Top 135 Commenting Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Commenting quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
When I was growing up, we used to be like the Royle family, sitting around watching lots of TV and commenting on it. It was our focal point.
I think you've got to be careful with social media. You can get addicted to the buzz of people liking and commenting. It's exhausting.
In my twenties, I was virulently opposed to anyone commenting on my appearance, lest it come at the expense of my ability. — © Fiona Bruce
In my twenties, I was virulently opposed to anyone commenting on my appearance, lest it come at the expense of my ability.
I was angry and sad that people kept commenting on my pictures saying, 'You're too fat to wear that!' or 'Cover up! No one wants to see that!'
When commenting on the turmoil and disorder of the world, If the other planets are inhabited, they must be using this earth as their insane asylum.
Art is commenting on what's going on around you in your life.
Generals aren't in the business of commenting on the correctness or incorrectness of the President's decisions. Anybody who thinks he should be able to do that ought to be fired on the spot.
I love it when people criticize me for inquiring or commenting on someone's marriage when I'm not married.
As a professional journalist who nonetheless champions a 'people's' Internet, I am happy to compete against the thousands of amateur bloggers out there reporting and commenting on the same stories I do.
Art is something out of the ordinary commenting on the ordinary.
I'm 45, and I'm still at school, essentially. Even after being assigned to the mission, I had to write a number of exams, with people commenting on my performance.
It's a better boost to my ego that people are commenting positively on my appearance than negatively.
To me, comedy is just twisting reality. It's commenting or observing or twisting life. — © Steven Wright
To me, comedy is just twisting reality. It's commenting or observing or twisting life.
Gail didn't want me commenting on the opinion pages. I was hired by the news department and, despite the rabid assertions of the Times' enemies and detractors, the two really have nothing to do with each other.
When I was a kid, we all knew who Niki Lauda was. He was a hero, a living legend in Germany. Everybody knows him. And he's still very present on TV because he's commenting for Formula One.
I definitely have fun commenting on the real world and interpreting through the 'Dear White People' lens.
People know what authentic communication feels like, so having someone else handle your social media/commenting doesn't feel honest to me.
The Quran is many different things, and we also have to see the Quran almost as a secondary source commenting on the Old Testament.
My son, all my life I have loved this science so deeply that I can now hear my heart beat for joy. Commenting about Pasteur's accomplishment of separating two asymmetric forms of tartaric acid crystals.
I went into photography because it seemed like the perfect vehicle for commenting on the madness of today's existence.
A great whispering noise began to rise in the woods on either side of the tracks, as if the forest had just noticed we were there and was commenting on it.
The way I look at a musical, you are commenting on the human condition no matter what you do. A musical may be light and frivolous, but by its very nature, it makes some kind of social comment.
As treasury secretary, I don't see it as my role commenting on the dollar in short-term movements.
I'm used to people commenting on my body, even women I have just met.
I've always wanted to connect with my viewers but there's only so much you can do through commenting and tweets.
Like a lot of people, I’ve always enjoyed commenting on strangers’ outfits. Unlike a lot of people, I now had a new megaphone to do it with. And, let me tell you, commenting on people’s hilarious clothing choices through a megaphone makes it so much better.
I've always liked science fiction as a way of commenting on ourselves and it's wrong that it is seen as less valid than other art forms.
I think that any person who is commenting on public affairs is entitled to point out those dangers.
I guess I've always been drawn to roles that have smart characters commenting on what's happening around them.
I was not exploiting any real individual's story in writing ROOM, of course I was aware that my novel, by commenting on such situations, would run the risk of falling into those traps of voyeurism, sensationalism and sentimentality.
Last night when I was commenting on the FBI and the CIA, the sound went off for 27 minutes. I should have known better.
Momma, you're special," Renesmee told me without any surprise, like she was commenting on the color of my clothes.
I think some orator commenting upon that fate said that though the winds of heaven might whistle around an Englishman's cottage, the King of England could not.
We live in an age where everyone is so opinionated about everything in general in life, especially their expertise or their personal knowledge of anything that they're commenting on.
I will only talk about my work. I have always stayed away from commenting on my personal life, and that remains unchanged.
Science fiction is never about the future, in the same way history is rarely about the past: they're both parable formats for examining or commenting on the present.
It's a fine line between commenting on social events and exploiting them in a commercial endeavor. This is the tension with which the fashion industry struggles - unfairly.
Everybody is so sure about everything these days. Just look at your horrible Facebook feed on the most recent tragedy that people are commenting on. — © Scott McClanahan
Everybody is so sure about everything these days. Just look at your horrible Facebook feed on the most recent tragedy that people are commenting on.
More immediately, I'm currently working on another Dracula in which there will be connections with ancient Egypt. That's about as far as I want to go in commenting on current work.
Great discoveries are made accidentally less often than the populace likes to think. Commenting on how an accident led to the discovery of X-rays.
I don't know the fitness that Donald Trump possesses to be commenting on other people's heroism. The most lethal foe that he is ever faced in his own life, I think was Rosie O'Donnell.
It says something about the curious nature of film, that someone can be so alive on screen, when we're all too aware that they've passed. it underscores how we're mortal, and films are immortal (commenting on the death of Heath Ledger)
For, to my mind, this is a certain principle, that nothing is here treated of but the visible form of the world. He who would learn astronomy, and other recondite arts, let him go elsewhere. (on commenting the text of Genesis 1:6)
I grew up with gossip mags commenting on how I looked.
Judges should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office.
Half the guys commenting on MS Dhoni can't even tie their shoelaces.
In reality, if there are 200 people commenting on something online, it's less than a grain of salt in a huge beach of humanity - who cares?
I don't think anybody does anything anymore without commenting on why they're doing it or making fun of it as they're doing it. — © Scott McClanahan
I don't think anybody does anything anymore without commenting on why they're doing it or making fun of it as they're doing it.
It's a form of mental and verbal gymnastics, and one of the things that appeals to me most about commenting on darts is that no one knows exactly what I'm going to come out with next - and neither do I.
Richard Wagner commenting on the music of Ludvig Van Beethoven: He was a Titan, wrestling with the Gods.
There is an odd assumption that compassion and care are finite or that critics can be everything to everyone - commenting on everything simply because they can. That's not what cultural criticism is.
The heart of blogging is linking - linking and commenting. Connecting and communicating - the purpose of the Internet.
Being in an acting class, you always feel like, you know, you're insecure, a lot of ways, when the teacher is commenting on your performance.
Can you look without the voice in your head commenting, drawing conclusions, comparing, or trying to figure something out?
I've always considered myself to look like a rather plain-and-exhausted bluestocking, so it's rather odd to read Tweets commenting on my appearance.
When you write songs you're commenting on love, you're commenting on sex, relationships, whatever it is that you decide to write about it. And I've wanted to write about politics or spiritual ideas for years.
Well, I make a practice of not commenting on the role of the relative exchange value of our currency.
Arthur V. Berger commenting on the music of Aaron Copland: Here is at last an American that we may place unapologetically beside the great recognized creative figures of any other country.
It's not easy for most girls to stand in next-to-nothing and listen to photographers and stylists commenting on how they look.
Why didn’t you talk about whether women are funny or not? I just felt that by commenting on that in any real way, it would be tacit approval of it as a legitimate debate, which it isn’t.
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