Top 81 Cork Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Cork quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
I really enjoyed playing Freddie Cork. People are always scared to approach me because of the character I played in 'Brotherhood.' The writing was very smart.
I pray on the principle that wine knocks the cork out of a bottle. There is an inward fermentation, and there must be a vent.
There was no professional theater in Cork, but still I did a lot of performing. — © Fiona Shaw
There was no professional theater in Cork, but still I did a lot of performing.
Shatter the icons of slavery and fear. Replace the leer of the minstrel's burnt-cork face with a proud, serene and classic bronze of Benin.
There was nobody in the city I came from - Cork, Ireland - that I could link up with to teach me the guitar.
I'm an outlaw, not a philosopher, but I know this much: there's meaning in everything, all things are connected, and a good champagne is a drink.' Bernard began to sing again. Timidly, Leigh-Cheri joined in. Between verses, they opened another bottle. The popping of its cork echoed throughout the great stone chamber. Of the three billion people on earth, only Bernard and Leigh-Cheri heard the popping of the cork and its echoes. Only Bernard and Leigh-Cheri passed out under the tablecloth.
Wouldn't it be a helluva joke if all this were really burnt cork and you people were being tolerant for nuthin'?
If I were a bottle of wine, my name would be Thom Cork
I'm one hundred percent Irish, and I'm very proud that I'm Irish American, though I don't know exactly where my ancestors came from. I just know County Cork.
It's so hard to look at someone doing a triple cork when you're 7 years old, and them saying, 'I want to go do that.' It's not really relatable at all. So, if I can somehow make it so kids want to get into snowboarding, that's special.
Without the Empire we should be tossed like a cork in the cross current of world politics. It is at once our sword and our shield.
A cork screw to my heart, ever since we've been apart.
I am a disaster magnet. I came home from our first anniversary vacation with jellyfish stings, a puncture wound from a wrought iron pineapple and a cork-shaped bruise in my cleavage.
I know never to take a wine for granted. Drawing a cork is like attendance at a concert or at a play that one knows well, when there is all the uncertainty of no two performances ever being quite the same. That is why the French say, 'There are no good wines, only good bottles.'
Marcel Proust shut out visitors from his cork-lined room, where he wrote, but he probably expected to be immortalized in the literary canon. Even the most introverted drives and motives are set in a social context and amplified by the potential for achieving fame.
How would you know a Cork footballer? He's the one who thinks that oral sex is just talking about it. — © John B. Keane
How would you know a Cork footballer? He's the one who thinks that oral sex is just talking about it.
A being without an aim in life, or not possessing the requisite concentration of purpose to assist him in resisting temptation, is like a cork floating upon the water, driven hither and thither by every wind that blows.
Ferguson's out of order. He has lost all sense of reality. He is going out looking for a confrontation, then asking the person he is confronting to apologise. He's pushed the cork in a bit far this time.
I always went to Ireland as a child. I remember trips to Dundalk, Wexford, Cork and Dublin. My gran was born in Dublin, and we had a lot of Irish friends, so we'd stay on their farms and go fishing. They were fantastic holidays - being outdoors all day and coming home to a really warm welcome in the evenings.
His heart danced upon her movement like a cork upon a tide.
He (Eric Davis) gets power from his bat's like he has cork in his arms.
There was a stage inside it and a crank on the outside that would rotate something, like a tiny tree carved of cork, onto the stage, and then the thousands of little mirrors would multiply that one tree so that the viewer would see an infinite forest instead.
Some weasel took the cork out of my lunch.
I think I owe my life to cork soles.
Be a bobbed cork: When you are pushed down, bob up.
Here's a simple experiment that you might want to try if there is absolutely nothing else going on in your life. All you need is a cork, a bar magnet, and a pail of water. Simply attach your magnet to your cork, then drop it into the water, and voilà (literally, "you have a compass")-you have a compass. How does it work? Simple. Notice that, no matter which way you turn the bucket, the cork always floats on top of the water (unless the magnet is too heavy). Using this scientific principle, early hardy mariners were able to tell at a glance whether they were sinking!
The city of Cork - the urban center, where all the shops and bars and everything are - is actually an island, a river island.
I was freelancing for years in Cork and around. I also wrote freelance pieces for 'The Irish Times.'
The destroyer Cork, like the useful hero for whom it is named, will be game to the last.
They just love the Irish accent in the States. But I just talk really fast because I'm from Cork. It's my speed that really throws them, especially when I get nervous. Doing interviews there is really hard because you can't hear a word I'm saying!
Don't worry about calling for me. Just pop a cork loudly enough and I'll come running.
Like good wine, marriage gets better with age - once you learn to keep a cork in it.
For a while we had trouble trying to get the sound of a champagne cork exploding out of the bottle. I solved the problem by sticking my finger in my mouth and popping it out.
For my money, insecurity, depression, etc, can be healed by way of El Morocco, sad songs at 4am, and the pop of a champagne cork
Everyone is trying to jump on the biomimic bandwagon. But a cork floor is not biomimicry. Neither is using bacteria to clean water.
What a pure blessing it was to have a bath in a tub alone in a room where all you had to do was pump the water, not tote buckets. Then all you had to do was pull out the cork, not tote more buckets to the back porch--that kind of thing is easy to take lightly until you don't have it.
I don't think I'm very fashionable. I drink a fair amount of Barry's Tea, from Cork - but might that be fashionable? I don't know.
A new idea is like carbonated liquid in a bottle. You just sort of shake it until the cork pops, then you write and write. — © Christopher Buckley
A new idea is like carbonated liquid in a bottle. You just sort of shake it until the cork pops, then you write and write.
Some people drift along like a cork on a river, feeling that they cannot do anything except drift, moment to moment. This is an attitude of mind. Everyone can be constructive even in tiny ways.
There are times in show business when you work so much you think you will pop your cork, and then suddenly you can't find any work.
His heart danced upon her movements like a cork upon a tide. He heard what her eyes said to him from beneath their cowl and knew that in some dim past, whether in life or revery, he had heard their tale before.
By insisting on having your bottle pointing to the north when the cork is being drawn, and calling the waiter Max, you may induce an impression on your guests which hours of laboured boasting might be powerless to achieve. For this purpose, however, the guests must be chosen as carefully as the wine.
When I was 20 years old, I was living in Ireland, going to school in Cork. There was this girl in my film class that I was kind of flirting with. We had this notebook that we passed back and forth. We would write 10 questions and then pass it back while we were supposedly paying attention.
My nan and granddad are from Cork.
Man and woman, love, what is it? A cork and a bottle.
What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork to my lunch?
Apparently, my grandfather left from Cork to America without saying goodbye to his mother! The family in Longford is still not happy about that.
'Ordinary Grace' freed me. I don't have to write only Cork O'Connor novels now. I'm liberated. I can write whatever I want to write.
I think the language as spoken in Limerick and Cork has not really been written; 'City of Bohane' is a combination of the two. Bohane is a little kingdom. When I began writing it, I realised that it was in the future and that it was a place that didn't care about anything that happened outside it.
My grandfather John came from Cork. I have six degrees of separation in Ireland.
We have observed for thirty centuries that a large nose is a sign on the door of our face that says 'Herein dwells a man who is intelligent, prudent, courteous, affable, noble-minded and generous'. A small nose is a cork on the bottle of the opposite vices.
The process of rating players can be compared to the measurement of the position of a cork bobbing up and down on the surface of agitated water with a yard stick tied to a rope and which is swaying in the wind.
I don't drink much anymore, because it's supposedly not good for me. I still have gallons of it around though. I smell the cork and do a lot of wishing. — © Anton Szandor LaVey
I don't drink much anymore, because it's supposedly not good for me. I still have gallons of it around though. I smell the cork and do a lot of wishing.
My dad used to have to open the second bottle of wine in the loo in case Mum heard the cork coming out.
When you look in one direction where Troy's chair was, you could see out through the yard across the street, there was an old cork bar advertisement for five cents. We wanted it to feel like this was real life [in Fences] and that it extended blocks and blocks.
My father was educated in Cork, in the University of Cork, in the '50s.
Here, in Cork district, you have in combination all the dangers which war can inflict.
I went to Cork, Ireland, and stood on the dock some of my ancestors had left from. I felt their ghosts gather round me, and I cried to imagine what it must have felt like - leaving that beautiful land and those beloved people, knowing it was forever.
I sleep better knowing that a naked cork-eater is not sneaking around at night, stealing my underwear.
The essence of the ludicrous consists in surprise,--in unexpected terms of feeling and explosions of thought,--often bringing dissimilar things together with a shock; as when some wit called Boyle, the celebrated philosopher, the father of chemistry and brother of the Earl of Cork.
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