Top 915 Communicable Diseases Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Communicable Diseases quotes.
Last updated on October 18, 2024.
Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future; practice these acts. As to diseases, make a habit of two things--to help, or at least to do no harm.
Too often in this world, the things you root for - whether sports teams or spouses to recover from horrible diseases - don't quite pan out.
Authoritarian political ideologies have a vested interest in promoting fear, a sense of the imminence of takeover by aliens and real diseases are useful material. — © Susan Sontag
Authoritarian political ideologies have a vested interest in promoting fear, a sense of the imminence of takeover by aliens and real diseases are useful material.
In Wisconsin, We're at the forefront of research that might one day bring cures for diseases like Parkinsons and Alzheimers, and we must seize its great potential.
Reports of illegal migrants carrying deadly diseases such as swine flu, dengue fever, Ebola virus and tuberculosis are particularly concerning.
Infectious diseases have become less prominent as causes of death and disability in regions of improved sanitation and adequate supplies of antibiotics.
I've had diseases that lasted longer than my marriages. You know you are in a bad marriage if you walk down the aisle thinking, 'Is this dress right?
An educated child is better equipped to handle all the challenges of life, from finding work to avoiding diseases like HIV/AIDS.
A temperate Diet frees from Diseases; such are seldom ill, but if they are surprised with Sickness, they bear it better, and recover sooner; for most Distempers have their Original from Repletion.
Parents now are concerned about the moral and spiritual diseases. These can have terrible complications when standards and values are abandoned. We must all take protective measures.
Barium, which is commonly found in power plant waste and scrubber wastewater, has been linked to heart problems and diseases in other organs.
When the husband and wife are healthy, and free from inherited weaknesses and diseases that might be transmitted with injury to their offspring the use of contraceptives is to be condemned.
We have a responsibility to protect public housing residents from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, especially the elderly and children who suffer from asthma and other respiratory diseases.
Fear is the most subtle and destructive of all hueman diseases. Fear kills dreams! — © Les Brown
Fear is the most subtle and destructive of all hueman diseases. Fear kills dreams!
While all doctors treat diseases, neurosurgeons' work is the crucible of identity. Every operation on the brain is, by necessity, a manipulation of the substance of our selves.
I am sick of diseases, I want to know origins and processes…If we are to prevent disease it is to the beginning of the chain of accumulating stresses that we must look.
By definition, big data cannot yield complicated descriptions of causality. Especially in healthcare. Almost all of our diseases occur in the intersections of systems in the body.
My grandmother was a psychiatrist and had shelves full of medical books - I was constantly sneaking looks at some of those. I was fascinated by the descriptions of illnesses and diseases.
Love is like epidemic diseases. The more one fears it the more likely one is to contract it.
Most diseases are the result of medication which has been prescribed to relieve and take away a beneficent and warning symptom on the part of Nature.
Cancer is a collection of many diseases with common principles, and each disease will have to be understood and more effectively controlled on its own terms.
For extreme diseases, extreme methods of cure, as to restriction, are most suitable.
A lot of people are still suffering from water-borne diseases... We want to create something where we can make life better for everyone.
We have a responsibility to promote stem cell research which could lead to treatments and cures for diseases affecting millions of Americans.
With some diseases, like type 2 diabetes, if people get alerted early they can take steps to avert getting sick.
Men are naturally most impressed by diseases which have obvious manifestations, yet some of their worst enemies creep on them unobtrusively.
In learning to utilize antibiotics for the control of human and animal diseases, the medical and veterinary professions have acquired powerful tools for combating infections and epidemics.
I think that our progress on key diseases over the next several decades is going to be pretty amazing and so I am very interested in that.
The poison of skepticism becomes, like alcoholism, tuberculosis, and some other diseases, much more virulent in a hitherto virgin soil.
It is chronic water shortage in the body that causes most diseases of the human body.
Intemperance is naturally punished with diseases; rashness, with mischance; injustice; with violence of enemies; pride, with ruin; cowardice, with oppression; and rebellion, with slaughter.
As an undergraduate majoring in biology at the University of California, San Diego, I worked on infectious diseases at the nearby Salk Institute for Biological Studies.
Great writers arrive among us like new diseases - threatening, powerful, impatient for patients to pick up their virus, irresistible.
Stem cell therapy has the potential to treat a multitude of diseases and illnesses, which up until now have been labelled 'incurable.'
I have decided to leave Facebook and Oculus to work on curing diseases using some new imaging technologies I've been incubating for awhile.
Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body.
Roughly speaking, this hypothesis asks whether drug use causes some of the diseases officially associated with AIDS, such as immunodeficiency and Kaposi's sarcoma.
We had a week off in the middle of shooting, but as soon as everyone stopped, we all went down with six different types of flu and other unmentionable diseases. — © Johnny Vegas
We had a week off in the middle of shooting, but as soon as everyone stopped, we all went down with six different types of flu and other unmentionable diseases.
Metaphor is one of a group of problem-solving medicines known as figures of speech which are normally used to treat literal thinking and other diseases.
Growing and aging populations are putting increased pressure on health-care systems that are already buckling under the burden of chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes.
The more we can purge ourselves of the diseases we create the more we can become magnificent people.
There is no actual starvation or deaths from starvation but there is widespread mortality from diseases due to malnutrition.
I think diseases have no eyes. They pick with a dizzy finger anyone, just anyone.
Doctors cure the more serious diseases with harsh remedies. Curtius Medici graviores morbos asperis remediis curant
He wasn’t a carrier of commitment-phobia or other notable boy diseases and he used expensive moisturizer. That’s about all it takes to bang my gong.
Gnomes are supposed to be good luck in a garden, protecting against pests and diseases. A mythic gatekeeper, in the way a Kitchen Witch is.
In the age when the atom has been split, the moon encircled, diseases conquered, is disarmament so difficult a matter that it must remain a distant dream?
If abandoning animal research means that there are some things we cannot learn, then so be it ... We have no basic right ... not to be harmed by those natural diseases we are heir to.
Great writers arrive among us like new diseases threatening, powerful, impatient for patients to pick up their virus, irresistible. — © Craig Raine
Great writers arrive among us like new diseases threatening, powerful, impatient for patients to pick up their virus, irresistible.
Anger and depression are not diseases or dysfunctions or anomalies; they are perfectly rational responses to the myriad avoidable disappointments that begin in a thoroughly irrational hope.
Paradoxically, no such embargo exists for the drugs and therapies that have revolutionized the treatment of serious diseases although many of them were created with the same technologies.
Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman.
In some areas, immunity has been eroded so much that the child who's not vaccinated is now actually more vulnerable to the complications of infectious diseases.
We have lost close friends and relatives to cancer and Parkinson's disease, and the level of personal suffering inflicted on patients and their families by these diseases is horrific.
The more we can purge ourselves of the diseases we create the more we can become magnificent people
I realize we're not curing diseases with 'iCarly,' and we're not doing Shakespeare. It's not an Academy Award-winning film, but it has definitely touched people universally.
It's not catastrophes, murders, deaths, diseases, that age and kill us; it's the way people look and laugh, and run up the steps of omnibuses.
People don't die from the old diseases any more. They die from new ones, but that's Progress, isn't it? Isn't it?
Plant diseases, drought, desolation, despair were recurrent catastrophes during the ages - and the ancient remedies: supplications to supernatural spirits or gods.
As medical research continues and technology enables new breakthroughs, there will be a day when malaria and most all major deadly diseases are eradicated on Earth.
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