Top 1200 Christian Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Christian quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I'm a Christian, and I'm not judgmental towards anyone. I think that's really important.
The Christian faith is a grand cathedral with divinely pictured windows.
I think it's a cop-out to say I'm a Christian but I don't ever do anything... — © Joel Osteen
I think it's a cop-out to say I'm a Christian but I don't ever do anything...
Live Like a Narnian: Christian Discipleship in C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles
The devastation of the ancient Christian community in Iraq is well known.
Our moral compass - it's always been Judeo-Christian.
The learning of the Christian man ought to begin with the fear of God.
Look, I'm Mormon, and most Christians don't recognize me as a Christian.
The Christian should stand out like a sparkling diamond.
I think there is a great deal of interest still in the Christian faith.
I was born and raised a Christian, and I still adhere to those principles.
Let's not be intimidated by secular people who disparage Christian involvement in politics.
A Christian life based on feeling is headed for a gigantic collapse. — © Erwin W. Lutzer
A Christian life based on feeling is headed for a gigantic collapse.
The Christian's life should put his minister's sermon in print.
The strongest argument in favor of the gospel is a loving and lovable Christian.
The Christian family is missionary: it announces the love of God to the world.
What I do not like is militant secularism, whereby anything is acceptable as long as it's not Christian.
I'm not Christian, but I'm religious. I believe in a higher God and beings and spirits.
I represent the jolly mass of mankind. I am the happy and reckless Christian.
The whole history of the Christian Church is a mixture of errors and violence.
Christianity is a lifestyle. And being a Christian is more than a label.
All Christian language about the future is a set of signposts pointing into a mist.
No vocation on this side of heaven is as privileged or rewarding as Christian ministry
I cannot discriminate on the basis of Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian.
None of the Christian religions do [interest me]. They're all outer-directed.
Knowing God is your single greatest privilege as a Christian
Buddha was not a Christian, but Jesus would have made a good Buddhist.
I want to see Toby Maguire fight Christian Bale.
The true Christian's nostril is to be continually attentive to the inner cesspool.
All the world would be Christian if they were taught the pure Gospel of Christ!.
That man cannot possibly be called a Christian, who does not pray.
At the heart of Christian faith is the story of Jesus' death and resurrection.
It doesn't make your life stop being fun to be a Christian.
A man is no true Christian if he has no devotion to the Mother of Jesus Christ.
The ancients dreaded death: the Christian can only fear dying.
The laity are called to become a leaven of Christian living within society.
A heartless Christian must be a terrible grief to our Lord.
Chanting Hare Krishna can make a person a better Christian. — © George Harrison
Chanting Hare Krishna can make a person a better Christian.
Christian - One who follows the teachings of Christ insofar as they are not inconsistent with a life of sin.
The historical orthodox Christian faith is extremely wide and diverse.
Sometimes it is possible to live without knowing our neighbours: this is not Christian
When may a revival be expected? When the wickedness of the wicked grieves and distresses the Christian.
Forgiveness is praised by the Christian and the Vaishnava, but for me, I ask, "What have I to forgive and whom?"
Do not let the forces of evil take over to make this a Christian America.
Bill Blankschaen is an emerging new voice in Christian life.
The future of this nation depends on the Christian training of our youth.
I'm a Christian, and those beliefs occasionally come out in the books.
Three duties of every Christian are giving, praying, and fasting. — © Jentezen Franklin
Three duties of every Christian are giving, praying, and fasting.
The Christian is in a different position from other people who are trying to be good. They hope, by being good, to please God if there is one; or — if they think there is not — at least they hope to deserve approval from good men. But the Christian thinks any good he does comes from the Christ-life inside him. He does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us; just as the roof of a greenhouse does not attract the sun because it is bright, but becomes bright because the sun shines on it.
Being in Christ, and united to Him, is the fundamental constitution of a Christian.
Sleepy Christian, let me shout in thine ears: thou are sleeping while souls are being lost, sleeping while men are being damned, sleeping while hell is being peopled, sleeping while Christ is being dishonored, sleeping while the devil is grinning at thy sleepy face, sleeping while demons are dancing round thy slumbering carcass, and telling it in hell that a Christian is asleep. You will never catch the devil asleep; let not the devil catch you asleep. Watch, and be sober, that ye may be always up to do your duty.
The Christian Bible offers some 300 references to Angels.
If in a Christian pulpit you have no business saying, "I suggest to you" No! "These things I declare to you."
We all know and we all perceive Christian Dior in a very specific way.
For the Christian, all is not hopeless unless his affections are centered on the things of this world.
Christian, your whole life is to be one continuous following of the Lord.
The most important thing to the Christian community is not the environment but evangelism.
Preaching Christian salvation is to preach moral absolutes. Hollywood no likey.
Christian theology: nothing so grotesque could possibly be true.
I'm Christian. I've made mistakes. I believe fervently in second chances.
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