Top 1200 Constantly Learning Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Constantly Learning quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
I constantly modify myself. There are downfalls to that because you are constantly trying to figure out who you are, but at the same time, I'm blessed with the lack of base paint on the canvas.
Originality is a thing we constantly clamour for, and constantly quarrel with.
I constantly say things that I regret. I mortify myself constantly. — © Kathy Griffin
I constantly say things that I regret. I mortify myself constantly.
At most, recognizing that our history was inspired by many tales we now recognize as false should make us alert, ready to call to constantly into question the very tale we believe true, because the criterion of the wisdom of the community is based on constant awareness of the fallibility of our learning.
Reinvent your business constantly. The end goal may be the same, but the tools and methods are constantly evolving.
The vanity of human life is like a river, constantly passing away, and yet constantly coming on.
People always ask me if I could live in any other era what would it be, and I tell them none! I feel so lucky to live in an age where technology has changed and continues to change and make life so much more exciting. It keeps everyone young and constantly learning new things.
One of the processes of your life is to constantly break down that inferiority, to constantly reaffirm that I Am Somebody.
The military doesn't teach rifle marksmanship. It teaches equipment familiarity. Despite what the officer corps thinks, learning to shoot a rifle is not like learning to drive a car. Instead, it is like learning to play the violin.... The equipment familiarity learning curve comes up quick, but then the rifle marksmanship continuation of the curve rises very shooting one careful shot at a time, carefully inspecting the result (and the cause).
As soon as error is corrected, it is important that the error be forgotten and only the successful attempts be remembered. Errors, mistakes, and humiliations are all necessary steps in the learning process. Once they have served their purpose, they should be forgotten. If we constantly dwell upon the errors, then the error or failure becomes the goal.
My favorite place is whichever sidewalk is beneath my feet because I am just constantly fascinated by walking and looking and learning. If I've already walked a street five times, then the next five times I walk it looking up, and I learn something about the cornices.
One of the challenges of having exceptionally high quality talent is that they're constantly restless, and they're constantly on the lookout for opportunities.
Always get rid of theory private object in this way: assume that it constantly changes, but that you do not notice the change because your memory constantly deceives you.
We never get any gratitude for what we do. We just are constantly ripped. We are constantly complained about. We are constantly attacked. And people are fed up with it. People are fed up being told they haven't done enough, that they don't do enough, that they don't care enough, that they're mean-spirited, that they're extremists, when this is the most loving and charitable, the most giving country the world has ever seen.
I imagine a school system that recognizes learning is natural, that a love of learning is normal, and that real learning is passionate learning. A school curriculum that values questions above answers...creativity above fact regurgitation...individuality above conformity.. and excellence above standardized performance..... And we must reject all notions of 'reform' that serve up more of the same: more testing, more 'standards', more uniformity, more conformity, more bureaucracy.
I'm constantly learning as a songwriter, so naturally that makes you grow as an artist. But I also think the more time I spend in music the more time I feel I understand it; or at least I understand where I stand amongst the industry and my identity within it all.
In the same way that I cannot be perfect and need grace for my mistakes, I also need to give my kids grace. I am constantly learning to be patient with them, understanding that they won't do everything right all the time, while still holding them to a high standard, as their heavenly father does.
The success of corporate mentorship programs developed by some of the Great Teams in business demonstrates how powerful this concept can be and what a difference it can make. As General Electric has shown, when a corporate culture includes mentorship, the end result is a dynamic learning environment with leaders constantly shaping leaders.
I'm not out running around all the time. I'm not partying constantly and constantly battling myself. I'm with someone, and we are very, very happy. — © Johnny Knoxville
I'm not out running around all the time. I'm not partying constantly and constantly battling myself. I'm with someone, and we are very, very happy.
Anybody who loves what they do, they're constantly doing it all the time. So I'm constantly working.
Previously, we might use machine learning in a few sub-components of a system. Now we actually use machine learning to replace entire sets of systems, rather than trying to make a better machine learning model for each of the pieces.
When you're playing cards you can't constantly think about what the money costs you in the real world. You can't be constantly concerned about that if you want to be successful.
Vulnerability is the strongest state to be in. How boring would it be if we were constantly dominant or constantly submissive?
My email is constantly full, and I'm constantly being called, like, 'We need your decision on this.'
If learning to read was as easy as learning to talk, as some writers claim, many more children would learn to read on their own. The fact that they do not, despite their being surrounded by print, suggests that learning to read is not a spontaneous or simple skill.
It's just difficult to release music constantly while also constantly being on the road.
Our native language is like a second skin, so much a part of us we resist the idea that it is constantly changing, constantly being renewed.
The great thing about Coulson is that he's a little bit like a party game, where the next person who gets ahold of him gets to write another sentence. I'm constantly learning more and more about the guy.
Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.
Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service, to improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly decrease costs.
Would you like to go to a doctor who had taken his last medical course in 1948? You have to keep changing and keep learning so that you are constantly challenging yourself, adding a few new songs to your program every chance you get. If you don't, the world will pass you by.
We were the first multibrand platform for the customization of designer clothing. And it's great to be a first mover if you manage to pull it off. You can have a great competitive advantage. But if you're quite early, you're learning a lot: both learning as a company, and the customer is still learning.
I think the cardinal rule of learning to write is learning to read first. I learned to write by learning to read.
You guys are more talented than anyone in the Tumblr office or in Palo Alto or Sunnyvale. We're constantly in awe, constantly in service.
Knowledge about yourself binds, weighs, ties you down; there is no freedom to move, and you act and move within the limits of thatknowledge. Learning about yourself is never the same as accumulating knowledge about yourself. Learning is active present and knowledge is the past; if you are learning to accumulate, it ceases to be learning; knowledge is static, more can be added to it or taken away from it, but learning is active, nothing can be added or taken away from it for there is no accumulation at any time.
Some learning and talent professionals, together with some organisations, are finding it a challenge to make changes from these age-old HR and learning practices. However, it is inevitable that they will need to adopt new ways of learning to support new ways of working sooner rather than later.
Business is constantly changing, constantly evolving.
Without realizing that the past is constantly determining their present actions, they avoid learning anything about their history. They continue to live in their repressed childhood situation, ignoring the fact that is no longer exists, continuing to fear and avoid dangers that, although once real, have not been real for a long time.
I think that great programming is not all that dissimilar to great art. Once you start thinking in concepts of programming it makes you a better does learning a foreign language, as does learning math, as does learning how to read.
I'm constantly changing, I'm constantly growing. I think I'm a little controversial... I just try and keep some mystery, so hopefully people can't really put their finger on it.
If anything, I'm constantly trying to figure out how to look chic with the minimal effort required because I'm constantly packing. My off-duty style is always influenced by my mood.
Any leader needs to be constantly interested in what's going on in the world, and constantly ready - even when things are going well - to change. — © Carol Bartz
Any leader needs to be constantly interested in what's going on in the world, and constantly ready - even when things are going well - to change.
What is a college? An institute of learning. What is a business? An institute of learning. Life, itself, is an institute of learning.
I'm constantly moving and constantly travelling, and so it's really hard to maintain a relationship in that kind of environment.
I think most marriages, mine included, you're constantly tending the garden, constantly working at it.
I feel like that I'm learning all the time. I'm learning from new artists, from established artists... every time I listen to '70s rock 'n' roll records, I'm learning. And I think that I'm just now starting to get a hold on what I do.
This is what gay nightlife is: It's about building an image. You are constantly in proprioception where you're clocking your own movement through space constantly.
I feel history is more of a story than a lesson. I know this idea of presentism: this idea of constantly evoking the past to justify the present moment. A lot of people will tell you, "history is how we got here." And learning from the lessons of history. But that's imperfect. If you learn from history you can do things for all the wrong reasons.
I was constantly getting in trouble, constantly trying to break the rules. Even when I was coming up in the drag scene, I was known as sort of the rule breaker, the rebel, the bad girl.
I'm still learning. It's all a learning curve. Every time you sit down, with any given episode of any given show, it is a learning curve. You're learning something new about how to tell a story. But then, I've felt that way about everything I've ever done - television, features or whatever. Directing or writing, it always feels like the first day of school to me.
If I were constantly worried about death, I couldn't function. After a while, if your life is more or less constantly in peril, you come to a point where you accept the possibility philosophically.
Oh, I constantly say things that I regret. I mortify myself constantly. But that's just part of the deal. I'm not really sure what's going to come out of my mouth.
When Ron Howard does 'Rush,' he has to learn and steep himself in F1 culture and European racing culture, and that's part of the fun of the gig. You learn to learn. Your real skill as a director is being a learner and an observer. You're constantly learning another thing in context.
Life is continued work. It's constant learning. The whole concept of retirement I don't even buy into. We should constantly be working. Maybe not physically working, but we could be spiritually, emotionally working toward bettering ourselves and bettering the lives of others around us.
Having totality means being capable of following "what is," because "what is" is constantly moving and constantly changing. If one is anchored to a particular view, one will not be able to follow the swift movement of "what is.
To know you're truly alive in wrestling, you have to constantly challenge yourself. You constantly have to do things that you're unsure you can do. — © Matt Hardy
To know you're truly alive in wrestling, you have to constantly challenge yourself. You constantly have to do things that you're unsure you can do.
I'm constantly working. I am constantly going to the next thing.
My father... never required me to study anything, but he knew how to inspire in me a great desire for knowledge. Before learning to read, my greatest pleasure was to listen to passages from Buffon's natural history. I constantly requested him to read me the history of animals and birds.
I'm kind of down for anything, as long as it's an amazing script that speaks to me, so I'm just constantly reading and constantly looking.
However much faith to obey God we now have, we will need to strengthen it continually and keep it refreshed constantly. We can do that by deciding now to be more quick to obey and more determined to endure. Learning to start early and to be steady are the keys to spiritual preparation. Procrastination and inconsistency are its mortal enemies.
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