Top 1200 Control Someone Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Control Someone quotes.
Last updated on October 19, 2024.
Allowing artist-illustrators to control the design and content of statistical graphics is almost like allowing typographers to control the content, style, and editing of prose.
Women want to control other women because they've been controlled themselves. It's a cycle of control. I'm not blaming women for that, but I am saying we're part of a toxic culture that's feeding all of us the same messaging.
I learned a long time ago that I can't control the challenges the creator sends my way, but I can control the way I think about them and deal with them — © Wilma Mankiller
I learned a long time ago that I can't control the challenges the creator sends my way, but I can control the way I think about them and deal with them
I believe that an author who cannot control her characters is, like a mother who cannot control her children, not really fit to look after them.
My experience over 17 years playing with the Yankees, these are a few of the things that I've learned. You've got to have a plan of action, You have to stay focused on the things you can control, and don't get discouraged or distracted by the things you cannot control.
I've always tried to control everything and every aspect of my life, and this is maybe the biggest lesson I've learnt with motherhood - you just can't control everything, and I'm much more relaxed now about unexpected changes and things that happen.
As individuals are best off believing they control their behaviour, the judiciary is best off imputing that control - barring powerful extenuating factors such as mental illness.
People spend all their time focused on things they can't control. In truth, there are only two things you can control: your attitude and your work ethic.
I can only control what I can control at the end of the day, so some things you just can't allow to take your head the other way, some things happen for a reason.
Be true. Be as true and honest with yourself as you can and then you've just got to let it go from there out into the universe. Whatever happens after that, I have no control of, but I do have control of what I'm willing to put out there.
Self-disciplined begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do. Simply, self-discipline enables you to think first and act afterward.
When you’re out there partying, horsing around, someone out there at the same time is working hard. Someone is getting smarter and someone is winning. Just remember that.
In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.
Her eyes were those of someone who's just fallen in love, someone who sees nothing but her lover, someone who has no fear of anything. The eyes of someone who believes that every dream will come true, that reality will move if you just give it a push.
Your dreams may not be happening, and things aren't turning out the way you expected, but that doesn't mean your life is spinning out of control. It just means you're not in control.
When I ran WCW, I obviously had a lot of control over the business, but when I was in TNA, I had no control over anything other than creative. — © Eric Bischoff
When I ran WCW, I obviously had a lot of control over the business, but when I was in TNA, I had no control over anything other than creative.
The real issue behind these people who are gun grabbers, the truth is - based on fact - the reason why is, they want control. They want control of the people. That's what socialism is and communism.
Jose Mourinho knows how to control to big players in the dressing room, to control egos. He's done it all his life and knows how to work it into the team.
Self control is about being in charge of the direction our lives are taking. Now for the paradox: We get control of our lives, ultimately, not by will power but by surrender.
I like to control everything, and you cannot control everything. You have to at some point say, 'I let go and I'm going to let the cards fall where they fall... For a #? controlfreak , it's hard.
Quality control which cannot show results is not quality control. Let us engage in QC which makes so much money for the company that we do not know what to do with it.
When you're speaking very articulately and you're poised and you hold yourself well, that to me seems to indicate a certain way of being in life. You're in a certain place. And, whenever you break up with someone of many years, you tend to go down spiraling out of control, down some rabbit hole of sorts.
When someone is good, but it doesn't seem like their world will collapse if they don't get the part, it's more appealing. It's like dating someone: You don't want someone who's too into you.
That's why I'm really trying to produce my own stuff. This film was so good, because I produced it myself, and developed it, and made it with New Line, which is a smaller studio, so I was in control of a lot of stuff that I wasn't in control of for my other films.
Leaders of political parties need to keep in contact with the people; that's what it's all about. If violence were to erupt, I am fairly confident that we could control our people. Whether or not the authorities can control theirs is another matter altogether.
Listen! If stars are lit It means there is someone who needs it, It means someone wants them to be, That someone deems those specks of spit Magnificent!
Jesus Christ never preached there should be celibate priests. The only reason the church has this is because it's a mechanism of power and control. You can control priests who are celibate.
I can't control what's going to happen in the future. I can't control what's going to happen in five hours. So I'm not really worried about it. I'm just focused on doing what I can at this moment.
Focus on things you can control. Things that are out of control, you can't worry about what the result is going to be, you just focus on trying to do the best in your situation that you can.
In a way, I don't create anything; I just open myself to the character, and the character takes over. Of course, I'm aware of it, and I'm driving it, but I don't try to control it. If I try to control it, it goes wrong.
If my words don't flow out of a heart that rests in God's control, sovereignty, then they come out of the heart that seeks control so I can get what I want.
I love animals. With animals you never know what you're getting. Everybody says don't mess with animals and little kids in movies but those are the funniest things because you can't be in control. I like to lose control as a director.
The first thing I control is the cost by not shooting for many days. It is not control, but somebody has to drive the whole thing. If I shoot unnecessary things, it will raise cost.
The student-athlete should control everything that happens. From figuring out what kind of a degree they want to what type of a program they want to play for, they should control it all.
You can try to control people, or you can try to have a system that represents reality. I find that knowing what's really happening is more important than trying to control people.
As an actor you don't control the end result. Because you're a director, you get to control the end result. I think for us, we really have to show up and participate and give. And then let go.
Personal health is related to self-control and to the worship of life in all its natural beauty - self-control bringing with it happiness, renewed youth, and long life.
Before one can become a magician he must learn to control his own mind; for mind is the substance with which the magician acts, and the power to control it is the beginning of magic.
You can't control what the other athlete is going to do; you can't control anything except for your competition and how you execute the race or how you execute the task. — © Michael Johnson
You can't control what the other athlete is going to do; you can't control anything except for your competition and how you execute the race or how you execute the task.
I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others, which, one must suppose, opponents of birth control would prefer.
Some things are in our control and others not. Things in our control are opinion, pursuit, desire, aversion, and, in a word, whatever are our own actions. Things not in our control are body, property, reputation, command, and, in one word, whatever are not our own actions.
When money is controlled by a few it gives that few an undue power and control over labor and the resources of the country. Labor will have its best return when the laborer can control its disposal.
When I am gone what will you do? Who will write and draw for you? Someone smarter--someone new? Someone better--maybe YOU!
The Obama administration excelled at pushing its radical agenda through any means necessary. Since its gun-control agenda was not going anywhere, it decided to control ammunition, which would have had the same effect.
I think sometimes what happens is that all of this feeling out of control manifests itself in trying to control your body; whether it's an eating disorder or talking about getting your nose fixed, as if that's going to be the solution to all the pressure.
When we speak of power, we mean man's control over the minds and actions of other men. By political power we refer to the mutual relations of control among the holders of public authority and between the latter and the people at large.
You can't control life. It doesn't wind up perfectly. Only-only art you can control. Art and masturbation. Two areas in which I am an absolute expert.
Culture has worked by coming to exercise a form of mind control over us. We willingly accept and even embrace this mind control, and probably without even knowing it.
There is a whole crazy world around you. You can't control it, so don't even try. Because the more you try to control your environment, the more it controls you.
I want to control the company, but I don't know how life goes. We are already a big company, and the larger our capitalization is, the lower goes the threshold for control.
In a Giraffe institution, the head nurse job would be to serve the nurses, not to control them. Teachers are there to serve the students, not control them. — © Marshall B. Rosenberg
In a Giraffe institution, the head nurse job would be to serve the nurses, not to control them. Teachers are there to serve the students, not control them.
Most presidents have been controlled by forces that control money and special interests. When Donald Trump refused their money, he refused their control. This made him dangerous.
I feel like I had zero control over getting cancer, but I have 100 percent control over how I will respond to dealing with cancer.
As the feminist saying goes, 'Women deliver.' In other words, when women control resources, the social gain is greater than when men control resources.
The only thing that I can do - and the only thing that I've always done - is to ride my bike fast and get my head down and control the things I can control.
You can teach someone with basic smarts to be smarter; you can't teach cultural fit or personality. But you also want someone who has a passion to win; someone that is all in.
Control over the use of one's ideas really constitutes control over other people's lives; and it is usually used to make their lives more difficult.
I definitely don't want someone who's controlling. I don't want someone who feels like they can skirt around being supportive. To me, a partner is someone who has your back no matter what.
I like directing myself; I feel like it's one less person to give notes to. There's an efficiency in it. I'm also kind of a control freak. So I like the fact that it gives me more control in the overall picture.
I think all dancers are control freaks a bit. We just want to be in control of ourselves and our bodies. That's just what the ballet structure, I think, kind of puts inside of you.
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