Top 1200 Cold War Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Cold War quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Here in Europe, I think that there are a lot of young people who forget the issues that were at stake during the Cold War.
I do not believe that Putin intends to leave office in a Cold War atmosphere with the United States.
In some ways, the '60s were a reaction to the '50s and the intensity of the Cold War. — © Tariq Ali
In some ways, the '60s were a reaction to the '50s and the intensity of the Cold War.
In many places around the world, all over the U.S. and Europe there are active nuclear power plants. And for many years during the Cold War the threat of nuclear war was a permanent fear. There's always the concern that human kind is biting off more than they can chew in harnessing nuclear power.
This system, built on free markets, free trade and free peoples and American protection, that's what got us from the end of World War II to the extraordinary events of the end of the Cold War and a system that was one of prosperity and peace for a lot of people, including for the United States.
I wasn't very worried about the Cold War; I was busy being a musician.
One might have thought that the Cold War's conclusion would have convinced the Left that appeasement of dictators is not profitable.
When I get a cold sore, I put Carmex on it, because Carmex is supposed to alleviate cold sores. I don't know if it does help, but it will make them more shiny and noticeable. It's like cold-sore-highlighter. Maybe they could come up with an arrow that heals cold sores.
War tears, rends. War rips open, eviscerates. War scorches. War dismembers. War ruins.
Is such an alliance helpful to us in this day and age? Are we creating a cold war in order to justify NATO?
The Cold War may be 'over' for the West. For the Soviets it has entered a new, active and promising phase.
When I first got back from the war, I said, 'I'm gonna write the Great American Novel about the Vietnam War.' So I sat down and wrote 1,700 pages of sheer psychotherapy drivel. It was first person, and there would be pages about wet socks and cold feet.
What the Cold War did was provide a fairly clearly defined enemy and it's easy to organize around that. — © Jeff Sharlet
What the Cold War did was provide a fairly clearly defined enemy and it's easy to organize around that.
The jealousy and resentment that animate the terrorists also affect many of our former cold war allies.
But don't think that it's a system or a culture or a state or a person that does the letting down. It's our expectations that let us down. It begins in the warmth of the womb and the discovery that it's cold outside. But it's not the cold's fault that it's cold.
I had a minor in Russian history, and this was at the time when the big Cold War was going on.
The East is very mysterious to Westerners. Even post-Cold War, it's still an unknown entity.
The U.N. bureaucracy has grown to elephantine proportions. Now that the Cold War is over, we are asking that elephant to do gymnastics.
And so the greatest of American triumphs... became a peculiarly joyless victory. We had won the Cold War, but there would be no parades.
Bernie Sanders has shown that socialism is no longer the barrier that it used to be during the Cold War.
Much has changed since the end of the Cold War that augurs well for the survival of our nation.
During the Cold War, we were interested because we were scared that Russia and the United States were going to go to war. We were scared that Russia was going to take over the world. Every country became a battleground.
How many women have the courage to start properly with a cold, cold bath early in the morning? I jump in, throw the water, cold as ice, and after the first plunge I am happy.
Katherine Johnson actually integrated the public university in West Virginia. And Mary Jackson had to petition state courts to be allowed to attend an all-white college to get the qualifications needed to become an engineer. At every turn, these women were involved in the Second World War, the Cold War, the civil rights movement.
If America does not wish to end her days in the same nursing home as Britannia she had best end this geo-babble about new world orders. Our war, the Cold War, is over. It is time for America to come home.
Since the end of the Cold War, hegemonism has become increasingly unpopular.
So many people of my generation who served in the government were prisoners of the Cold War culture, still are.
It's the height of the Cold War, but I grew up in apolitical family and politics wasn't on the agenda.
Leading with its values gave the United States a sense of purpose in the Cold War.
Our next Cold War ought to be with ourselves...After all, who poses the biggest danger to the American environment? We do.
After the end of the cold war, everybody thought, fantastic, finally the UN may be able to do what it was originally set up to do without big power divisions. It would be easy to get them to come together to resolve things. You will recall, on the first Gulf war, you almost got a unanimous resolution and a very solid coalition.
People were really interested in what was going on because of the international context of the Cold War.
The safest period of my lifetime was the Cold War, when Europe was more sharply divided than ever.
During the Cold War, we lived in coded times when it wasn't easy and there were shades of grey and ambiguity.
Since the end of the Cold War, America has been grasping left and right for an identity.
The '60s are my favorite decade - with the Cold War, the women's movement. And then there's the music, the fashion, the clothes, the hair.
I like lassic British spy thrillers. Seriously. If the cold war was still on, that's something I'd be writing.
Why, a quarter of a century after the Cold War, do we still have 28,000 troops in Korea? — © Pat Buchanan
Why, a quarter of a century after the Cold War, do we still have 28,000 troops in Korea?
One began to hear it said that World War I was the chemists' war, World War II was the physicists' war, World War III (may it never come) will be the mathematicians' war.
The misconception that aid falls straight into the hands of dictators largely stems from the Cold War era.
But the biggest thing that has happened in the world in my life, in our lives, is this: By the grace of God, America won the Cold War.
The Cold War in Africa is one of the darkest, most disgraceful pages in contemporary history, and everybody ought to be ashamed.
With stealth technology, the U.S. could spy on its Cold War adversaries without running the risk of getting caught.
The relationship between the Chinese government and me is like a Cold War.
In the 80s, we were still living in a kind of Cold War environment.
The Cold War has ended. It's very simple. We are no longer living in a bipolar world. The chances that we will go to war with Russia are pretty much ended. Mutually Assured Destruction was a doctrine that worked very well for decades as a deterrent, but the world has fundamentally changed.
Stalin's policies pushed the world into the Cold War. Putin has the potential to be equally as dangerous.
In the euphoria after the Cold War, there was a misplaced notion that the UN could solve every problem anywhere. — © Atal Bihari Vajpayee
In the euphoria after the Cold War, there was a misplaced notion that the UN could solve every problem anywhere.
The United States has dealt with the Middle East and surrounding regions for many decades in the context of the Cold War.
I expect that Trump believes we do not have an obligation to have a Cold War with Russia, but that he is very cautious.
The Cold War is over. And our focus has got to be on intelligence, increased manpower, fighting internationally targets.
Putin wants to reestablish Russian greatness, not as the Cold War, but in 19th century empire terms.
People in Iceland are complete chickens in the cold. You think, "Oh, you must not be cold because you're from Iceland," but we're never in the cold.
We are plunging headlong into a cold war, and we have 2,000 nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert.
I thought, between sports and news and television and friendship, that you could end the Cold War and, by God, we did.
The Cold War was over long before it was officially declared dead.
The United States particularly abandoned Liberia after the end of the Cold War.
I worked for MI6 in the Sixties, during the great witch-hunts, when the shared paranoia of the Cold War gripped the services.
Severe isn't a word normally associated with a cold. Severe is for weather or third-degree burns...No one responds 'severe' when someone asks how her cold is.In fact, nine out of ten Americans respond to 'How's your cold' with 'It sucks.' So there should be an It Sucks cold formula.
I said it's a cold universe and I don't mean that metaphorically. If you go out into space, it's cold. It's really cold and we don't know what's up there. We happen to be in this little pocket where there's a sun. What have we got except love and each other to guard against all that isolation and loneliness?
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