Top 729 Connecting Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Connecting quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
My music was about travelling a lot and connecting with other people, and English is the voice of travelling.
Songwriting is like going to church. I'm connecting to something, and it's rewarding in really important ways. I don't need to share it with anyone to feel good about it.
I like the storytelling and reading the letters, the long-distance dedications. Anytime in radio that you can reach somebody on an emotional level, you're really connecting.
The heart of blogging is linking - linking and commenting. Connecting and communicating - the purpose of the Internet. — © George Siemens
The heart of blogging is linking - linking and commenting. Connecting and communicating - the purpose of the Internet.
Lawyers belong to the people by birth and interest, and to the aristocracy by habit and taste; they may be looked upon as the connecting link of the two great classes of society.
The good life for me always meant connecting with those big, important issues that grown-ups get so excited about.
I was not religious, but I liked rituals. I liked the idea of connecting an action with remembering.
Whether my lyrics are about love or something else, I always make sure I'm connecting with my fans, and to see their support is definitely a motivation.
Branding is the process of connecting good strategy with good creativity.
The spiritual world is connected with the physical world. The common factor connecting all things is true love.
The more social media we have, the more we think we're connecting, yet we are really disconnecting from each other.
Creating ideas that spread and connecting the disconnected are the two pillars of our new society, and both of them require the posture of the artist
It's always just a great thing to see your kids connecting and you see the different stages.
I feel very English. I'm proud of it. I wanted there to be a thread connecting everything, the songs, clothes, artwork, even the string arrangements. It all creates a certain atmosphere.
On connecting: Where does one person end and another person begin? — © Iris Murdoch
On connecting: Where does one person end and another person begin?
Going into the 2012 election, I worried that without effectively connecting with the youth vote, the GOP risked losing the millennial generation for the rest of their lives.
Connecting is the ability to identify with people and relate to them in a way that increases your influence with them.
Connecting people to jobs and to each other is absolutely vital to a city's economy (and to the wider economy).
When you start to analyze [rock 'n' roll], it's only because you don't understand it. You're just not connecting with it once you have to start analyzing it.
There's a time and place for everything, but as I get older, I like finding those human moments and really connecting. Maybe I'm not as cool as I once was.
My relationship with God is as strong as the time and energy I put into connecting with God.
By being remarkable, being genuine, you can be worth connecting with. And you don't have to have it figured out perfectly the first time - you can adjust.
On 'Veep,' people are connecting with each other, even if they're making backhanded comments about somebody behind someone else's back.
Her lips tarried at mine. Baiting each other with the warmth of our breath, barely grazing, detouring, then connecting.
I've always had a passion for technology, photography, startups, and connecting people. Bringing those aspects together made me successful.
What makes me most happy is connecting with others. I love meeting new people, being social, and engaging in empowering discussions.
There's something about the processional nature of the architecture, of the rooms connecting rooms. It's just breathtaking.
I am certain that movement never lies. There is only one law of posture I have been able to discover - the perpendicular line connecting heaven and earth.
I never had a clique. If I throw a party, the only thing connecting people is me. Maybe I just don't believe in fear. I bulldoze right in.
Choices are like connecting highways. They all take you to the same place. Some just take longer to get there.
Many of the things we looked to solve initially were services like Internet and desk space. Then we got into the game of connecting people.
Use a personal firewall. Configure it to prevent other computers, networks and sites from connecting to you, and specify which programs are allowed to connect to the net automatically.
The fact that I am not Jewish by religion does not prevent me from connecting to the Jewish nation's spirituality.
Art is about profundity. It's about connecting to everything that it means to be alive, but you have to act.
When you’re truly connecting with wisdom, the more you learn, the more you realize the less you know.
Saudi Arabia has also changed. People today are connecting with each other all across the world through small gadgets and television. It's a different society.
People are not just going to bars and meeting people; they're connecting through social media.
You win the presidency by connecting with the American people's gut insecurities and aspirations. You win with a concept.
It seems that in connecting to what is true within myself, I help other people to connect. Making genuine connection lies at the beginning of building a real community. — © Lily Yeh
It seems that in connecting to what is true within myself, I help other people to connect. Making genuine connection lies at the beginning of building a real community.
I don't like putting on airs; that's not my thing. I'd rather just be myself, just connecting to people genuinely.
As a graduate student, I wrote a long paper connecting the dots between mathematical models of learning and language development in children. It was published in a major journal.
If you’re worried about giving your secrets away, you can share your dots without connecting them.
Using social media can often be the fastest and easiest way to connect with online influencers because they are already established platforms for connecting with like-minded individuals.
Connecting to another is one of the most important things in the world and you can keep expanding that connection - one person, a family, a community, a country, a society, a culture.
Moda Operandi will change the face of luxury e-commerce by directly connecting brands with the most discerning shoppers around the world.
I feel the calmest when I'm drawing or when I'm creating images. I love connecting the mind with the hand and producing something - that is very comforting and centering for me.
Wrestling has been a journey through life, connecting different parts of my life.
You have to make sure that you and your child are connecting, and it does help when they are looking directly into your eyes.
Connecting with people is not hard. I love the interaction and the feedback after shows. It does take some time, but the fans appreciate it which makes it worth it.
'Dancing in the Dark' is one track. Basically, the song is about connecting with someone mentally, and you're moved so much by the intellect that both of you want to make it physical.
It's only a very small percentage of creative thinking that ends up connecting with a wider audience, and even then, any success is quite unpredictable. — © Shaun Tan
It's only a very small percentage of creative thinking that ends up connecting with a wider audience, and even then, any success is quite unpredictable.
I think there's a big market in North America [with travelers] going to Lisbon and connecting over Lisbon.
I like connecting new synapses. Like Jim Morrison did.
The biggest product thing for international is connecting you with local people, local content.
I missed a connecting flight once and the girlfriend I was with started to cry. And I was like 'Look, just chill. We've got an open ticket. This really isn't a big deal.'
I think connecting natural elements and musicology is probably pretty idiosyncratic of me, so it is hard to imagine anyone else going down that route.
Journeying through secret doors, curving corridors, and connecting rooms into the mountain was like being digested by the different organs of a deity.
We are all blessed to be on the Bravo train because it's a fantastic platform for meeting new people, getting our messages out there, and connecting with fans around the world.
You don't need organized religion to connect with the universe. Often a church is the only place you can go to find peace and quiet... But it shouldn't be confused with connecting with one's spirit.
It is not accidental that all phenomena of human life are dominated by the search for daily bread - the oldest link connecting all living things, man included, with the surrounding nature.
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