Top 450 Compose Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Compose quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I've always envied people who compose music or paint, because they don't have to be bothered with the sort of crude mess that language normally is, in everyday life and in the way we use it.
It is not hard to compose, but what is fabulously hard is to leave the superfluous notes under the table.
It is still true that it is easier to compose a poem in the form of a manual for adjusting a VCR than it is to write a piece using just tuning as a symphony. — © Brian Ferneyhough
It is still true that it is easier to compose a poem in the form of a manual for adjusting a VCR than it is to write a piece using just tuning as a symphony.
I compose, produce, arrange - I don't just perform. I'm playing keyboards, playing bass, doing everything.
I can write songs, I've had songs in movies, but I can't compose film scores, you know?
All the choir of heaven and furniture of earth - in a word, all those bodies which compose the frame of the world - have not any subsistence without a mind.
I compose songs with a lot of simplicity because my school has been the streets, and people have been my books.
We must guard against becoming so engrossed in the specific nature of the roots and bark of the trees of knowledge as to miss the meaning and grandeur of the forest they compose.
Slavery can only be abolished by raising the character of the people who compose the nation; and that can be done only by showing them a higher one.
This, in fact, is the power of the imagination, which, combining the memory of gold with that of the mountain, can compose the idea of a golden mountain.
I once believed that I possessed creative talent, but I have given up this idea; a woman must not desire to compose — there has never yet been one able to do it. Should I expect to be the one?
The theory of rights enables us to rise and overthrow obstacles, but not to found a strong and lasting accord between all the elements which compose the nation.
And the rigidity of the material with which we have to compose, is a more formidable opponent than Lasker or Capablanca. Because these lifeless opponents do not have any moments of human weakness!
Later, I would ask Shaya to help me compose a formal response to Katrice's letter, something a long the lines of "I am the Thorn Queen. F*** Off. — © Richelle Mead
Later, I would ask Shaya to help me compose a formal response to Katrice's letter, something a long the lines of "I am the Thorn Queen. F*** Off.
It's always a pleasure when you can compose guitar parts from a strong vocal and not just put the melody on top of guitar riffs.
I try to make images that have the immediate presence we take for granted in objects - a chair, a shoe, a book, a Judd - and compose them like sentences.
Supposedly, some writers work in rowdy coffee shops or compose whole novels to Megadeth, but when I write, I wear a pair of chainsaw operator's earmuffs.
It may be observed of good writing, as of good blood, that it is much easier to say what it is composed of than to compose it.
Only the consciousness of a purpose that is mightier than any man and worthy of all men can fortify and inspirit and compose the souls of men.
I did not compose my work as one might put on a church vestment... rather it sprung from the truly fervent faith of my heart, such as I have felt it since my childhood.
I felt a challenge to compose music. That's where my challenge was, for the most part.
You know, as you compose music, you're just off in your own world. You have no idea where reality is, so to have an idea of what people think is pretty hard.
It was around the end of the '60s, when I began to compose sonic meditations. Before that I was doing a lot of reflecting on myself, and listening to long tones.
If you like to tell stories and compose sentences, and if you work hard at being good at these things, then you are a writer even if you haven't published anything.
If the painter works directly from nature, he ultimately looks for nothing but momentary effects; he does not try to compose, and soon he gets monotonous.
My dad had been an ardent amateur photographer, and he taught me to compose a photograph from the back to the front, and then populate the picture.
Imagination, which is the Eldorado of the poet and of the novel-writer, often proves the most pernicious gift to the individuals who compose the talkers instead of the writers in society.
I found myself recycling ideas and I saw that I had to invent reasons to compose a piece rather than start from some exciting idea.
for a poet is a light and winged thing, and holy, and never able to compose until he has become inspired, and is beside himself, and reason is no longer in him.
I am not just a singer, I am a composer as well. Because I'm balancing both, it takes me longer to compose a song.
My best training came from doing illustrations because it taught me to compose my paintings more effectively, to improve my colors, and to be ruthlessly selective.
When you compose, it's like writing. You're like a writer. You just think all the time.
The U.S. will ignore the opinion of the Iraqi people and it will compose the new government according to its own desires.
I consider all women as mother. I compose poems for any female considering her as mother.
We all draw a little and compose a little, and none of us have any idea of time or money.
Blessed be his name, who hath appointed the quiet night to follow the busy day, and the calm sleep to refresh the wearied limbs and to compose the troubled spirit.
And me happiest when I compose poems: Love, power, the huzza of battle are something, are much: yet a poem includes them like a pool water and reflection.
As states subsist in part by keeping their weaknesses from being known, so is it the quiet of families to have their chancery and their parliament within doors, and to compose and determine all emergent differences there.
You can't slot a time and a space and think 'ok now it's time to sit and compose.' It just doesn't work like that for me. — © Gopi Sundar
You can't slot a time and a space and think 'ok now it's time to sit and compose.' It just doesn't work like that for me.
For particulars, as everyone knows, make for virtue and happiness; generalities are intellectually necessary evils. Not philosophers but fretsawyers and stamp collectors compose the backbone of society.
[Our] plan is to follow the example of the prophets and the ancient fathers of the church, and to compose that the Word of God may be among the people also in the form of music.
Once we realize the extraordinary power we have to compose our lives, we'll move from passive, conditioned thinking to being co-creators of our fate.
Way back before 1980, prior to 'Disco Dancer' breaking into the collective consciousness of filmgoers, I had come to Chennai to compose for a film called 'Suraksha.'
I had a big background in listening to classical music and I started trying to compose, like I was playing the guitar but I heard an orchestra in my head.
A man is not necessarily a master because he happened to compose two or three centuries ago. Let us beware of the worship of mere antiquity.
on the instant clamorous eaves, A climbing moon upon an empty sky, And all that lamentation of the leaves, Could but compose man's image and his cry.
'Raaga' is one of those movies which is very special for any music director to compose music for.
Is giving in to the photographer's presumably natural impulse to compose and light well sometimes okay and not okay other times?
Communists love to make films about composers because composers compose music and don't talk subversive things. — © Milos Forman
Communists love to make films about composers because composers compose music and don't talk subversive things.
Writers are not just people who sit down and write. They hazard themselves. Every time you compose a book your composition of yourself is at stake.
Communists love to make films about composers, because composers compose music and don't talk subversive things.
Socrates didn't care to visit the theater, as a rule, except when the plays of Euripides (which some think, he himself had helped to compose), were performed.
I had always wanted to compose music for movies, but had never been given the opportunity.
Books are acts of composition: you compose them. You make music: the music is called fiction.
Compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in sequence of a metronome.
To waste! You are unknown and unwanted, save by me. This, because you are fairly adept at the various embalming arts and you occasionally compose a clever epitaph.
The analysts try in vain to conceal the fact that they do not deduce: they combine, they compose ... when they do arrive at the truth they stumble over it after groping their way along.
Compose with utter freedom and edit with utter discipline.
Poetry puts starch in your backbone so you can stand, so you can compose your life.
According to our purpose, motivation and sincerity, which compose our devotion, Krishna reveals Himself to us.
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