Top 1200 Church Life Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Church Life quotes.
Last updated on October 28, 2024.
I went to St. James Methodist Church in Clinton, a segregated church on the other side of the tracks.
The Church of the Apostles was a Church of the poor; of silver and gold it had none.
Church is great, but I found my church here. Hugh Hefner has been nothing but a gentleman. — © Jessica Hahn
Church is great, but I found my church here. Hugh Hefner has been nothing but a gentleman.
If the Church is not now as bad as the Soviet Government, that is due to the influence of those who attacked the Church
Most of us come to the church by a means the church does not allow.
Just as Cardinal Bernardin proposed that an of ethic of life be consistently applied to unite all the life issues, we need in our day to mine the church's social teaching on solidarity.
I did not grow up in the church. I'm not a church-goer now. I'm a very spiritual person.
After my study of today's church, my conclusion is that the church is politely bored with God.
It is better to have a Church that is wounded but out in the streets than a Church that is sick because it is closed in on itself.
Does any sane man imagine that the church could cease to be missionary and remain the church?
For years, my mom dated a man who was really active in the Baptist church in the town next to the town I grew up in, and so he used to drag me to these Baptist church services that lasted forever. I remember that I didn't like the church services, but I really liked the music.
This is what heaven's gonna be like. Not just a white church or a black church, but people.
As the Church is the aggregate of believers, there is an intimate analogy between the experience of the individual believer, and of the Church as a whole.
So if we approach church membership from the perspective of entitlement, we have it upside down. You always ask first what you can do for your church. — © Thom S. Rainer
So if we approach church membership from the perspective of entitlement, we have it upside down. You always ask first what you can do for your church.
I'm afraid the SS's relationship with the Catholic Church is something the Church still has to deal with and does not deny.
Church growth strategies are the death gurgle of a church that has lost its way.
if the devil can get the church to withdraw from prayer by believing reasonable excuses, the church is under his dominion.
Clearly the person who accepts the Church as an infallible guide will believe whatever the Church teaches.
It's time for a new Reformation in the Church--to call the Church back to the authority of the Word of God, beginning in Genesis.
When a church is faithless to its duties, the real church is outside its walls, in the community.
By the time we get to church, I need church cuz I've been yelled at by everyone in the family.
There's always the tendency to transform the Church into an ethical agency, and of measuring the Church by the yardstick of social and cultural utility.
I believe with all my heart that the Church of Jesus Christ should be a Church of blurred edges.
Our Christian identity is belonging to a people: the Church. Without the Church we are not Christians.
The church's final word is not 'church' but the glory of the Father and the Son in the Spirit of liberty
One major difference between Mormons and evangelicals on the subject of revelation is that Latter-day Saints believe that God has appointed modern-day prophets and apostles to receive revelation for Christ's church. All church members may receive revelation appropriate for their particular callings or positions within the church and their families, but never in contradiction to church doctrine or policy. So Mormonism has both a democratic practice of revelation that would resonate with evangelicals, but also an institutional understanding of revelation foreign to evangelicalism.
Personally, I am a church-going Christian. I love my church, my congregation; it's my favorite place to be.
Stop going to church everywhere and start belonging to church somewhere.
In fact, my parents were church people; my father was a deacon in the church.
Yes, I'm a Pastor of a church called Understand Principles for Better Living Church, in Los Angeles, CA.
Though you see a Church-man ill, yet continue in the Church still.
I was raised in a little church, the Grundy Methodist Church, that was very straight-laced, but I had a friend whose mother spoke in tongues. I was just wild for this family. My own parents were older, and they were so over-protective. I just loved the 'letting go' that would happen when I went to church with my friend.
The church has no authority to preach of inclusivity if we fear altering the look of our church by bringing in the poor.
I grew up in the Episcopal Church, went to private school in that church, went to chapel every day.
Is this really the church of Christ, or are we just calling it the church because of our traditions and history?
There are financial bankruptcies in many parts of the church. No question about that. But we see the possibility of reimagining and revitalizing the church.
I walked away from going to church when I was 8. I didn't set foot in another church until I was 28.
If we all gave all our goods to the poor, the church would fall apart. If we all hated our father and mother, as Jesus told us to, there'd be an end of the church's emphasis on the family as being the one important thing holding the whole society together. There are all sorts of ways in which the church's teachings contradict directly what Jesus says in the Gospel.
I grew up in the Southern Baptist Church, where my father was a minister at music, so I sang in the church all the time. — © Missi Pyle
I grew up in the Southern Baptist Church, where my father was a minister at music, so I sang in the church all the time.
But the appeal to antiquity is both a treason and a heresy. It is a treason because it rejects the Divine voice of the Church at this hour, and a heresy because it denies that voice to be Divine. How can we know what antiquity was except through the Church? ... I may say in strict truth that the Church has no antiquity. It rests upon its own supernatural and perpetual consciousness. ... The only Divine evidence to us of what was primitive is the witness and voice of the Church at this hour.
The Church and only the Church has been given the keys to the kingdom, so we have unique access to God that nobody else has.
I played at my church every once in a while, but that's not a good gauge, because everybody loves you at your church.
The church is the only mechanism for mass mobilization. That's why the civil rights movement came out of the church.
I refused to teach Sunday school. When Archdeacon Henry Phillips, my last rector, died, I flatly refused again to join any church or sign any church creed. From my 30th year on I have increasingly regarded the church as an institution which defended such evils as slavery, color caste, exploitation of labor and war.
If the church says we will not accept you here or that we will expose you if you are stealing the resources of the country or stealing the resources of a private company or other establishment, where you work, then we would not have the type of problem that we have in this country. If only the church does so - just the church.
I do object to the sensationalism or even the voyeurism of doing things in church or out of church.
I think we are all trying to figure out what it means to be the Church as opposed to just doing church.
I think there is tribalism is a big deal inside of the church, that the church thinks of themselves as a tribe and not a mission.
When I don't have to do out on tour I go to church. Church is a good place to be. — © Juicy J
When I don't have to do out on tour I go to church. Church is a good place to be.
If you're not looking forward to church this morning perhaps it's time to look for a church.
The Church did the most when the Church was the least like the world.
The National Catholic Register's coverage of the Church universal, and the Church in our own country, is splendid.
My church is in the detention facilities where I preside and celebrate the Eucharist. To me that's the church. That's the people of God.
When we say Church of All Nations, it's a vision given to me, that the church will touch all the world.
Satan's strategies to stop the church will ultimately serve to spread the church. And Satan's strategies to inflict earthly pain in your life will ultimately serve to increase eternal glory with your God; 'Light momentary affliction.'
The world could not long ignore a holy church. The church is not despised because it is holy: it is despised because it is not holy enough. There is not enough difference between the people inside the church and those outside to be impressive. A church in which saints were as common as now they are rare would convict the world, if only by contrast. Sanctity cannot be ignored. Even a little bit is potent. So far from the gates of hell prevailing against it, it hammers on their triple steel.
If you can get a spiritual connection without going to church, why go to church?.
Life treads on life, and heart on heart; We press too close in church and mart To keep a dream or grave apart.
When I was growing up, I'd be in the choir. My mum was the organist in the church, so I'd sing in the church.
The Roman Catholic Church is for saints and sinners alone - for respectable people, the Anglican Church will do.
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