Top 1200 Corner Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Corner quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Went to the corner shop - bought 4 corners.
I went around the corner to motion pictures.
Out of the corner of one eye, I could see my mother. Out of the corner of the other eye, I could see her shadow on the wall, cast there by the lamplight. It was a big and solid shadow, and it looked so much like my mother that I became frightened. For I could not be sure whether for the rest of my life I would be able to tell when it was really my mother and when it was really her shadow standing between me and the rest of the world.
Nobody puts Roach in the corner. — © Alexandra Roach
Nobody puts Roach in the corner.
He sits in an old armchair in the corner covered with bits of blankets and a bucket behind the chair that stinks enough to make you sick and when you look at that old man in the dark corner you want to get a hose with hot water and strip him and wash him down and give him a big feed of rashers and eggs and mashed potatoes with loads of butter and salt and onions.I want to take the man from the Boer War and the pile of rags in the bed and put them in a big sunny house in the country with birds chirping away outside the window and a stream gurgling.
The issue of climate change, it really does bring home the fact that we are on one planet, and that some of the impact of what human beings do in one corner of the world is going to affect people in a distant corner of the world. So we may still feel very far from each other, but we are really very close to each other because of the changes we have made with travel and technology and especially the information technology.
Prosperity is just around the corner.
I think it takes an amazing amount of energy to convince oneself that the Forever Person isn't just around the corner. In the end I believe we never do convince ourselves. I know that I found it increasingly hard to maintain the pose of emotional self-sufficiency lying on my bed and sitting at my desk, watching the gulls cartwheeling in the clouds over the bridges, cradling myself in my own arms, breathing warm chocolate-and-vodka breath on a rose I had found on a street corner, trying to force it to bloom.
Power always works from the corner office.
Amazement awaits us at every corner.
I made All-Pro in my position as a corner.
From the cab stepped a tall old man. Black raincoat and hat and a battered valise. He paid the driver, then turned and stood motionless, staring at the house. The cab pulled away and rounded the corner of Thirty-sixty Street. Kinderman quickly pulled out to follow. As he turned the corner, he noticed that the tall old man hadn't moved but was standing under the streetlight glow, in mist, like a melancholy traveler frozen in time.
I'm normally the guy that stands off in the corner.
You can't just sit in a corner weeping or you'll die. — © Elizabeth Wein
You can't just sit in a corner weeping or you'll die.
Into a world unknown,-the corner-stone of a nation!
I'm the best corner in the game!
With that corner 3, it's the highest percentage shot in the game.
Self-respect,--the corner-stone of all virtue.
The family is the corner stone of our society.
Standing in the corner, it's not my game.
Corner is the easiest three in basketball.
No corner of the world is free from group scorn.
Good intentions but bad results; bad results but lessons learned. There is a dark corner on every task beautiful and a beautiful corner on every task dark.
Think of a fine painter attempting to capture an inner vision, beginning with one corner of the canvas, painting what she thinks should be there, not quite pulling it off, covering it over with white paint, and trying again, each time finding out what her painting isn't, until she finally finds out what it is. And when you finally do find out what one corner of your vision is; you're off and running.
There are faint stars in the night sky that you can see, but only if you look to the side of where they shine. They burn too weakly or are too far away to be seen directly, even if you stare. But you can see them out of the corner of your eye because the cells on the periphery of your retina are more sensitive to light. Maybe truth is just like that. You can see it, but only out of the corner of your eye.
Cornering is like bringing a woman to a climax. Both you and the car must work together. You start to enter the area of excitement at the corner, you set up a pace which is right for the car and after you've told it it is coming along with you, you guide it along at a rhythm which has by now become natural. Only after you've cleared the corner you can both take pleasure in knowing it's gone well.
...and I'm standing on the corner of Fifth and Vermouth.
There's hope around the corner.
The apocalypse is not around the corner.
There is a foolish corner in the brain of the wisest man.
So this is feminist corner then.
The story sometimes writes you into a corner.
If there's a kids' corner at a party, that's where you'll find me.
No one has a corner on depression, but housewives are working on it.
Where there is a will, there's prosperity around the corner.
I've got Pat 'HD' Barry in my corner.
The Republicans think they have a corner on morality.
The parade was here, but it disappeared around a corner.
No one has a corner on success. It is his who pays the price. — © Orison Swett Marden
No one has a corner on success. It is his who pays the price.
There is no corner of life where art is not needed. There is no corner of art where life is not needed.
I'm not activist, but I'm not troubled by being in the LGBT corner.
What have you got if you do not have a peaceful corner where you can refresh yourself?
Death ain't nothing but a fastball on the outside corner.
Most people would say safety was my best position. To me, the biggest challenge and most gratifying thing I got out of playing football was playing corner, because it was a bigger challenge than playing safety. Playing corner provided me my biggest thrills and my biggest headaches.
I find personally that when I go to a place where I can't get in, I feel hostility from whatever it is, a hotel, a shop, a market, a street corner where there are no curb cuts, because somebody forgot to put them in, and where I have to go two blocks to the corner to do it. A lot of the excuses are, "Well, this is an old building." That's my favorite one. "This is an old building." It's as though 50 years ago, people with disabilities did not exist. As if the disabled are a new problem. It has always been a problem.
Sincerity is the same in a corner alone, as it is before the face of the world. It knows not how to wear two vizards, one for an appearance before men, and another for a short snatch in a corner; but it must have God, and be with him in the duty of prayer. It is not lip-labour that it doth regard, for it is the heart that God looks at, and that which sincerity looks at, and that which prayer comes from, if it be that prayer which is accompanied with sincerity.
Podcasts are a lovely corner of the Internet.
Standing on a street corner waiting for no one is power.
I stand on the corner, pretending I am a tree. — © Margaret Atwood
I stand on the corner, pretending I am a tree.
We don't know what's around the corner.
People get desperate when they're backed into a corner.
Knowing the team is in your corner is comforting.
You can never be sure what is around the corner.
You never know what's around the corner.
Sometimes I feel like the corner in the circle.
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.
Morgan sighed. "I," she announced, "am so pathetic." "You are not," I said. "I am." She went over and straightened the cling wrap, corner to corner. "Do you know how many times I've brought in devilled eggs? This is, like, the only time I haven't been sobbing and that's only 'cause I cried all night. And Norman," she said, her voice rising to a wail, "sweet Norman, always just acts so surprised to see the eggs, and pleased, and he never, once, has ever acted like he knew what they meant."
I lived around the corner from Saul Bellow.
I definitely feel I do have God in my corner.
The hustlers on the corner were my role models.
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