Top 1200 Connect Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Connect quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
By humanizing technology, we have this golden opportunity to reimagine how we connect with machines, and therefore, how we, as human beings, connect with one another.
I can connect with whoever I want to connect with in the world. And I can also write my own script. I don't have to follow rules. I can sort of just be unconventional.
I connect with an aura, with energy. And if the person with whom I connect happens to be a female, that's just the way it is. — © Kristanna Loken
I connect with an aura, with energy. And if the person with whom I connect happens to be a female, that's just the way it is.
Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.
You can sing if you have a great voice, but to connect that instrument to the text and connect it to the subtext, what lies underneath and the emotion, is indeed a rare talent.
You have to be able to connect and re-connect to the passionate things that got you to a certain point in the first place. If you can connect and continue to hold onto that passion, that's the key thing that will help you get through tough times.
The most important and common thing is to be able to connect with your fans. If you can't live life, then you can't connect with the fans.
Leaders lead when they take positions, when they connect with their tribes, and when they help the tribe connect to itself.
If you connect with someone just once, that's something. But if you can connect twice, that's something else.
I'm very proud of my roles. I enjoy the ability to touch millions of people and, in some way, connect with them in ways that I cannot connect with them in my normal, everyday life.
She would only point out the salvation that was latent in his own soul, and in the soul of every man. Only connect! That was the whole of her sermon. Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height. Live in fragments no longer. Only connect, and the beast and the monk, robbed of the isolation that is life to either, will die.
As a fan, I connect with realness. Whether it's strong or vulnerable, if it's real, I can connect with it.
We live in such an isolating time with technology and social media and I think that creates this feeling of having to connect, of having so many ways to connect but nothing's connecting.
A person who can connect with their partner, another human being who can connect with their soul ? it's not just learning steps, it's about expressing something. I've found in dancing all my life that I can release something as a dancer that I can't in any other way.
You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.
You either connect or you don't connect. It's not the end of the world. It's a movie.
I like to be able to connect with people. And that's how I connect, right away. I like to really talk to somebody. To me, it makes my night more interesting.
Depending on what my job requirement is, my techniques change. If something is incredibly difficult to connect to, and painful, then I have to do a lot of work to connect to that and not joke around or lose sight of my job.
I want consumers to connect the dots, to go to any store and look at the label and connect the dots between buying cheap China products, which is better for the wallet, and all the other things we lose, like jobs.
I feel that when you connect something that you do, especially serving food, and connect that together with words - I think it's very important. — © Dominique Crenn
I feel that when you connect something that you do, especially serving food, and connect that together with words - I think it's very important.
For me, I saw a psychologist because I wanted to connect more with people, with the earth, my environment. I want to connect more to my family.
When I set out to write, I want to write something that will rip your heart out and connect with you. Great songs connect beyond genre and style.
You connect with who you connect with, and if your feelings are strong enough then you'll make that work.
When I was younger, bands helped me connect to part of my humanity; bands that had nothing to do with anything political helped to form me. There's a correlation in that: If people can connect to music, maybe they can connect to each other.
It is like therapy to write and have people connect with it. That's the kind of music I connect with most.
You know I think so many of us live outside our bodies. My dream is that people will find a way back home, into their bodies, to connect with the earth, to connect with each other, to connect with the poor, to connect with the broken, to connect with the needy, to connect with people calling out all around us, to connect with the beauty, poetry, the wildness.
If people connect me with the Romantics in general, they probably connect me most with Keats. But Wordsworth is the poet I admire above all others.
Unless you connect to the text, the audience won't be able to connect with you.
If people don't connect to Eric Carter's struggles, I'm sure they'll find a character in this series to connect to. That's ultimately what it's about for me.
'Crimson' is written in a very particular style, and it's very precise in the way it graduates into a gothic romance. The souls that will connect with it will connect deeply.
Schools connect children to their communities. Jobs connect adults to their societies. Persons with autism deserve to walk the same path.
I have found that sharing this very intimate part of my life has been really powerful, because it has brought support from people I wasn't expecting. It's cathartic on many different levels. As I get older, I realize it's so much better to connect with people. It makes everything better to connect. Only connect. Why not have my art be about that? I think of it as moving from the third person to the first.
The moment I remember to breathe and connect to what's real, connect to love, get grounded, get present, then everything has a way of sort of falling into place.
You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.
People are so fearful about opening themselves up. All you want to do is to be able to connect with other people. When you connect with other people, you connect with something in yourself. It makes you feel happy. And yet it's so scary, it makes people feel vulnerable and unsafe.
Online is such a brilliant, brilliant way to connect with young readers - even if they just want to tweet, 'Hey, I read your book!' - that, absolutely, I connect with that. But I also treat writing as solitary and keep it to myself as long as I can.
The creatives, they want to connect with people. These artists, the clothing designers, they want to connect with people the same way that music gets to connect with people. But the cost of silk is too expensive. And they won't lower their quality levels. So I can spend $2 million on a record and give it out in a democratic way. They could spend all their time making the greatest dress in the world, and it's just impossible to hand-make that many.
I realised that if you connect with the youth, you are home. Children love Varun Dhawan for the kind of films he is doing. If you can successfully connect with kids and the youth - you have cracked it.
The most important thing about being in wrestling is that you have to connect with the crowd, connect with the fans, and you either want them to love you, or to hate you. Either way, so long as they're reacting to what you're doing.
The Internet is like alcohol in some sense. It accentuates what you would do anyway. If you want to be a loner, you can be more alone. If you want to connect, it makes it easier to connect.
Whenever you create some sort of disturbance in the air, there's an awakening that happens, an opportunity for a conversation, an opportunity to build bridges, specifically, an opportunity to connect different groups that typically wouldn't connect with one another.
All we really want in life is to connect to other human beings, and when you desperately want to connect physically to one specific human being and you can't? That's something I find compelling.
I'm always trying to want to connect with fans and to connect them to each other. I mean, there's other things that I'm trying to do, but in terms of connectivity, that is really important to me. And I am a smaller artist still and there are people that are super passionate about my music, but not everyone in their circle knows about me. But yeah, I've always trying to find ways to connect fans to each other.
In acting class they tell you that you have to be real, connect with the people, connect with your partner. The same as politics, you have to connect to the people. — © Arnold Schwarzenegger
In acting class they tell you that you have to be real, connect with the people, connect with your partner. The same as politics, you have to connect to the people.
I guess I'm attracted to people who are singing about love or life, and they have a particular passion that I can connect with. There are people I can tell are amazing, but I can't connect for some reason. It doesn't really make sense why you connect with someone or you don't.
The movie has to have some essence where you connect with it. The reason I'm doing 'Blade 2' and not 'Alien 4' is because I connect with the universe of 'Blade.' I don't connect with the universe of 'Alien.' Besides, I already did 'Alien 4': It's called 'Mimic.'
That's the holy grail as a TV writer, to work on a story that you care about and to put it out there and for it to find the audience and connect with fans and connect with critics.
Whenever a few people are gathered with a spiritual impulse to connect, to resonate through the heart, to make a shift from their own ego to their essence, and then to connect to do whatever work in the world they are called to do, that's an evolutionary circle.
I connect emotionally to these songs. I mean what I say when I say it, and that allows your audience to connect. That's the number-one reason why any music is successful, because you make people feel something.
She can't just be a face, a body; there has to be more than that, some kind of connection. And I can't connect, don't want to connect, with anyone.
My favorite word was a word James Lapine used repeatedly in 'Sunday in the Park with George,' which was the word 'connect.' All I want to do is connect.
In acting class, you talked always about keeping it real and don't act... connect with the people and connect with the partner that you're acting with. The same is also true in politics.
I've always been up for a challenge, and you gotta connect with the camera and the audience the same way you gotta connect with the horse.
People are so fearful about opening themselves up. All you want to do is to be able to connect with other people. When you connect with other people, you connect with something in yourself. It makes you feel happy. And yet it's so scary - it makes people feel vulnerable and unsafe.
Once I found this possibility to use Twitter and Facebook and my blog to connect to my readers, I'm going to use it, to connect to them and to share thoughts that I cannot use in the book.
My dream is that people will find a way back home, into their bodies, to connect with the earth, to connect with each other, to connect with the poor, to connect with the broken, to connect with the needy, to connect with people calling out all around us, to connect with the beauty, poetry, the wildness.
I think what creates a winner is a person who can connect with their partner - another human being.. connect with their soul — © Patrick Swayze
I think what creates a winner is a person who can connect with their partner - another human being.. connect with their soul
When we were small, Rose and I used to play a game called connect the dots. I loved it. I loved drawing a line from dot number 1 to dot number 2 and so on. Most of all, I loved the moment when the chaotic sprinkle of dots resolved itself into a picture. That's what stories do. They connect the random dots of life into a picture. But it's all an illusion. Just try to connect the dots of life. You'll end up with a lunatic scribble.
Being honest about where you come from and what your story is is the only way to connect to other people, to really connect with them.
I want to connect with my fans the way Mary J. Blige's fans connect with her.
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