Top 1200 Consideration For Others Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Consideration For Others quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
Oftentimes, when a woman demands accountability, respect, or consideration, she is crazy or nagging or whatever.
Slow business is an interesting area because it's taking into consideration the reality that we have to make a living.
Within the hearts men, loyalty and consideration are esteemed greater than success. — © Bryant H. McGill
Within the hearts men, loyalty and consideration are esteemed greater than success.
Our first duty, to which every other consideration should be sacrificed, is not to be poor.
Kindness and consideration of somebody besides yourself. I think that keeps you feeling young. I really do.
Cultivated people should be superior to any consideration so sordid as a mercenary interest.
The moment you start complaining, you are already not taking into consideration all the good things Allah [God] has given you.
Consideration of any kind are a crime against the German people and the soldier at the front.
In the expression of the emotions, originality merits the first consideration... The words used, however, should be old ones.
To me, 'design thinking' is another way of saying empathize with the customer. It's consideration for the person you're designing for.
I can't wait til I get the chance to be a character and how my face looks isn't the first consideration.
My opponents make good moves too. Sometimes I don't take these things into consideration
In the continuing debate over the morality of enhanced interrogation, an essential consideration is often overlooked: intent. — © Gary Bauer
In the continuing debate over the morality of enhanced interrogation, an essential consideration is often overlooked: intent.
Deliberation is not a particular type of speech, but a political act of collective decision-making in consideration of consequences.
One's task is not to turn the world upside down, but to do what is necessary at the given place and with a due consideration of reality.
I would like to think that an artist's mental health is taken into consideration more now.
I carry some kind of consideration and weight and observations about what is going on in the world, but I don't go to execute it.
I do think we should be provided with a new body about the age of thirty or so when we have learnt to attend to it with consideration.
It is noticed, that the consideration of the great periods and spaces of astronomy induces a dignity of mind, and an indifferenceto death.
Teamwork represents a set of values that encourage behaviors such as listening and constructively responding to points of view expressed by others, giving others the benefit of the doubt, providing support to those who need it, and recognizing the interests and achievements of others.
The sensibilities and the emotions of Muslims must be taken into consideration in the context in which we live today.
A series of accidents creates a positively light-hearted state, out of consideration for this strange power.
What I learned is that policymakers have to force consideration of actions that may not have occurred to them at the time.
I never ever take into consideration the consequences of my actions until it's too late.
I hold that it is only when we can prove everything we assert that we understand perfectly the thing under consideration.
I never said I'd support Paul Ryan. I'm giving it very serious consideration.
The Left government has been consistent in its approach to a development process that takes environment into consideration.
One of the most important phases of maturing is that of growth from self-centering to an understanding relationship to others. A person is not mature until he has both an ability and a willingness to see himself as one among others and to do unto those others as he would have them do to him. doubts existence of free will [because] every action determined by heredity, constitution, example of others or teaching of others." "This view should teach one profound humility, one deserves no credit for anything...nor ought one to blame others.
After much prayerful consideration, I feel that I must say I have climbed my last political mountain.
[Sheehan] deserves some consideration, and I think that should have been done right from the beginning.
It was always my practice to train salespeople under my direct supervision, and to treat children with the utmost consideration.
The supersession of dualism in biology begins to occur in this science at the moment when the ‘time’ factor is taken into consideration.
To provide for the future is a part of one's responsibility in life; and the world has scant consideration for the man who neglects it.
I never did a right thing or abstained from a wrong one from any consideration of reward or punishment.
The holidays are important, but the path I've chosen doesn't take that into consideration. I do what I can to enjoy them, but it's one of the sacrifices of being an athlete.
I suppose you can't take kids into consideration all the time, but I just wish there could be a bit of flexibility.
Any player playing at a high level is available for consideration to the women's national team. — © Jill Ellis
Any player playing at a high level is available for consideration to the women's national team.
It is a very serious consideration for a lyricist to step in there and suggest the meaning to a song. The music is speaking for itself.
The Supreme Court has been very clear: when it comes to religious discrimination, you can take intent into consideration.
Of compelling consideration is the fact that words acquire scope and function from the history of events which they summarize.
Speciesism: A failure, in attitude or practice, to accord any nonhuman being equal consideration and respect
Mathematics deals exclusively with the relations of concepts to each other without consideration of their relation to experience.
Lionel whispered because he was under the impression that it was out of respect for books, not consideration for readers.
Eulogy. Praise of a person who has either the advantages of wealth and power, or the consideration to be dead.
When harmony, mutual consideration and trust pass out of the home, hell enters in.
Should array indices start at 0 or 1? My compromise of 0.5 was rejected without, I thought, proper consideration.
We need to treat each other with consideration. In my world, the squeaky wheel does not get the grease. — © Tim Gunn
We need to treat each other with consideration. In my world, the squeaky wheel does not get the grease.
Every human being is entitled to courtesy and consideration. Constructive criticism is not only to be expected but sought.
When others spoke of the fear of war, you spoke of the need for warriors and peace through strength. When others bewailed the failure of big government to provide for the collective good, you spoke of self-reliance, of personal responsibility, of individual pride and integrity. When others preached compromise - when others demanded compromise, you, Ronald Reagan, preached conviction.
The relatives of a suicide hold it against him that out of consideration for their reputation he did not remain alive.
to be civilized is to be incapable of giving unnecessary offense, it is to have some quality of consideration for all who cross our path.
To me, writing is a considered act. It's something which is a great labor of thought and consideration.
What would become of all historical biography if it was written only with consideration for other peoples' feelings?
We accept, without sufficient consideration, a system that breeds inefficiencies and actually encourages the creation of shortages.
Upon consideration of the central question of the moon's toughness there can be little doubt. It is hella tough.
A man who will not lie to a woman has very little consideration for her feelings.
So it would be a happy marriage between the movement and the vocal and uh, this is the thing that you give a lot of consideration to.
What I was trying to construct was relative symmetry, where it seems clear that the shapes have arrived through consideration.
My job is to provide the president with the richest possible consideration, so that he knows what is at stake in whatever decision he makes.
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