Top 422 Conquest Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Conquest quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I bring the spirit of French conquest.
The object of war is victory, the object of victory is conquest, and the object of conquest is occupation.
What is Yoga? Yoga is self-conquest. Self-conquest is God-Realization. He who practices Yoga does two things with one stroke: he simplifies his whole life and he gets a freee access to the Divine.
Self conquest is the greatest of victories. — © Plato
Self conquest is the greatest of victories.
The conquest of the fear of death is the recovery of life's joy. One can experience an unconditional affirmation of life only when one has accepted death, not as contrary to life, but as an aspect of life. Life in its becoming is always shedding death, and on the point of death. The conquest of fear yields the courage of life. That is the cardinal initiation of every heroic adventure - fearlessness and achievement.
Conquest has made me what I am, only conquest can maintain me.
It is cruelty in war that buyeth conquest.
Our purpose in Vietnam is to prevent the success of aggression. It is not conquest, it is not empire, it is not foreign bases, it is not domination. It is, simply put, just to prevent the forceful conquest of South Vietnam by North Vietnam.
Marriage must be a relation either of sympathy or of conquest.
Anticipation leads the way to victory, and is the spur to conquest.
What is needed is not the removal of the trouble but the conquest of self.
There are only two sorts of greatness: true greatness, which is of a spiritual order, and the old, old lie of world conquest. Conquest is an ersatz greatness.
There is no pleasure in life equal to that of the conquest of a vicious habit.
My life was too short to acheive the conquest of the whole world. — © Genghis Khan
My life was too short to acheive the conquest of the whole world.
Love, the quest; marriage, the conquest; divorce, the inquest.
When men are engaged in war and conquest, the tools of science become as dangerous as a razor in the hands of a child of three. We must not condemn man because his inventiveness and patient conquest of the forces of nature are being exploited for false and destructive purposes. Rather, we should remember that the fate of mankind hinges entirely upon man’s moral development.
Civilization originates in conquest abroad and repression at home.
The final conquest of poverty is within our grasp.
I can't help feeling that there is no beauty without hope, struggle, and conquest.
Man's conquest of Nature turns out, in the moment of its consummation, to be Nature's conquest of Man.
The reflected world is the conquest of calm.
In the latter case it is often government that organizes the conquest, and religion that justifies it.
We know the surrealist solution: concrete irrationality, objective risk. Poetry is the conquest, the only possible conquest, of the 'supreme position', 'a certain position of the mind from where life and death, the real and the imaginary, the past and the future... cease to be perceived in a contradictory sense.'
Yoga is self-conquest. Self-conquest is God-realisation. He who practises yoga does two things with one stroke: he simplifies his whole life, and he gets free access to the Divine.
The object of war is victory; that of victory is conquest; and that of conquest preservation.
Only the person who risks is truly free. A man's conquest of himself dwarfs the conquest of Mt. Everest.
The honor of the conquest is rated by the difficulty.
I read "The Conquest of New Spain" by Bernal Diz Del Castillo, which I recommend to a lot of people. He was an eyewitness of [Hernando] Cortez's conquest of Mexico. It's at once very brutal and at times very plodding. It tells what they did everyday, so days can go by and nothing happens. Then all of the sudden they are torturing and doing all these dark things.
They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate.
The end and object of conquest is to avoid doing the same thing as the conquered.
Change is always subjective. All through evolution you find that the conquest of nature comes by change in the subject. Apply this to religion and morality, and you will find that the conquest of evil comes by the change in the subjective alone. That is how the Advaitic system gets its whole force, on the subjective side of man.
Rest enough for the individual man, too much and too soon, and we call it death. But for man, no rest and no ending. He must go on, conquest beyond conquest. First this little planet and all its winds and ways, and then all the laws of mind and matter that restrain him. Then the planets about him, and, at last, out across immensities to the stars. And when he has conquered all the deep space, and all the mysteries of time, still he will be beginning.
The conquest of learning is achieved through the knowledge of languages.
It's not a contest, and I ain't on no conquest for no mate.
The Conquest is not a film about Nicolas Sarkozy - it's a film about political conquest. It's a Shakespearean expression, where we have all the elements of a drama, both political and personal at the same time. The decors and the costumes are all based on real photos - I wanted to be as close to reality as possible. Nicola Piovani's theatrical music gives a distance that's almost Chaplinesque, there's something quite funny. There's no imitation, no caricature, no parodie - it's realism with a distance where the dialogues are often quite funny.
Self-Conquest is the greatest of victories. Mighty is he who conquers himself.
The conquest of space is worth the risk of life.
We did not raise armies for glory or for conquest.
A policy of expansionism and conquest has no future in the modern world. — © Vladimir Putin
A policy of expansionism and conquest has no future in the modern world.
The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self.
Expenditure now attracts fame as conquest once did.
It's hard for us to really understand the immensity so far of the conquest of space.
We shall have world government whether you like it or not, by conquest or consent.
No right can come by conquest, unless there were a right of making that conquest.
The creator's concern is the conquest of nature. The parasite's concern is the conquest of men.
To conquer with arms is to make only a temporary conquest; to conquer the world by earning its esteem is to make a permanent conquest.
Conquest is easy. Control is not.
Money brings honor, friends, conquest, and realms.
I never understood where the satisfaction is when you're missing the pleasure of conquest. — © Silvio Berlusconi
I never understood where the satisfaction is when you're missing the pleasure of conquest.
To be a human being means to possess a feeling of inferiority which constantly presses towards its own conquest. The greater the feeling of inferiority that has been experienced, the more powerful is the urge for conquest and the more violent the emotional agitation.
The real story of the settlement of the West was work, not conquest
The great conquest is the result of small, unnoticed victories.
The goal of evolution is self - conquest
If war can indeed be turned into a relic, then the virtue of greed will recede further. From a given society's standpoint, one big upside of wanton material acquisition has traditionally been the way it drives technological progress-which, after all, helps keep societies strong. In the nineteenth century, Russia ans Germany had little choice about modernizing; in those days stasis invited conquest. But if societies no longer face conquest, breakneck technological advance is an offer they can refuse, and frugality a luxury people can afford.
All must yield to the weight of years; conquest is not difficult for time.
There's a double meaning in the film The Conquest. First, the conquest of power at the UMP party and how Sarkozy had to fight his colleagues inside the party so that it was him running for President. He wins the political conquest, but he loses the feminine conquest in that his wife leaves him. It's hard for a President to be single - that's never happened.
And I realized a wondrous truth: that knowledge could be our treasure, that there were things humankind knew that we did not, that our conquest need not comprise taking and killing, but could consist of our mutual conquest of ignorance and distrust.
The goal of the human soul is conquest, perfection, security, superiority.
This notion that man can, and should, have absolute dominion over the "chaotic" powers of nature and what ultimately lies behind man's famous "conquest of nature" - a conquest that is today puncturing holes in the earth's ozone layer, destroying our forests, polluting our air and water, and increasingly threatening the welfare, and even survival, of thousands of living species, including our own.
God's delight is received upon surrender, not awarded upon conquest.
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