Top 1200 Conscience Quotes & Sayings - Page 17

Explore popular Conscience quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Conscience connects us with the wisdom of the ages and the wisdom of the heart.
It is not the real punishment. The only effectual one, the only deterrent and softening one, lies in the recognition of sin by conscience.
The fact that human conscience remains partially infantile throughout life is the core of human tragedy. — © Erik Erikson
The fact that human conscience remains partially infantile throughout life is the core of human tragedy.
"Secret migration" across borders is a form of human degradation and evidence of the depravity of the human conscience.
Conscience is the mirror of our souls, which represents the errors of our lives in their full shape.
Now conscience wakes despair That slumber'd,-wakes the bitter memory Of what he was, what is, and what must be Worse.
Shame arises from the fear of men, conscience from the fear of God.
My conscience won't allow me to do films I thought were bad but were going to make money.
Preserve your conscience always soft and sensitive. If but one sin force its way into that tender part of the soul and dwell there, the road is paved for a thousand iniquities.
I think in the end officials in each country's judicial system will do what they believe is right because if they do something bad to somebody it's on their conscience for the rest of their lives.
A conscience without God is like a court without a judge.
We have no patent on anything we do and anything we do can be copied by anyone else. But you can't copy the heart and the soul and the conscience of the company.
The bite of conscience, like the bite of a dog into a stone, is a stupidity. — © Friedrich Nietzsche
The bite of conscience, like the bite of a dog into a stone, is a stupidity.
The Pope is a mere tormentor of conscience. The assembly of his greased and religious crew in praying was altogether like the croaking of frogs, which edified nothing at all.
Most men's conscience, habits, and opinions are borrowed from convention and gather continually comforting assurances from the same social consensus that originally suggested them.
Vanity asks, is it popular? Politics ask, will it work? But conscience and morality ask, is it right?
I hate a conscience. It's always making you feel low down and disreputable. I don't believe I will say anything to my children about one, and let them have some peace.
I never had the guts to go to Calais. I didn't see for myself the conditions people were living in, or hear their stories firsthand. That doesn't sit well with my conscience.
The ultimate test of a man's conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.
Is television literally functioning as our conscience, tempting us and rewarding us at the same time?
I don't write to give joy to readers but to give them a conscience.
Congress should not establish a religion, and enforce the legal observation of it by law, nor compel men to worship God in any Manner contrary to their conscience.
Religion must be a punishment, because nobody gets religion who does not have a bad conscience.
If you look into the religions, they have this deep idea of human dignity and the source of dignity being conscience.
Freedom is the opportunity for right development, for development in accordance with the progressive ideal of life that we have in conscience.
Catholicism is the tomb of intelligence, of thought, of brain; Protestantism, the tomb of conscience, of feeling, of heart.
I don't fear for a physical death, but when my conscience dies, that is a real death
Forget the laws. If the laws don't make sense, if they run contrary to your conscience, you have to disobey them.
Do your duty, and don't swerve from it. Do that which your conscience tells you to be right, and leave the consequences to God.
The sudden ending of a White House career all seems so unceremonious for aides who have personally sacrificed a lot - and sometimes even bent their conscience - to do the president's bidding.
We must come to see that the end we seek is a society at peace with itself, a society that can live with its conscience.
It is the church's job, as Dr. [Martin Luther] King says, to be the conscience of the state, not the chaplain of the state.
We're telling the story of 'Daredevil'. In this aspect, the storylines accentuate the sociopathic tendencies in her. The writers wanted to highlight that Elektra is quite manipulative and doesn't seem to have a conscience.
If I do not respond to some situation, my conscience kills me. I believe in permissible violence, not necessarily non-violence.
If it's time to let go, JUST LET GO. You can't carry on through life with extra weight on your conscience.
I think God asks us to promise to replenish the planet and to pay 100% attention to our young so that they will develop character and a good conscience.
One way or another, a life without conscience is a failed life.
Conscience is our magnetic compass; reason our chart. — © Joseph Cook
Conscience is our magnetic compass; reason our chart.
The literary depiction of life and its moral dilemmas compel us to use our conscience, to make those infallible distinctions between right and wrong.
A bad conscience is easier to cope with than a bad reputation.
I cannot in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past. We need all hands on deck, fighting for the future.
If I am to serve as an instrument of deceit, at least let it be with a clear conscience. I do not want to be considered either so affectionate or so loyal a servant as to be found fit to betray anyone.
In the end of five years I made supplication to the king to go out of this land, desiring to see my poor wife and children according to conscience and nature.
I sincerely believe that I have served a criminal. I led my soldiers in good conscience... but for a criminal government.
The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still small voice of conscience.
But dogs, which have no ability to sin nor moral conscience, do not have an ability to reject Jesus.
Conscience is a coward, and those faults it has not strength enough to prevent it seldom has justice enough to accuse.
While the federal government is committed to paying 100% of the cost of new people in Medicaid, I cannot, in good conscience, deny the uninsured access to care. — © Rick Scott
While the federal government is committed to paying 100% of the cost of new people in Medicaid, I cannot, in good conscience, deny the uninsured access to care.
Fame and power are the objects of all men. Even their partial fruition is gained by very few; and that, too, at the expense of social pleasure, health, conscience, life.
The ethic behind songs of conscience doesn't change, even though the issues are altered from generation to generation.
I just want people to know that whatever decisions are made on any issue, I'll make them according to what I believe is in the public interest and my own conscience.
He knew that conscience was chiefly fear of society or fear of oneself.
The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.
Self-understanding rather than self-condemnation is the way to inner peace and mature conscience.
The worst thing that can happen to a good teacher is to get a bad conscience about her profession because she feels herself hopeless as a psychologist.
Conscience is what makes a boy tell his mother before his sister does.
It is our imagination, not our conscience, which makes us better than the beasts of the field.
Your man with a thin skin, a vehement ambition, a scrupulous conscience, and a sanguine desire for rapid improvement is never a happy, and seldom a fortunate politician.
There is nothing more alluring to man than freedom of conscience, but neither is there anything more agonizing.
Religion is faith in an infinite Creator, who delights in and enjoins that rectitude which conscience commands us to seek. This conviction gives a Divine sanction to duty.
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