: The Renaissance pencilled in for right after the Dark Ages. The Information Age is scheduled immediately after the Industrial Revolution. Then the Post-Modern Era, then The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Famine. Check. Pestilence. Check. War. Check. Death. Check. And between the big events, the earthquakes and tidal waves, God's got me squeezed in for a cameo appearance. Then maybe in thirty years, or maybe next year, God's daily planner has me finished.
When somebody leaves or, they ask you why you left. One box you can check is, 'I found somebody.' Between 15 and 20 percent of people check that box.
When I pick my subcommittee chairmen, I look for people that understand what it's like to run successful businesses, who know what it's like to sign the front of the check instead of the back of the check: somebody that gets it.
I won't deny that I'm in touch with my feminine side. If I'm in a lift and there's no one in there, I'll have a glance and check my hair. And if there's someone in there, I'll still check it.
I mean, you know, presidents of the United States can`t randomly tweet without having check -
- having somebody check it out. — © Chuck Todd
I mean, you know, presidents of the United States can`t randomly tweet without having check - - having somebody check it out.
The insurance industry communicates through codes and check-off boxes. If there's no check-off box for you, you don't exist.
Yeah, I fancy women big time... I check them out more than I check men out. Maybe I would want to sleep with a woman... Not Beyonce, although I like the look of her, I don't think she's that dirty.
That's where I want to be. Do your dream job and stay in Atlanta. Check and check!
If you wrote something for which someone sent you a check, if you cashed the check and it didn't bounce, and if you then paid the light bill with the money, I consider you talented.
We have a rule that if you check in code, you have to maintain it. So I mostly code on the side. I don't check in code anymore.
My dad used to tell me, 'Check the price, son.' Check the price, kids, check the price because there is a price to be paid for whatever you do in life, whether it is good or it is bad. Before you do something, ask yourself is it worth the price you have to pay?
I've learned the hard way at the national level that any erroneous statement will very quickly be magnified. So, as someone who talks for a living, I've learned to check, double-check and triple-check my sources.
I think that, as a white person stepping into doing any sort of anti-systematic-racism type of work, asking yourself, 'What is your intention?' needs to happen on a consistent basis. Check yourself. Check yourself. Check yourself, like, constantly.
Buttons ... check. Dials ... check. Switches ... check. Little colored lights ... check.
Patzer sees a check, gives a check.
If you are a journalist, check and double-check your sources. Don't just swallow what politicians tell you.
When life gives you the opportunity to check off a thing on the bucket list, you have to check them.
I'll write you a check. I'll write you a check. How do you spell Sheamus?
When I get up I still check the rap blogs before I check any kind of dance stuff.
I don't sign every check anymore, but I have my checks, my balances. I like the people I work with very much, but I check on them.
I may not be wealthy; I'm living from pay check to pay check, but I get to make movies, which is what I love to do.
When I travel abroad, because I'm Columbian, I'm always one that they check twice and security and I'm the one that they open my bag and the one they pull to the side to check the visa.
Minorities have been hustling backwards from check to check.
I try and wake up relatively early. I listen to some music and check Twitter. I also make sure I weigh myself and check how long I slept. I do that because knowing that data seems better than not knowing it.
Richard Julian was the one who told me to check out Cartola. Telling someone to check out Cartola is like telling someone to check out Tony Bennett, you know.
I suffer from Irish-Catholic guilt. Guilt is a good reality check. It keeps that 'do what makes you happy' thing in check.
One of the most popular scams is what they call account takeover. You write me a check, and I simply go online to a check-printing service and order 200 checks with your account information.
I suffer from Irish-Catholic guilt. Guilt is a good reality check. It keeps that ‘do what makes you happy’ thing in check. — © Edward Burns
I suffer from Irish-Catholic guilt. Guilt is a good reality check. It keeps that ‘do what makes you happy’ thing in check.
Every year for New Years I write down all of my goals and dreams and put them in my Bible. At the end of the year I go and pull the paper out and check this off and check that off.
Several times we were stranded in strange places without any money and with our credit cards cancelled - trapped in a hotel that we couldn't check out of because we had no money to check out.
When you become a parent, you're the responsible one and when there are noises around your house, you'rethe one that has to get out of bed and check it out. Before the children came along, I would have sent my wife to go and check out what the creak was.
I really am a full-blown Scorpio. Whenever I look things up about my sign, it's like, Check, check, check: thoughtful, detailed, moody, stubborn, prideful, emotional.
I wake up and check my Instagram to see what I missed out on last night. Then I check my Twitter. Then I check my Tumblr.
If the award comes with a check, then I want that award. But if it doesn't come with a check, then I'm not that interested. I'd much rather join NASCAR and get a trophy and a check.
What I want you to understand, is the full evil of those who claim to have become convinced that this earth, by its nature, is a realm of malevolence where the good has no chance to win. Let them check their premises. Let them check their standards of value. Let them check - before they grant themselves the unspeakable license of evil-as-necessity - whether they know what is the good and what are the conditions it requires.
Check it out, forgot to say hello to my neighbors. Check it out, sometimes I question my own behavior.
You've got to really check on what you're doing: check and recheck it seven other times to be prepared. Sometimes, people get carried away with the artistic-ness of the endeavor and don't quite have their game face on when the time comes. It's always a pretty costly mistake.
SCCS, the source motel! Programs check in and never check out!
I mean at the world as a checklist. Once you got to a place, you check them off and if you love the spot, you might check it off twice. You'll always find your way to go back to those places.
If you imitate someone, you owe them a royalty check. If you emulate them, you don't. There's a big difference. Check your lawyer. — © Stephen Colbert
If you imitate someone, you owe them a royalty check. If you emulate them, you don't. There's a big difference. Check your lawyer.
I am usually a pacer. I go to the balcony to check the sight lines way up there, to check the sound system to see how the balance is.
There are, in fact, apps you can use to measure how many times you check your phone, and I shudder to think how many times I check my phone. I'm sure it would be probably in the hundreds of times that I check over the course of the day.
Homey don't quit. What else are you gonna do? It's like those guys in the cartoon they get up in the morning, check the clock and fight all day and after it's over they check the clock and go home. That's how it goes.
Americans are good with to-do lists; just tell us what to do, and we'll do it. Throughout our history, we have proven that. Colonize. Check. Win our independence. Check. Form a union. Check. Expand to the Pacific. Check. Settle the West. Check. Keep the Union together. Check. Industrialize. Check. Fight the Nazis. Check.
Studios are like hospitals. A lot of people check in, and they don't check out.
It's all kind of a big illusion: the white picket fence and the perfect marriage and the kids. Check that box off, check that box off, and move forward.
If you first gain power to check your words, you will then begin to have power to check your judgment, and at length actually gain power to check your thoughts and reflections.
Being sick allows you to check out of life. Getting well again means you have to check back in. It is absolutely crucial that you feel ready to check back into life because you feel as though something has changed from the time before you were sick. Whatever it was that made you feel insecure, less than, or pressured to live in a way that was uncomfortable to you has to change before you want to go back there and start over.
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