Top 1200 Closing Doors Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Closing Doors quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
They have to earn our vote. Neither Hillary [Clinton] or Donald [Trump] have earned our votes, yet the media is kind of closing ranks around them to try to prevent before people find out that there is actually - you know, that we actually have other choices. We are not limited to two corporate candidates.
To reenchant nature is not merely to gain a new perspective for its integrity and well-being; it is to throw open the doors to a deeper level of existence.
Listen, real poetry doesn't say anything; it just ticks off the possibilities. Opens all doors. You can walk through any one that suits you. — © Jim Morrison
Listen, real poetry doesn't say anything; it just ticks off the possibilities. Opens all doors. You can walk through any one that suits you.
I live in quite a smart home. I built it from scratch, so I thought of everything... a lot of my doors are automatic; the whole house is voice-activated.
Forget about being world famous, it's hard enough just getting the automatic doors at the supermarket to acknowledge our existence.
Henry: Well I'm sorry about your head though, but I thought you were one of them. Indiana: Dad, they come in through the doors.
Instead of closing our eyes and bowing our heads, sometimes God wants us to keep our eyes open for people in need, do something about it, and bow our whole lives to Him instead.
The eye and brain are conspirators, and, like most conspiracies, theirs is negotiated behind closed doors, in the back room, outside of our awareness.
I think... all of the best public cryptographers in the world would agree that you can't really build back doors in crypto. That it's like drilling a hole in the windshield.
I feel like as a writer, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to 'Game of Thrones', because it really blew open the doors for fantasy on television.
I sat on the bench outside of class today and talked to Jon. I read to him from my journal, it was the part about the accordian player I was watching on the street last weekend. He said that an accordian is such a perfect metaphor for Love, because you are always opening, and closing, shifting, and getting air, and that's how the music happens. True.
We tell our kids to try for what they want. We cheer them on. But at some point, we stop doing this for ourselves. We shouldn't be so quick to close doors.
Spiritual process is not about chanting a mantra or closing your eyes, spiritual process is essentially about enhancing your perception.
Getting expelled from secondary school and going to a more arty-farty college gave me the incentive to perform and opened some doors. — © Kayvan Novak
Getting expelled from secondary school and going to a more arty-farty college gave me the incentive to perform and opened some doors.
Must be out-of-doors enough to get experience of wholesome reality, as a ballast to thought and sentiment. Health requires this relaxation, this aimless life.
I didn't want to have people open doors for me. My dad never made a call on my behalf to anyone - not to a producer, a director, or a casting agent.
The fact is that our kids aren't reading books - or frankly, much of anything lately. Schools are under funded, some schools even closing their libraries. Parents have to realize that it's their job, and not the school's job, to get kids into the habit of reading for fun.
We know all about actors and singers because they do interviews, but with the royals, everything's so tightly controlled. They live this strange reality behind closed doors.
The first artist I really loved was Stevie Wonder. That opened the doors to other soul singers like Ray Charles and Aretha Franklin.
I think everything moving forward will just be instinctual, like we'll know exactly which doors to walk through when they open.
Well, I don't want to say mad, but there was 'heated' exchanges back in the closing days of OVW when I said that I was running our own business there in OVW and they said, no, we are running their storage closet. They didn't actually say that, but that was how they treated it.
Isn't that ridiculous to show Peter standing at the gates of Heaven with a ring of keys? The doors are already unlocked for us, all we've got to do is walk in through the front gate!
The prison of lust is just that very one of which the soul shuts the doors upon herself; for each act of indulgence is the shooting of a fresh bolt.
It has been one of my difficulties, in arguing this question out of doors with friends or strangers, that I rarely find any intelligible agreement as to the object of the war.
Frustration is a sign I am acting independently. The more you try your own way, the tighter the doors will stay closed.
Open the doors to all. Let the children of the rich and the poor take their seats together and know of no distinction save that of industry, good conduct, and intellect.
The enemies of the Soviet state calculate that the heavy loss we have borne will lead to disorder and confusion in our ranks. But their expectations are in vain: bitter disillusionment awaits them. He who is not blind sees that our party, during its difficult days, is closing its ranks still more closely, that it is united and unshakable.
Chicago is a great place because you can experience theatre, film, television, anything and everything, so for an actor it's exciting. The doors are kind of open.
These days the whole 'American Idol' and 'The X Factor' and all that stuff has opened up doors for songwriters like me. I get songs on their albums.
Whatever their reasons, Hollywood, or the entertainment industry, is saying something about Indians. I don't see the rest of the media knocking down any doors to do that.
When your failures surround you, and all the open doors have closed, look up. There’s a door that never closes, a way, when all the other ways have failed you.
I insist on knowing the names, on being interested only in books left ajar, like doors; I will not go looking for keys.
When the child goes out, it is the world itself that offers itself to him. Let us take the child out to show him real things instead of making objects which represent ideas and closing them up in cupboards.
I am now considered such a monster, that I hesitate to darken with my shadow, the doors of those I love, lest I should bring upon them misfortune.
My characters are never heroic. They are mostly lost and trying to find the right door to open and they end up opening the wrong doors.
Those artists who say that somehow therapy or analysis will thwart their creativity are completely misinformed. It's absolutely the opposite: it opens closed doors.
Tax reform for the 21st century means rewarding hardworking families by closing unfair loopholes, lowering tax rates across the board, and simplifying the tax code dramatically. It demands reducing the tax burden on American businesses of all sizes so they can keep more of their income to invest in our communities.
I sat down and tried to rest. I could not; though I had been on foot all day, I could not now repose an instant; I was too much excited. A phase of my life was closing tonight, a new one opening tomorrow: impossible to slumber in the interval; I must watch feverishly while the change was being accomplished.
I can still deliver behind closed doors, we just need to get a recording of the fans singing and shouting in the arena so I can hear them chanting. — © Dereck Chisora
I can still deliver behind closed doors, we just need to get a recording of the fans singing and shouting in the arena so I can hear them chanting.
In working on any one problem, such as higher minimum wages, so many other issues come into play, such as some businesses possibly closing down, thus creating fewer jobs and more unemployment and incentivizing companies to import more goods from abroad, which leads to even less employment at home, and so on.
I was raised with this idea of hard work and keeping doors open. To be able to choose what you want to do in the future. That was what we tried to tell our children, too.
To be an actor you have to have a certain amount of madness in you. That’s why, when people meet you and you seem very together, they are quite surprised - they don’t see you behind closed doors.
When the sun is shining, think of the time it won't be, because even when you're sitting in your house with the doors shut, misfortune can fall from above. Page 279
Nothing of the kind; they do all these things in their houses and sheds, with common charcoal fires, and a quantity of straw to stop up the crevices in the doors and windows.
Why did men worship in churches, locking themselves away in the dark, when the world lay beyond its doors in all its real glory?
I think a lot of newspapers have lost touch with that sense of community, which so impressed me as a teenager when I had to knock on people's doors.
Absolutely everything I've done - my research, my training, my book - was made possible due to Harvard opening doors and providing me with connections.
My opinion is that prostitution always existed and will always exist. So I think it's worth trying to give these women the best working conditions, in terms of social help and health. It's too difficult to close your eyes and say: "" Closing your eyes is not a good solution!
Life is a maze of doors and they all open from the side you're on. Just keep on pushing hard boy, try as you may, you're going to wind up where you started from. — © Cat Stevens
Life is a maze of doors and they all open from the side you're on. Just keep on pushing hard boy, try as you may, you're going to wind up where you started from.
I came here knowing nobody. I worked clubs as a singer and even the doors a few times before I landed some TV roles.
When one is a child, the disposition of objects, tables and chairs and doors, seems part of the natural order: a house-move lets in chaos - as it does for a dog.
As far as the Internet is concerned, we're not talking about closing the Internet. I'm talking about parts of Syria, parts of Iraq, where ISIS is, spotting it.
Journeying through secret doors, curving corridors, and connecting rooms into the mountain was like being digested by the different organs of a deity.
I wanted to be a stuntman first, and I used to pretend to be Indiana Jones and jump off roofs and slide under garage doors. I was 29 at the time.
We really broke down some doors for women and for musicians in general. It was just go out and form a band and don't care what anyone thinks.
The man who does not betake himself at once and desperately to sawing is called a loafer, though he may be knocking at the doors of heaven all the while.
It is difficult for the common good to prevail against the intense concentration of those who have a special interest, especially if the decisions are made behind locked doors.
The doors of this Library are open now and are all welcome. The judgment of history is left to you, the people. I have no fears of that, for we have done our best. And so I say, come and learn from it.
Love is not only blind, but a fool, a stumbling mess falling backwards through showroom doors into atmospheres unwelcoming of his presence.
Thierry had no idea why they were called French doors. His native countrymen weren't stupid enough to put them in their homes.
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