Top 77 Conjuring Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Conjuring quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
The stuff that is done on Broadway is hardly theatre. It is part magic show, part rock concert, and part conjuring things.
but paper and ink have conjuring abilities of their own. arrangements of lines and shapes, of letters and words on a series of pages make a world we can dwell and travel in.
Test cricket might seem to be slow and ponderous at times, yet it is capable of conjuring great drama from nowhere. — © Jonathan Agnew
Test cricket might seem to be slow and ponderous at times, yet it is capable of conjuring great drama from nowhere.
There is nothing like wine for conjuring up feelings of contentment and goodwill. It is less of a drink than an experience, an evocation, a spirit. It produces sensations that defy description.
When you're writing‚ you're conjuring. It's a ritual‚ and you need to be brave and respectful and sometimes get out of the way of whatever it is that you're inviting into the room.
[Football is] a game that requires the constant conjuring of animosity.
'The Conjuring' is incredibly effective and scary without the use of blood, gore, and death. It's a horror film that emphasizes atmosphere and suspense in the tradition of classics like 'Psycho' or 'The Others.'
... a lively imagination can exercise itself most fully and creatively in conjuring up magnificent combinations.
Every time that God navigates my ship, there's nothing cerebral going on. There's very little thought. It's almost as if I have the directions. Every time I try to do it myself, I'm conjuring up my own concoction and trying.
Much of the research on the Nazi era makes a science out of distancing oneself from it or conjuring its demons. The conceit is that people were monsters then - as if they were completely different from people today.
Hackers are becoming more sophisticated in conjuring up new ways to hijack your system by exploiting technical vulnerabilities or human nature. Don't become the next victim of unscrupulous cyberspace intruders.
Some of my most enjoyable moments as a writer have come while conjuring a meet cute.
If we're capable of conjuring up terrifying monsters in childhood, why shouldn't some of us, at least on occasion, be able to fantasize something similar, something truly horrifying, a shared delusion, as adults?
When I was a little girl, I grew up in Connecticut. Ed and Lorraine Warren's home was not too far from mine. 'The Conjuring' films are based on them; Ed and Lorraine were real people who made a museum in their home.
Many other means there be, that promise the foreknowledge of things to come: besides the raising up and conjuring of ghosts departed, the conference also with familiars and spirits infernal. And all these were found out in our days, to be no better than vanities and false illusions.
So cute how you called out for Damen after conjuring that chaste little love scene in your head. — © Alyson Noel
So cute how you called out for Damen after conjuring that chaste little love scene in your head.
'The Conjuring' was a massive success, and honestly, it set the bar quite high. So I was nervous about making the sequel, and I wasn't sure if it will still have the same impact as the first one did. But that's what moved me to make the sequel.
Christmas was really where I started coming into my own as a performer because I did all this stuff on my own, all this performing on my own. When other kids were outside playing, I was in my room conjuring characters and impressions and things like that.
...the word occult, despite conjuring images of devil worship, actually means ‘hidden’ or ‘obscured.’ In times of religious oppression, knowledge that was counterdoctrinal had to be kept hidden or ‘occult,’ and because the church felt threatened by this, they redefined anything ‘occult’ as evil, and the prejudice survived.
Writing a song is about inhabiting a specific frame of mind and conjuring a mood, a character, an entire vision.
It's fun conjuring what people will be wearing in the future. We exist in this world today, and yet there are people walking around who still look like they're in the '60s.
Stacy Schiff is that rare combination: a first-rate historian and a brilliant storyteller. Using a wide range of sources, she spins straw into gold, conjuring the world of Ptolemaic Egypt in full vibrant color, and returning the voice of one of the most powerful, fascinating, and maligned women in history. Cleopatra is impossible to put down.
Stories, like conjuring tricks, are invented because history is inadequate for our dreams.
After 'Dhayyam' and 'Conjuring,' a film that really scared me is 'Gruham.'
Conjuring is the only absolutely honest profession - the conjuror promises to deceive, and does.
I loved 'The Conjuring' so much. It's really scary.
He spent hours and hours and hours practising these conjuring tricks. It's just such a curious thing.
When you're writing, you're conjuring. It's a ritual, and you need to be brave and respectful and sometimes get out of the way of whatever it is that you're inviting into the room.
Magic and art tend to share a lot of the same language. They both talk about evocation, invocation, and conjuring.
How Bush and his junta succeeded in deflecting America's anger from bin Laden to Saddam Hussein is one of the great public relations conjuring tricks of history. But they swung it. A recent poll tells us that one in two Americans now believe Saddam was responsible for the attack on the World Trade Centre.
All acting is an act of imagination. You are simply conjuring up imaginary circumstances in your mind and responding truthfully to them.
The sparkle and morning-freshness of the shop, and the butter-conjuring girl, formed a mind-picture which accompanied the whole of my youth.(about the Buttercup Dairy)
As we know from the work of certain fundamental physicists, people like Einstein were very dependent upon conjuring up visual images in order to imagine things which otherwise were not easily formulated.
With 'The Conjuring,' I really wanted to create classical cinema-style film-making, pure cinema as it were.
Some day I'm gonna be gone and people will be listening to my songs and conjuring me up. In order for that to happen, you gotta put something of yourself in it.
But nearly every woman I know has a roughly similar story - in fact, dozens of them: stories about being obsessed with a celebrity, work colleague or someone they vaguely knew for years; living in a parallel world in their head; conjuring up endless plots and scenarios for this thing that never actually happened.
When I'm writing, I'm waiting to see somebody, and I'm waiting to hear them. It's almost like conjuring spirits out of the air, using your own imaginative instability.
Following Jesus is not about diligently keeping a set of rules or conjuring up the moral fortitude to lead good lives. It's about loving God and enjoying Him — © Francis Chan
Following Jesus is not about diligently keeping a set of rules or conjuring up the moral fortitude to lead good lives. It's about loving God and enjoying Him
He shook his head, absorbed in one of his feats of memory, those brief periods of scholastic rapture where he lost touch with the world around him, absorbed completely in conjuring up knowledge from all its sources.
The notion of sitting down and conjuring up, not only words in which to clothe thoughts but thoughts worthy of being clothed--the whole thing was absurdly beyond his desires.
Sometimes doubting is not a lack of faith, but an expression of it. Sometimes to doubt is to merely insist that God be taken seriously not frivolously, to insist that our faith is placed in and upheld by something other than seeming conjuring tricks.
Magic, whether it's mind magic or conjuring, is about the cheapest and quickest way of impressing people, and I think if you don't grow out of that as a magician then it shows, and people get a bit sick of that after a while, because it starts to feel like posturing. So I grew out of it.
There's something about the idea of writing, and thinking about writing as a form of prayer - the way as a writer you call out into the world and throw your words into the world. You're not praying to a god, but you're almost conjuring a reader to arrive. That's what books do: they're an invitation to readers.
I'm a big fan of suspense and tension filmmaking, and that was my goal with 'The Conjuring.'
Conjuring is a profession in which no one errs through excess of modesty.
language is magical - it's a form of conjuring. If you do it convincingly, readers will follow you.
One gains a double benefit in writing about the past, conjuring up how things might have been, and at the same time acquiring a different perspective on the present.
I always say, what is cool for me with 'The Conjuring', is it's not just another scary set piece or another scary case; it's more about what I can do with the characters of Ed and Lorraine Warren.
Now I had seen the grief of the two strongest people I knew. And somehow, Daddy's and Edie's crying made them seem even stronger to me. It was better to cry than to suck it up and go around conjuring hate in your heart
I hope people will like 'The Conjuring 2' because I think it is a very natural and organic progression of the first movie.
The America's Cup World Series was created in 2011, with an eye toward conjuring more off-cycle interest and marketing opportunities. It coincided with the ascent of foiling catamarans, a type of boat that goes faster and looks almost Photoshopped, the way it practically floats in air when it races.
What I do is rooted in magic - it's got a big foot planted firmly in conjuring, even if the other foot's planted in psychological techniques. — © Derren Brown
What I do is rooted in magic - it's got a big foot planted firmly in conjuring, even if the other foot's planted in psychological techniques.
Finding a name for something is a way of conjuring its existence, of making it possible for people to see a pattern where they didn't see anything before.
As a concept [androgyny] raise[s] anxiety levels by conjuring up a conformist, unisex vision, the very opposite of the individuality and uniqueness that feminism actually has in mind.
Everybody has their own way of remembering and every culture has their traditions. When you compare the similarities and differences to other cultures, you start to learn about them and appreciate them. Whether it's the Japanese or the Africans, they all have ways of conjuring spirits and the support of those who have gone before them.
I am not clear that God manoeuvres physical things? After all, a conjuring trick with bones only proves that it is as clever as a conjuring trick with bones
The only problem with conjuring people is they insist on getting paid, unlike a writer who would do a reading for nothing.
People say I write specifically about nothing in particular. I don't know about the latter part, but I think the first part is really important in conjuring up a voice that works, or at least the illusion of a voice at work.
Fortunately for mankind the brain in a life of action turns more to the matter in hand than to conjuring up the chances of the future.
Now that I'm a professional writer it's a little more difficult to enjoy a movie if it's not well done and a lot of the horror movies are not great, but when something's really good, like I really loved The Conjuring. That just scared the bejesus out of me.
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