Corporations and Wall Street in pursuit of short-term profits have given the economy away.
We live in imaginary, virtual worlds created by corporations that profit from our deception.
I think it's time that the wealthy and corporations paid their fair share to support this country.
I think for some, the very wealthiest among us, for corporations, taxes are too low.
Corporations serve an important purpose, but telling people how to vote isn't one of them.
I feel like the government is more evil than most corporations.
There were some entrepreneurial du Ponts that are a little different from the heads of the corporations today.
We have allowed corporations to decide the fate of the cities. We hardly speak of democratic development.
If we could measure the damage to corporations from gossip, it might be more than the GNP of the Third World!
The corporations are worried about their reputational damage and a lot of the social media inflicts that, but it's hard to measure it.
People, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations.
The Supreme Court gives corporations the same rights as a human being. It's absurd. You can't do that.
The people who are thinking most about big data right now are corporations and governments.
It's crazy that the Constitution has to be amended to clarify what for the majority of Americans is a clear and true statement: corporations are not people.
In real life, what scares me is politicians, corporations and people that think they know what the world should be.
Even in large corporations, smaller ideas may not get enough resources.
I have very mixed feelings about big corporations. Oftentimes, they're more troublesome than not.
We need a constitutional amendment to allow the legislature to control the so-called free speech rights of corporations.
Corporations understand the value of security because the leakage of their competitive information could be the end of the corporation.
The country is governed for the richest, for the corporations, the bankers, the land speculators, and for the exploiters of labor.
The idea of allowing corporations to have unlimited influence on our democracy is very dangerous, obviously.
Now you have people in Washington who have no interest in the country at all. They're interested in their companies, their corporations grabbing Caspian oil.
The growing wealth aquired by them corporations never fails to be a source of abuses.
I will not let the interests of powerful corporations close our economy or jeopardize consumers.
Corporations have neither bodies to be punished, nor souls to be condemned, they therefore do as they like.
I'm telling you there is hope. I have seen it, but it does not come from the governments or corporations. It comes from the people.
We need to close the loopholes that allowed large corporations to abuse the Paycheck Protection Program.
If you look around at America, that's one of its biggest problems is you have corporations that can never be pleased at a profit.
I don't think meals have any business being deductible. I'm for separation of calories and corporations.
And we've become very doubtful of our information sources, because they're all controlled by these huge multilateral corporations.
If poor people want food stamps, they should become massive corporations.
What we have to do is get the corporations to understand you must include African-American-owned media.
Corporations are mandated, in effect, to 'grow or die,' a rule also called 'the growth imperative.'
I think I could argue that the press has more impact on politics than corporations.
I think corporations should be asked to pay a greater share into the success of this country.
The Democratic Party takes huge amounts of cash from corporations and unions to vote a certain way.
The handful of corporations that own most of the media outlets have an interest in reflecting establishment views.
Corporations are a fictional entity that are designed to make money, and they're neither people nor patriots.
CEOs of large corporations earn 400 times what their workers make. That is not what America is supposed to be about.
The fact that we have people who have headed up oil corporations now assigned to places in cabinet.
Thousands are losing their jobs and homes, while corporations are being bailed out with billions of dollars.
Corporations are may lesser commonwealths in the bowels of a greater, like worms in the entrails of a natural man.
People wanted to do science outside of classical institutions like universities or big corporations, so we embraced it.
I hope we shall . . . crush in [its] birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations.
If corporations are people, as the Supreme Court wishes us to believe, they are stunningly unpatriotic ones.
We're going to let foreign corporations and their CEO's decide the outcomes of the [presidential elections] you just can't do this.
The purpose of VEVO is to continue the tradition of corporations preventing artists from making money on their art.
The celebration of homeownership seems to be part of a countermovement against popular owning of shares in corporations.
With every new corporate inversion, the tax burden increases on the rest of us to pay what these corporations don't.
Taxing corporations means unnecessarily burdening our wealth-creating machines.
America's corporations are a spiritual slum, and their arrogance is the major threat to our future as a free society.
People of conscience need to break their ties with corporations financing the injustice of climate change.
But on the contrary Wikileaks is under heavy attack by the government and corporations are participating in that by closing down their websites.
Corporations are not people, despite what the Supreme Court says, and they don't need or deserve handouts.
By leveraging their freedom from the bonds of location, corporations could now dictate the economic policy of governments.
I have five major corporations, and I operate them. How could I be retired?
Like the government, corporations must be bound with the chains of the Constitution, and especially of the Bill of Rights.
With Citizens United, the Supreme Court's declaration that corporations are people, the whims of one can silence the voices of millions.
I've written repeatedly about the quest by corporations everywhere to transform themselves digitally.
All these big corporations like Amazon, those places have great distribution arms, but they can't create content.
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