Top 1200 Chronic Pain Quotes & Sayings - Page 6

Explore popular Chronic Pain quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
A plant-based diet is like a one-stop shop against chronic diseases.
Anxiety and anticipation, I was to learn, are the essential ingredients in suffering from pain, as opposed to feeling pain pure and simple.
Seeing other people in pain causes me pain. — © Julia Stiles
Seeing other people in pain causes me pain.
Pain is something that's common to human life. When we ignore it, we aren't engaging in the whole reality, and the pain begins to fester.
If you are angry or in pain, separate yourself from anger and pain and watch them. Externalization is the first step to liberation.
We wake up and are grateful for the day. Not taking away from the pain, because the pain will be there. But you live on.
What humor allows you to do is to let the past go with less pain. It's a healing element. It releases some of the pain from the shotgun wound.
You can't avoid pain in life. It's how you handle pain, that's what defines you.
The more you push, pass that pain, to feel the exhilaration of what that pain really delivers, then you will find the values of who you are.
I wanted to understand pain and the human condition, which is full of pain and regret and sadness - and some happiness, if you're lucky.
"Do not repine, my friends," said Mr. Pecksniff, tenderly. "Do not weep for me. It is chronic."
Don't always use PAIN that you receive as an excuse to GIVE PAIN.
Evil is the chronic malady of the universe, and checked in one place, breaks forth in another. — © Herman Melville
Evil is the chronic malady of the universe, and checked in one place, breaks forth in another.
Everyone is down on pain, because they forget something important about it: Pain is for the living. Only the dead don't feel it.
Our consciences take no notice of pain inflicted on others until it reaches a point where it gives pain to us.
The people who survive avoid snowball scenarios in which bad trades cause them to become emotionally destabilized and make more bad trades. They are also able to feel the pain of losing. If you don't feel the pain of a loss, then you're in the same position as those unfortunate people who have no pain sensors. If they leave their hand on a hot stove, it will burn off. There is no way to survive in the world without pain. Similarly, in the markets, if the losses don't hurt, your financial survival is tenuous.
Early marriage is most prevalent in communities suffering deep, chronic poverty.
The pain of recovery is sometimes worse than the pain of the injury. Allow Jesus Christ to heal your soul.
Pain now is better than pain deferred.
Beethoven's string quartets express pain itself; it is not MY pain.
When one is innocent of pain, of the havoc it can wreak, one is never cruel. Cruelty is born of pain, of a need to hurt in turn.
We all have to face pain, and pain makes us grow.
Often the thought of pain is actually worse that the pain itself.
When you're in pain, tomorrow doesn't exist - just the pain - and the only thing that you want in the world is for it to go away.
The pain was her whole world now. Pain and fear.
Pain is a gift. Humanity, without pain, would know neither fear nor pity.
He shrugged his shoulders to shift the pain of failure---the pain that is so much greater than the pleasure of success.
Remember, the pain of rejection is nothing compared to the pain of regret.
The only way to defeat pain is to recognize pain exists.
The pain of the mind is worse than the pain of the body.
Therein lies the defect of revenge: it's all in the anticipation; the thing itself is a pain, not a pleasure; at least the pain is the biggest end of it.
It is my impression that 'pain-killing' drugs improve the patient's mood rather than take away the pain.
The pain is always bringing me a lesson. If I listen to the lesson when the pain is manageable, the pain won't get gargantuan and flatten me entirely, because I will have received the message at the center. I receive it as gently as I can, because the cruelest thing that I do to myself is try to push myself through an experience.
Better to know the quick pain of truth than the ongoing pain of a long-held false hope.
I've been through a lot of pain in my life, but I strongly believe that without that pain I would not know love.
Every addiction starts with pain and ends with pain.
Chronic Lyme causes arthritis, heart problems, stroke - even death.
Many suffer from the incurable disease of writing, and it becomes chronic in their sick minds. — © Juvenal
Many suffer from the incurable disease of writing, and it becomes chronic in their sick minds.
The most total opposite of pleasure is not pain but boredom, for we are willing to risk pain to make a boring life interesting.
If there is a chronic infirmity by which every teacher ought to be afflicted, it is, indeed, hope.
When you try to avoid the pain, it creates greater pain.
The pain of preparation is nothing like the pain of losing.
Rather the pain of discipline than the pain of regret.
True Joy is not the absence of pain but the sanctifying, sustaining presence of the Lord Jesus in the midst of the pain
Pain is just a state of mind. You can think your way out of everything, even pain.
It is good to be taught humility when we are young. If we do not exeperience pain as children, we will cause pain as adults.
Pain prompts us to change behavior that is destructive to ourselves or to others. Pain can be a highly effective instructor.
Man, however, is the most courageous animal: thereby has he overcome every animal. With sound of triumph has he overcome every pain; human pain, however, is the sorest pain.
I just feel pain. A lot of pain. I thought I could imagine how much this would hurt but I was wrong. — © Haruki Murakami
I just feel pain. A lot of pain. I thought I could imagine how much this would hurt but I was wrong.
The pain of love is the pain of being alive. It is a perpetual wound.
There are never words for the strongest of our feelings. There is just the pain that we cannot share. Pain we must all feel alone.
We compensate for what we don't do internally by projecting and allowing our minds to be marinated in chronic fantasy.
Creative output, you know, is just pain. I'm going to be cliche for a minute and say that great art comes from pain.
Is it too much to ask to just believe women when we say we are in pain? We shouldn't have to 'perform' pain to be taken seriously.
Women, especially in rural India, have to undergo such suffering and pain. It is important for our cinema to address their pain, anger, and frustration.
People know when you're speaking from el corazón. You have that pain. Take that pain and do something with it. That's very powerful.
Pain is a beautiful thing. When you feel pain, you know you're alive.
I spend a lot of time unpacking the pain surrounding my addiction - both my own and the pain I caused other people.
Fear is the anticipation of the pain in the future. Anger is the remembrance of pain in the past. Hostility is wanting to get even.
What I want for my fans and for the world, for anyone who feels pain, is to lean into that pain and embrace it as much as they can and begin the healing process.
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