Top 1200 Christianity And Islam Quotes & Sayings - Page 12

Explore popular Christianity And Islam quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
I mean, in general, the danger is from Oriental faiths and Islam.
[Islam] is not measured by the color of his skin.
Radical Islam, it has grown into a global jihad. — © Jack Keane
Radical Islam, it has grown into a global jihad.
It was not Muslims that had made Islam great; it was Islam that had made the Muslims great.
Islam has always been part of America
The universality of Islam is not uniformity, it is unity with diversity.
Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is the proclamation of the end of religion, not of a new religion, or even of the best of all religions. If the cross is the sign of anything, it's the sign that God has gone out of the religion business and solved all of the world's problems without requiring a single human being to do a single religious thing. What the cross is actually a sign of is the fact that religion can't do a thing about the world's problems - that it never did work and it never will
I do not believe, that it is true or right that Islam is terrorist.
Actually we are Muslims because we believe in the religion of Islam.
Islam is the best religion and Muslims are the worst followers
Radical Islam has been the foe of Christendom for centuries.
U.S. Constitution is under attack from Fundamentalist Islam and shari'a.
So, this war is against the Islam that the West does not control. — © Louis Farrakhan
So, this war is against the Islam that the West does not control.
I am and always will be a Muslim. My religion is Islam.
Islam is the only religion that gives dignity to the poor.
I'm a good Muslim and I'm only interested in Islam.
Islam is under obligation to gain power over all nations.
Islam wants to destroy us and I want to prevent it.
Sufis have always been those that have tried to purify the ethics of Islam and society. And they don't have their hands cut off from the external action at all. For example, the bazaar in which the Sufis were very strong always dominated economic life in Islamic world. They could give a much more sane and Islamic form of activity when the economic life of Islam moved out of the bazaar to new parts of Islamic cities with modernized Muslims, who took it in another light and it became very, very anti Islamic, and much against many of the most profound practices of Islamic societies.
It's not the United States's job to 'protect' Islam.
To give to those in need is a central pillar of Islam.
The very word Islam means peace, which is nonviolence.
We represent the moderate teachings and principles of Islam.
There is no "true Islam," just different interpretations.
We believe women have rights in Islam that they've yet to obtain.
We are, indeed, not among the least contented. You, however, if your belief makes you blessed then appear to be blessed! Your faces have always been more injurious to your belief than our objections have! If these glad tidings of your Bible were written on your faces, you would not need to insist so obstinately on the authority of that book ... As things are, however, all your apologies for Christianity have their roots in your lack of Christianity; with your defense plea you inscribe your own bill of indictment.
Islam has been badly used by a certain ideology.
Islam, at the moment, is the motherlode of bad ideas.
The radical elements in Islam are very dangerous.
Christianity persecuted, tortured, and burned. Like a hound it tracked the very scent of heresy. It kindled wars, and nursed furious hatreds and ambitions. It sanctified, quite like Mohammedism, extermination and tyranny. All this would have been impossible if, like Buddhism, it had looked only for peace and the liberation of souls. It looked beyond; it dreamt of infinite blisses and crowns it should be crowned with before an electrified universe and an applauding God... Buddhism had tried to quiet a sick world with anesthetics; Christianity sought to purge it with fire.
The obstacle for us is not Islam, but the bureaucrats in Brussels.
There is no greater threat to America than Islam.
Islam does not preach hatred and violence and destruction.
I believe that Islam is a faith of progress and welfare.
The only model to follow is pure Islam.
Islam was nothing if it did not spell complete democracy.
I keep on saying, being moderate is fundamental to Islam.
The United States is not, and never will be, at war with Islam. — © Barack Obama
The United States is not, and never will be, at war with Islam.
Islam religion has no color distinction, we are just Muslims.
In the Nation of Islam, Akbar Muhammad is a big deal.
The real Da'wah to Islam is the character of a Muslim.
Reason and free inquiry are the only effective agents against error. Give a loose to them, they will support the true religion by bringing every false one to their tribunal, to the test of their investigation. They are the natural enemies of error and error only. Had not the Roman government permitted free inquiry, Christianity could never have been introduced. Had not free inquiry been indulged at the era of the Reformation, the corruption of Christianity could not have been purged away.
The UN structure is one-sided, stacked against the world of Islam.
Islam is something we can't afford any more.
I got my first exposure to Islam when I was 13.
You can be prosecuted if you tell the truth about Islam.
Islam is perfect, there is nothing to be added or changed.
Islam is fixed, stable, ordered and disciplined, and so are Muslims. — © Abu Bakar Bashir
Islam is fixed, stable, ordered and disciplined, and so are Muslims.
Islam is about finding your own space.
Apostasy from Islam is a crime and is punishable by death.
Before there was radical Islam, immigration and terror didn't mix.
Saudi Arabia is the mother and father of political Islam.
Therefore, when I look for a church, I look for the music that best fits me and the programs that best cater to me and my family. When I make plans for my life and career, it is about what works best for me and my family. When I consider the house I will live in, the car I will drive, the clothes I will wear, the way I will live, I will choose according to what is best for me. This is the version of Christianity that largely prevails in our culture. But it is not biblical Christianity.
Islam is antiauthoritarian, sex-positive monotheism.
Islam is not a race, yet Islamophobia partakes of racist characteristics.
The trouble today is that many Christians live in a kind of bubble of assumptions about what their Christianity means, especially if it places them comfortably among "the good guys," - assumptions that are likely to be drawn as much from folk-Christianity, surrounding political culture, popular pulp-books about the "End Times," or their favourite guru writer or therapist, than from sober and comprehensive reading of the Bible as a whole. Prophets and preachers have the unwelcome task of pricking that bubble with the sharpness of actual texts and teachings of the Bible itself.
It's not radical Islam that worries the US -- it's independence
I don't recognize any law but the Sharia of Islam. There is no compromise.
I admire the Islam. There's a lot of good principles in it.
We claim Islam as Deen or a complete way of life.
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