Top 694 Commonly Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Commonly quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Liberty of thinking, and of expressing our thoughts, is always fatal to priestly power, and to those pious frauds on which it is commonly founded.
The silence of a friend commonly amounts to treachery. His not daring to say anything in our behalf implies a tacit censure.
Infancy conforms to nobody: all conform to it, so that one babe commonly makes four or five out of the adults who prattle and play to it. — © Ralph Waldo Emerson
Infancy conforms to nobody: all conform to it, so that one babe commonly makes four or five out of the adults who prattle and play to it.
It may happen sometimes that a long debate becomes the cause of a longer friendship. Commonly, those who dispute with one another at last agree.
But you learn to smother the living breathing soul, go deaf to it, and this violence to the self is what is commonly called sanity in the places where I have lived.
When we become immobilized by our own inability to deal directly with what is a commonly perceived truth and reality, we are in trouble as a nation.
Man's rights are evident branches of, rather than deductions from, the duty of self-preservation, commonly called the first law of nature.
There is a secret about human love that is commonly overlooked: Receiving it is much more scary and threatening than giving it.
Commonly men will only be brave as their fathers were brave, or timid.
Beauty is commonly a gratification of our sense of costliness masquerading under the name of beauty.
I'll tell you an explanation that I find commonly overrated and speculative in the extreme: the idea that things that succeed in popular culture do that because they hit the temper of the times.
Comparative criticism teaches us that moral and aesthetic defects are more nearly related than is commonly supposed.
What I admire most in any man is a serene spirit, a steady freedom from moral indignation, and all-embracing tolerance--in brief,what is commonly called sportsmanship.
Patron: One who countenances, supports or protects. Commonly a wretch who supports with insolence, and is repaid in flattery. — © Samuel Johnson
Patron: One who countenances, supports or protects. Commonly a wretch who supports with insolence, and is repaid in flattery.
A man in a jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company
No mistake is so commonly made by clever people as that of assuming a cause to be bad because the arguments of its supporters are, to a great extent, nonsensical
I don't say that bodies like flint, which are commonly called inanimate, have perceptions and appetition; rather they have something of that sort in them, as worms are in cheese.
Barium, which is commonly found in power plant waste and scrubber wastewater, has been linked to heart problems and diseases in other organs.
I am in agreement with income-tax protesters that the tax, as commonly applied, is unconstitutional, unfair, and immoral.
People really do not have time to read all the newspapers in the world and all the sites that we now commonly use on the web. There is no possibility of keeping up.
There were certainly some people who wanted me to do a feel-good story that affirmed a lot of very commonly held beliefs.
What we commonly call death does not destroy the body, it only causes a separation of spirit and body.
The world is the book of women. Whatever knowledge they may possess is more commonly acquired by observation than by reading.
Pleasure is very seldom found where it is sought; our brightest blazes of gladness are commonly kindled by unexpected sparks.
Almost every aspect of its (Federal Reserve) history should be approached with a discriminating disregard for what is commonly taught or believed.
The animadversions of critics are commonly such as may easily provoke the sedatest writer to some quickness of resentment and asperity of reply.
In returning I read a very different book, published by an honest Quaker , on that execrable sum of all villanies, commonly called the Slave-trade.
To explicate the uses of the Brain seems as difficult a task as to paint the Soul, of which it is commonly said, that it understands all things but itself.
There are two indiscretions that generally distinguish fools: a readiness to report whatever they hear, and a practice of communicating with secrecy what is commonly understood.
Doctors most commonly get mixed up between absence of evidence and evidence of abense
Our aversion to lying is commonly a secret ambition to make what we say considerable, and have every word received with a religious respect.
The unrestricted competition so commonly advocated does not leave us the survival of the fittest. The unscrupulous succeed best in accumulating wealth.
Sincerity is a certain openness of heart. It is to be found in very few, and what we commonly look upon to be so is only a cunningsort of dissimulation, to insinuate ourselves into the confidence of others.
How do I tone my bingo wings?' is one of the most commonly asked questions that strikes fear and dread into a personal trainer's heart.
What is commonly called love, namely the desire of satisfying a voracious appetite with a certain quantity of delicate white human flesh.
Obscurity in writing is commonly an argument of darkness in the mind. The greatest learning is to be seen in the greatest plainness.
I will never eat fish eyeballs, and I do not want to taste anything commonly kept as a house pet, but otherwise I am a cinch to feed.
These considerations and many others that might be mentioned prove, and experience confirms it, that artisans and manufacturers will commonly be disposed to bestow their votes on merchants.
Language mavens commonly confuse their own peeves with a worsening of the language. — © Steven Pinker
Language mavens commonly confuse their own peeves with a worsening of the language.
It is important to bear in mind the now commonly accepted fact that in its primitive stages, religion had nothing to do with morals as understood by us today.
The success of great scholars and thinkers is commonly a courtier-like success, not kingly, not manly.
It is in life as it is in ways, the shortest way is commonly the foulest, and surely the fairer way is not much about.
Men do not fail commonly for want of knowledge, but for want of prudence to give wisdom the preference.
I wonder why people so commonly suppose that if two individuals are both writers they must therefore be hugely congenial.
Discover the opinion of your enemies, which is commonly the truest; for they will give you no quarter, and allow nothing to complaisance.
Inevitably, malaria parasites developed resistance to commonly used drugs, and mosquito vectors became insecticide-resistant.
Impertinence will intermeddle in things in which it has no concern, showing a want of breeding, or, more commonly, a spirit of sheer impudence.
In today's world, America's soft power is commonly thought to reside in the global popularity of Hollywood movies, Coca-Cola, McDonald's and Starbucks.
I'm not in the practice commonly of writing checks just for the fun of writing them. — © Philip Anschutz
I'm not in the practice commonly of writing checks just for the fun of writing them.
Vegans and vegetarians are commonly baited by nonvegetarians with "what if" scenarios that typically have no relevance to or bearing on most people's real-life situations.
The Lord commonly gives riches to foolish people, to whom he gives nothing else.
Men commonly couple with their idea of marriage a slight degree at least of sensuality; but every lover, the world over, believesin its inconceivable purity.
We commonly see problems in adults that had been present since childhood but which take a toll on the heart over time.
Despite all the efforts of art dealers, the number of Rembrandts existing at a given time is limited; yet such paintings are commonly disposed of by auction.
A lie is a lie... unless your friends and family are in on it. Then it's a "commonly held belief."
The book which you read from a sense of duty, or because for any reason you must, does not commonly make friends with you.
That admiration of the 'neat but not gaudy,' which is commonly reported to have influenced the devil when he painted his tail pea green.
To say that a man is your Friend means commonly no more than this, that he is not your enemy.
Don't be taken in by the guff that critics are killing the theater. Commonly they sin on the side of enthusiasm. Too often they give their blessing to trash.
The advice that is wanted is commonly not welcome and that which is not wanted, evidently an effrontery.
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