Top 370 Competence Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Competence quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Confidence is the public face of competence.
Power is competence.
Because I teach and write about depression and bipolar illness, I am often asked what is the most important factor in treating bipolar disorder. My answer is competence. Empathy is important, but competence is essential.
No competence is required to be a scarecrow! — © Mehmet Murat Ildan
No competence is required to be a scarecrow!
What is John Arriaga's circle of competence? Is it real estate? No! Is it U.S. real estate? No! Is it California real estate? No! Northern California real estate? No! Only real estate around Stanford. His circle of competence is this small.
The older I get the more I admire and crave competence, just simple competence, in any field from adultery to zoology.
I do love competence in a man.
Trust has two dimensions: competence and integrity. We will forgive mistakes of competence. Mistakes of integrity are harder to overcome.
Obscurity and a competence—that is the life that is best worth living.
You can't fake creativity, competence, or sexual arousal.
Competence is no longer a scarce commodity.
Told that the passing grade is a B or competence and that we will help you to get there, students do competent work. The lowest passing grade in the real world is competence. Why do schools accept so much less?
Churches often confuse loyalty with competence.
What clients are really interested in is honesty, plus a baseline of competence. — © Patrick Lencioni
What clients are really interested in is honesty, plus a baseline of competence.
The Tories win elections when they lead on economic competence.
Wealth brings noble opportunities, and competence is a proper object of pursuit; but wealth, and even competence, may be bought at too high a price. Wealth itself has no moral attribute. It is not money, but the love of money, which is the root of all evil. It is the relation between wealth and the mind and the character of its possessor which is the essential thing.
The test of true competence is the end result.
You can't fake competence, creativity, or sexual arousal.
Let us be thankful for health and competence, and, above all, for a quiet conscience.
The 'community method' can only be applied in those areas in which the European Union actually has competence. Where the community has no competence, the 'community method' clearly cannot be applied.
Sincerity does not equal competence.
Intimacy is at the heart of competence. It has to do with understanding, with believing, and with practice. It has to do with the relationship to one's work.
A genuine approach to budget cutting - knowing exactly what you're cutting and why, and with what real-life consequences - is beyond my competence, and probably beyond the competence of any politician in America.
Many men want wealth,--not a competence alone, but a live-story competence. Everything subserves this; and religion they would like as a sort of lightning-rod to their houses, to ward off by and by the bolts of Divine wrath.
Spiritually evolved people, by virtue of their discipline, mastery and love, are people of extraordinary competence, and in their competence they are called on to serve the world, and in their love they answer the call.
A 'competence' that has no defined borders cannot be called a true competence.
You must have confidence in your competence.
Trust is a function of two things: character and competence. Character includes your integrity, your motive and your intent with people. Competence includes your capabilities, your skills, and your track record. Both are vital.
When I accept someone's testimony, I am thus only a small part of the full seat of epistemic competence, which might include many others in a long chain. My own contribution might then be slight, just through the perceptual and linguistic competence involved in knowing what someone is saying or writing, etc.
Success demands a high level of logistical and organizational competence.
Witness the American ideal: the Self-Made Man. But there is no such person. If we can stand on our own two feet, it is because others have raised us up. If, as adults, we can lay claim to competence and compassion, it only means that other human beings have been willing and enabled to commit their competence and compassion to us--through infancy, childhood, and adolescence, right up to this very moment.
Competence was attractive.
To know one's own limitations is the hallmark of competence.
Look for competence not claims.
Competence is no longer scarce.
The Central Bank has a lot to handle and it is best not to interfere with its competence.
I've reached the age where competence is a turn-on.
Competence is a great creator of confidence.
Anger, pride and competence are our real enemies. — © Dalai Lama
Anger, pride and competence are our real enemies.
Choose a challenge instead of competence
The code of competence is the only system of morality that's on a gold standard.
Good teaching is forever being on the cutting edge of a child's competence.
Genius flames and dies, but amiable competence can live forever.
Building a business and becoming a billionaire is it's not championship. It's the competence; the competence in your sector with other companies not looking to have some kind of records in this issue.
If you have competence, you know the edge. It wouldnt be a competence if you didnt know where the boundaries lie. Asking whether youve passed the boundary is a question that almost answers itself.
Competence in heterosexuality, or at least the appearance or pretense of such competence, is as much a public affair as a privateone. Thus, going steady is a high school diploma in heterosexuality; engagement a BA; marriage an MA; and children a Ph.D.
Friendships are nice. So is competence.
I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence.
True competence is based on one’s own ability to observe. — © L. Ron Hubbard
True competence is based on one’s own ability to observe.
we found that success correlates more closely with confidence than it does with competence. Yes, there is evidence that confidence is more important than ability when it comes to getting ahead. This came as particularly unsettling news to us, having spent our own lives striving toward competence.
Sincerity and competence is a strong combination. In politics, it is everything.
Our campaign is the opposite of 'competence.'
Creativity is not a substitute for competence.
Competence is the enemy of change!
I don't have any idols, I owe it all to hardwork, dedication and competence.
Competence is a narrow ideal. Competence makes the trains run on time but doesn't know where they're going.
Competence is a big word. It is important. I almost want to nuance it with the idea of giftedness because sometimes you can teach a lot of skills on exposition but a person may not have the competence or the giftedness to do it. Therefore, it is very important to have that.
...true self-esteem comes from competence, not the other way around.
It's easy to run to others. It's so hard to stand on one's own record. You can fake virtue for an audience. You can't fake it in your own eyes. Your ego is your strictest judge. They run from it. They spend their lives running. It's easier to donate a few thousand to charity and think oneself noble than to base self-respect on personal standards of personal achievement. It's simple to seek substitutes for competence--such easy substitutes: love, charm, kindness, charity. But there is no substitute for competence.
Every child has an enormous drive to demonstrate competence.
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