Top 1200 Count Dracula Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Count Dracula quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
For my workout, I'm up at 4 A.M. I say my prayers, count my blessings, and I work out right away. I just get it done.
Whenever I tell people I'm from Miami, they always ask me about the beach. But I can count on one hand the times I went there as a kid.
What I like about that is it kind of puts you in your place. Don't count on being remembered. Just live now, you know? — © Diane Keaton
What I like about that is it kind of puts you in your place. Don't count on being remembered. Just live now, you know?
It's sort of well-known that anytime any catastrophe happens anywhere in the world, they can count on the United States for help.
One time, I was really close to Steve Martin. I was too afraid to actually go talk to him, but I'll count that as meeting.
I count myself lucky, having long ago won a lottery paid to me in seven sunrises a week for life.
I always wondered about that woman who had that face transplant. If you went to bed with her, would that technically count as a threesome?
Cheerful givers do not count the cost of what they give. Their hearts are set on pleasing and cheering the person to whom the gift is given.
Vice President Spiro Agnew can not cheat on his score : because all you have to do is look back down the fairway and count the wounded.
Life does not count by years. Some suffer a lifetime in a day, and so grow old between the rising and the setting of the sun.
My grandmother sang, too, and she was really loud. It was this wild kind of singing. I count her among my influences.
Some sell their soul for the easy road. The devil's always buying. I can't count the ones I've known who fell right into line.
Men scanning the surface count the wicked happy; they see not the frightful dreams that crowd a bad man's pillow. — © Martin Farquhar Tupper
Men scanning the surface count the wicked happy; they see not the frightful dreams that crowd a bad man's pillow.
If you could count the skeletons in my closet, under my bed and up under my faucet, then you would know I've completely lost it. Is he nuts? No he's insane!
My pitch count as a general rule was 135. And I knew how many pitches I had when I went to the mound for the last three innings.
My whole staff love to laugh and count the money. On the couch, hands in our pants like Al Bundy.
You will not be able to tell that they are capable of greatness until you provide them with a packed house, a 3-and-2 count and the game is on the line.
There is no right by the federal or state constitution to manual recounts. There is no law that says that you must count dimpled ballots, constitutional or otherwise.
I had a couple of different workouts I'd do. One routine was 250 shots. I'd try to get a friend rebound for me. I'd count them.
The soul's dominion? Each time we make a choice, we pay With courage to behold the restless day, And count it fair.
Looks do count. Deliver visually stunning merchandising. Engage at the point of sale. Help consumers shop with their eyes.
Alone-sex didn't count. It's like the difference between thinking to yourself or having a good conversation with someone--the pleasure is in the exchange.
The truth of it is that every singer out there with songs on the radio is raising the next generation. So make your words count.
By my count, more business leaders have failed and derailed because of arrogance than any other character flaw.
I play citified Count Basie piano. As few notes as possible, my left hand in my pocket, that kind of stuff.
Why does McDonald's have to count every burger that they sell? What is their ultimate goal? Do they want cows to surrender voluntarily?
My father was a huge jazz fan, so I remember him playing Duke Ellington, Sarah Vaughn, and Count Basie.
I count myself as one of millions of Americans whose life simply would not be the same without the libraries that supported my learning.
He has fought many battles with us" (Jace) By which you mean one battle" muttered Simon. "Two if you count the one I was a rat
An artist must know the reality he is depicting in its minutest detail. In my opinion we have only one shining example of that - Count Leo Tolstoy.
My drawing began as a way to count my blessings. To study, capture, catalog the things that, despite it all, make my life rich.
In general, states do not count on pledges of 'no more war' from their neighbors. Israel's army never counted on it from Egypt, for example.
Darling, replied Valentine, has not the count just told us that all human wisdom was contained in these two words,- "Wait and hope"?
Columbus was the first to come to the east. Vikings don't count, and neither do all the people who were standing on the beaches and waving when he got here.
Guys like me come along very seldom in the wrestling business. You can count 'em on a couple of fingers.
The people I have no feeling for are professional killers. But I count that man no worse than a governor who won't commute a death sentence because it's unpolitical.
At its essence, the message of the Occupations is simply this: ‘Here in the face of power we will sit and create a new society, in which you do count.’
I'm so thankful that I've had such a long and uninterrupted [knocks wood] career... I count my blessings every day for that because it was so fulfilling. — © Mario Andretti
I'm so thankful that I've had such a long and uninterrupted [knocks wood] career... I count my blessings every day for that because it was so fulfilling.
I live in the USSR, work actively and count naturally on the worker and peasant spectator. If I am not comprehensible to them I should be deported.
Count it one of the highest virtues upon earth to educate faithfully the children of others, which so few, and scarcely any, do by their own.
That statesman is indeed happy who can count as his friends the really honest and consistent, the true Patriots, and the men of honorable thought.
I don't really count myself as a very sophisticated businessperson. I'm a creative artist. All I know from business I've picked up along the way.
We're all blessed and we're all blighted, Chief Inspector," said Finney. "Everyday each of us does our sums. The question is, what do we count?
I wonder if the conversations you've never had with someone count, if you've been over them a thousand times in your mind.
There is a softness and a harmony in the words and in the thought unparalleled. Of all conceits it is surely the most classical. "I count only the hours that are serene.".
I must have worked with over 100 actors, but I think there are four to five names I count on my fingers and say they are my friends.
I'm like a fire hose when the alarm goes off in a battle against a woman. Don't ever count me out.
I'm one of those people who knows how lucky she is. And every day, I look around the house, and I count my blessings. They're all there under that roof. — © Sandra Bullock
I'm one of those people who knows how lucky she is. And every day, I look around the house, and I count my blessings. They're all there under that roof.
Session work makes you more strict. You can't hit notes all over the place. You've got to make each one really count.
Count Olaf sounds like an awful person. I hope he is torn apart by wild animals someday. Wouldn't that be satisfying?
The Max 10 will provide customers with even more flexibility in terms of airplane range and higher seat count.
I had a lot of stats in college, and they didn't count for wins. So whatever it takes to win football games is the goal that I set.
For style and for creating a mood of optimism and hope - Kennedy on that count is as effective as any president the country has had in its history.
Since 1980, there have been 91 breaches of security at the White House. Well, 92 if you count George Bush.
When I'm doing an appearance somewhere and taking questions from the audience, I can always count on: 'Tell about the guy who died on your show!'
I became the first ever Euro-continental champion in WWF history. Well, besides D-Lo Brown, but he doesn't count.
Followers of Jesus who count the cost and are willing to take up their crosses after him must have broad shoulders.
I cannot count the good people I know who to my mind would be even better if they bent their spirits to the study of their own hungers.
As long as there's a body of water nearby, I'm happy. Pools don't count. I like diving into the ocean and coming out refreshed.
Who knows but we may count among our intellectual chickens Like them an Earl of Thackeray and p'raps a Duke of Dickens
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