Top 1200 Children And Parents Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Children And Parents quotes.
Last updated on October 10, 2024.
Revolution devours its own parents as well as its own children.
What we love, we protect. This story will delight children and parents alike, who care for what they love.
It is from God that parents receive their children, and it is to God that they should lead them. — © Dietrich Bonhoeffer
It is from God that parents receive their children, and it is to God that they should lead them.
I want some day to be able to love with the same intensity and unselfishness that parents love their children with.
Lovers, children, heroes, none of them do we fantasize as extravagantly as we fantasize our parents. is a telling fact that, the world over, the vast majority of children follow the religion of their parents rather than any of the other available religions.
Parents realize their wealth should be used for social good rather than children's good.
I don't want to rip families apart. I don't want to be sending parents away from children.
What is the use of physicians like myself trying to help parents to bring up children healthy and happy, to have them killed in such numbers for a cause that is ignoble?
The anti-Darwin movement has racked up one astounding achievement. It has made a significant proportion of American parents care about what their children are taught in school.
Needy and boring parents tend to have needy and bored children.
You can't disrespect my parents. They stopped visiting me because whenever they came, they would be disrespected. It came to a point where I had to choose between my parents and Shweta. I chose my parents.
The American dream is about achieving happiness. When you become a fire fighter, a police officer or a teacher or a nurse, you know you're not going to become a billionaire. And what my parents achieved working as a bartender and a maid at a hotel after arriving here with nothing, no education, no money. The first words my dad learned in English where I'm looking for a job.You know what my parents achieved? They owned a home in a safe and stable neighborhood. They retired with dignity and they left all four of their children better off than themselves.
My parents didn't overfeed me, nor did they make an issue of it. That's when things go wrong. It doesn't have to be a problem for children to be fat, but it does affect you: you aren't as happy in that skin.
Parents do not owe their progeny an inheritance no matter how much money they have. One of the surest ways to produce loafers and freeloaders is to let children know that their future is assured.
Save the children of the World from their acidic lifestyles and diets and their acidic parents who are feeding them. — © Robert O. Young
Save the children of the World from their acidic lifestyles and diets and their acidic parents who are feeding them.
Even if your parents don't have Alzheimer's or aren't in a wheelchair, your parents get old - if you're lucky to have parents who live for a long time. It's a challenge, and it's difficult and lovely and touching and awful and ghastly and real.
One didn't issue instructions to comets. Grown children did what they had to do, and parents could only grit their teeth and watch and pray for them to get through it.
The children of believing parents, at least their next and immediate seed, even of us Gentiles now under the gospel, are included by God within the covenant of grace.
Dear parents, teach your children to pray. Pray with them.
It always helps to know that other parents with special-needs children are surviving, and surviving well.
I've found it easier to write, to coalesce my thoughts, since having children. It brings you back to what you experienced yourself as a child, and you empathize with what your parents went through.
Social immobility is driven by family background, instability in childhood and often by parents who don't know how to give children the right start in life.
The whole 'R' rating depends on a strange sort of fantasy land where all adults are responsible people, and children only ever go to the cinema with their parents.
If you look at any superior athlete, you will find a strong parental influence. Parents introduce their children to a sport, and then they support them.
Yes, we can make prudent choices as parents, but we can't create an environment where there's zero risk for our children. Not only is that impossible, I don't think it's desirable, either.
Do not raise your children the way your parents raised you; they were born for a different time.
Remember that the problem with hyper-parenting isn't that it's bad for children; it's that it's bad for parents.
We are no longer inheriting the Earth from our parents, we are stealing it from our children.
If kind parents love their children and delight in their happiness, then he who is perfect goodness in sending abroad mortal contagions doth assuredly direct their use.
There may be some doubt as to who are the best people to have charge of children, but there can be no doubt that parents are the worst.
Treat your old parents as you would like to be treated by your children later.
I always love working with children. I never had children of my own. God has his purposes. God didn't let me have children so everybody's children could be mine. That's kind of how I'm looking at it.
[My mom] had always wanted to write a children's book. She was a children's librarian and an elementary school teacher, so of course she loves children and children's literature.
I love that phrase that parents say to their children when they cry: 'I'll give you something to cry about.'
I treasure my meetings with individuals affected by autism - parents, children, teachers and friends. Their strength is inspiring. They deserve all possible opportunities for education, employment and integration.
There are no illegitimate children, only illegitimate parents-if the term is to be used at all.
I think one of the things when you're casting children is you're also casting their parents. — © Morgan Freeman
I think one of the things when you're casting children is you're also casting their parents.
It is commonly agreed that children spend more hours per year watching television than in the classroom, and far less in actual conversation with their parents.
If your parents didn't have any children, there's a good chance that you won't have any.
Mama and Papa are more to blame (for delinquency) than the kids; parents should stay home and raise their children and spend less time in taverns.
For a lot of children of immigrants, what happens is your parents want you to do something very linear that they can understand. I had an aptitude in sciences and never really questioned it.
Children in dysfunctional homes at risk of abuse are kept in danger for too long because politically correct rules mean we won't challenge unfit parents.
Few parents nowadays pay any regard to what their children say to them. The old fashioned respect for the young is fast dying out.
By their innocence and goodness, by their boundless capacity for forgiveness, and by the sheer power of their faith and hope, children redeem their parents, bringing out their best selves.
Soon it will be a sin of parents to have a child that carries the heavy burden of genetic disease. We are entering a world where we have to consider the quality of our children.
We all end up at least somewhat like our parents, especially in the way we deal with our children.
Allowing adult children who live at home who are in between jobs to stay on their parents' health care, I think that's a lot of Republican support for that, with or without Obamacare.
The children never connect me with the man onstage when I come out the stage door. The parents spend all their time trying to convince them that I'm Caractacus.
Parents should talk to their children, even when they are babies and can't talk back.
Half the bloody world is going through a divorce; more than that are having children. All of us have parents who are dying or have died. It's just the life cycle. — © Sarah McLachlan
Half the bloody world is going through a divorce; more than that are having children. All of us have parents who are dying or have died. It's just the life cycle.
The voice of parents is the voice of gods, for to their children they are heaven's lieutenants.
We got HBO when I was 7. My parents would be in bed, 'Children of the Corn' would be on at midnight, and I'd watch it on mute.
Somewhat paradoxically, parenting programs should focus on the behavior of the parents not the behavior of the children.
Childhood is a fundamental part of all human lives, parents or not, since that's how we all start out. And yet babies and young children are so mysterious and puzzling and even paradoxical.
I hardly know so melancholy a reflection as that parents are necessarily the sole directors of the management of children, whether they have or have not judgment, penetration or taste to perform the task.
Manners will become important to children only if they are important to their parents.
I'm one of those parents who are quite careful about documenting their children's upbringing. I really try to actively observe. I write down the little things that happen.
The parents have not only to train their children: it is of at least equal importance that they should train themselves.
Children are potentially free and their life directly embodies nothing save potential freedom. Consequently they are not things and cannot be the property either of their parents or others.
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