Top 110 Clinics Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Clinics quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
You have to remember that coaching wasn't sophisticated back then - you didn't have the camps, clinics and all the technical advances that are available today - so from that standpoint, playing with a cast on my arm was a fortunate event in my life.
I was a total jock growing up. I went to super-dorky basketball clinics and was handpicked to play on a state team called the Texas Heat.
A majority, perhaps as many as 75 percent, of abortion clinics are in areas with high minority populations. — © Alveda King
A majority, perhaps as many as 75 percent, of abortion clinics are in areas with high minority populations.
My most important projects have been the building and maintaining of schools and medical clinics for my dear friends in the Himalaya and helping restore their beautiful monasteries, too.
I often tell people in the clinics, the human possesses the one thing that means more to the horse than anything in the world, and that is peace and comfort.
We have built tens of thousands of schools, clinics and rural roads.
Forget health clinics and gyms. Sex is the best cure. One good night of sex and your problems are gone.
The women working at abortion clinics are really on the front lines and the true heroes of feminism.
ISIS may be a perversion of Islam, but Islamic it is, just as Christian beliefs about the sanctity of the unborn child explain why some Christian fundamentalists attack abortion clinics and doctors.
When former abortion workers speak out in public about what they did in their clinics, what they saw happening, and the disrespect consistently shown women, hearts and mind change, and abortion facilities close.
As a pro-life legislator, I supported the effort in the Louisiana House of Representatives to improve access to quality health care for women by placing realistic regulations on clinics performing abortions.
Don't just expect the scouts to find you. Go to camps, clinics and make sure you are seen.
Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope. It is a tool for daily life in modern society. It is a bulwark against poverty, and a building block of development, an essential complement to investments in roads, dams, clinics and factories.
You [ Peter R. Breggin] have basically implied that they've turned our schools into something other than schools. What do you think the government has in mind by turning our schools into little clinics?
Most Americans probably have no idea how hostile anti-abortion sidewalk counseling outside clinics can be. There's a reason pro-choicers volunteer to escort patients as they make their way past angry crowds to the clinic door.
New schools, hospitals, clinics, factories, bridges, dams, and airports tell the story of a South Africa that has indeed moved forward. — © Cyril Ramaphosa
New schools, hospitals, clinics, factories, bridges, dams, and airports tell the story of a South Africa that has indeed moved forward.
While Planned Parenthood provides abortions at some of their clinics, it also provides healthcare services for poor women, including checkups, mammograms, cervical cancer screenings and contraceptives.
We'll have clinics and educational events and conferences to get more and more young players developing as hockey players.
Senator Vitter and I had a track record of working together on some key issues, restoring funding for our waterways and ports; he assisted me on the Senate side with the veterans' clinics. We have a working relationship where we look out for the interests of Louisiana.
Myself and Cameron Lickle travel around North America in an RV and we conduct tennis clinics in clubs.
The Health Center Cluster program helps communities all over the country by providing assistance to health centers and clinics.
As someone who used to work in an abortion clinic and who now has helped over 425 people get out of the abortion industry, I have hundreds of first-hand accounts of what abortion clinics do to cut corners on cleanliness and health. Truly disgusting tales.
In fact, many children come to autism clinics early on with GI/bowel disturbances.
Terrorists cut people's heads off and that's what they do in the Planned Parenthood clinics.
I've invested in pitches and continue to run clinics to help encourage others to do the same.
Malmo, with its 280,000 residents, is Sweden's third-largest city. To see a physician, a patient must go to one of two local clinics before they can see a specialist. The clinics have security guards to keep patients from getting unruly as they wait hours to see a doctor. The guards also prevent new patients from entering the clinic when the waiting room is considered full. Uppsala, a city with 200,000 people, has only one specialist in mammography. Sweden's National Cancer Foundation reports that in a few years most Swedish women will not have access to mammography.
The GOP wants to cut funding for birth control, place undue burdens on clinics that serve low income women and families, and defund Planned Parenthood.
When I was 27 years old, I organized legal aid clinics to help low-income seniors. It was a life-altering experience.
My mother would drag me to remote clinics to show the indigenous Dayaks what a healthy baby should look like.
I began these clinics because I want to share my years of experience in around the ring, in addition to my proven winning methods. I have seen the good and the bad. I have learned valuable lessons, which I want to pass along to those truly interested in the sport.
We have in Tennessee a number of wonderful faith-based clinics to serve the uninsured. It is an important principle with them that everyone pays something as they are able.
People ask me all the time, 'Why don't don't you ever do drum clinics?' And my reply is always that I like playing music; I want to play with a band.
Public and private funds have been thrown around like confetti at a country fair, to close up and destroy clinics, hospitals, and scientific research laboratories which do not conform to the viewpoint of medical associations.
As Governor, I will direct my Secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services not to distribute federal taxpayer dollars from that department to Planned Parenthood clinics.
I have enjoyed great satisfaction from my climb of Everest and my trips to the poles. But there's no doubt that my most worthwhile things have been the building of schools and medical clinics.
Our movements reveal a great deal about who we are. A record of our locations over time can reveal whether we go to tent revivals or radical political meetings, abortion clinics or AIDS doctors.
Why don't church leaders forbid Catholics from joining the military with the same fervor they tell Catholics to stay away from abortion clinics?
I always wanted to do NBA Cares but they didn't want me to represent the league. I just did Matt Cares instead. I went to Africa by myself to do camps and clinics. — © Matt Barnes
I always wanted to do NBA Cares but they didn't want me to represent the league. I just did Matt Cares instead. I went to Africa by myself to do camps and clinics.
The alarming thing in China is the almost total absence of primary care. Even in cities, there are no independent doctors' offices or neighborhood clinics, so people have to go to the hospital for every health care need.
My dad has always taught me these words: care and share. That's why we put on clinics. The only thing I can do is try to give back. If it works, it works.
Everyone knows now how early a fetus becomes a baby. Women who have been pregnant have seen their babies on ultrasounds. They know that there is a terrible truth to those horrific pictures the anti-choice fanatics hold up in front of abortion clinics.
The people who are on the front lines every day in hospitals, nurses, the people who are running clinics, the people who are taking care of your children, those are the people who are the lovers of the world, are the good of the world.
Charities are now working to give people in poor countries access to the Internet. But shouldn't we spend that money on providing health clinics and safe water? Aren't these things more relevant? I have no intention of downplaying the importance of the Internet, but its impact has been exaggerated.
For the animals, they came from the University in Uppsala and all different kinds of clinics here.
I always find that what's unique to my clinics is the credentials I bring to the table
In American fertility clinics, 75 percent of couples are requesting girls and not boys.
The women who walk into Planned Parenthood clinics come from every background, every political persuasion.
There are no bona fide treatments available for embryonic stem cells. There is nothing in the laboratory, and there is certainly nothing in the clinics available to patients.
I liked beaches, swimming pools, and clinics for there they were the bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh. I pitied them and myself, but this will not protect me. The word and the thought are over.
Filthy abortion clinics are not uncommon, but finding out about health violations at each clinic is no easy task.
Europe has discarded its children. A bit triumphantly. I remember that when I was studying in one country the clinics that did abortions then prepared everything to send it to cosmetic factories. Makeup made with the blood of innocents. And this was something to brag about, because it was progressive.
The Grameen clinics prove that a medical system 'for the poor' can be almost entirely self-supporting, and we hope we can make it fully self sufficient so we can expand it across Bangladesh.
After spending more than 17 years playing for the NBA, in the summertime, I always came back to community service and different basketball clinics. — © Dikembe Mutombo
After spending more than 17 years playing for the NBA, in the summertime, I always came back to community service and different basketball clinics.
I was taking hitting clinics every chance I got. I really worked on it. It was just fun to be given that invitation from the director to make the baseball as good as we can.
I hated to see tabloids with my pictures where I looked so plump. I visited so many doctors, clinics, hit the gym, hired an expensive trainer but nothing worked. I went into an acute depression. Its then that somebody advised me to take up Yoga.
From the time I started playing solo drums, doing clinics and stuff, you know I think one of the largest selling clinics I ever did was in Chicago.
I would say healthcare in Vietnam is so-so. There are several international clinics that are good but expensive and the care offered is limited.
I was raised to volunteer: nursing homes, clinics, church nurseries, school, everywhere that could use help. It's such an intrinsic part of me, to use my life to help improve the quality of others.
No one seems to care. Certainly, no one in the million dollar fund-raising cancer clinics are excited over the almost miraculous ...record of...Krebiozen.
For my wife and I, our first child was really easy to have, but our second one was really hard to have. We had to go to a lot of fertility clinics and do that whole thing.
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