Top 1200 Country Girl Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Country Girl quotes.
Last updated on October 21, 2024.
We are a country of Newton, Hodgson, and Turing. Ours is a country of ideas, invention and discovery and is truly a national history.
We have to defeat Hillary Clinton, or the country we know will not be the country our children and grandchildren grow up in.
The Lisbon hub is important to Portugal, the country. That's not going to go away. It needs to be there. The country depends on tourism. — © David Neeleman
The Lisbon hub is important to Portugal, the country. That's not going to go away. It needs to be there. The country depends on tourism.
The United States is a big country but unfortunately it seems it has the brain of a little bird not befitting the greatness of the country.
We don't have to settle for Freedom Caucus tactics - those guys are tyrants. We don't have to accept that. In fact, we can't and have this country be what this country really can be.
We are the greatest experts in the world in criticizing our country, but no one loves his country more than the Israelis. No one.
I grew up in the country. I am a real proud country boy, love getting back home.
I do not call the sod under my feet my country; but language-religion-government-blood-identity in these makes men of one country.
Wearing a hijab never made me feel any more conservative - it made me feel safe. Then, after 9/11, I became the butt of a joke on the playground, so I stopped wearing it. Kids can be really cruel when you're the only black girl in your Girl Scout troop.
I’m not sad, but the boys who are looking for sad girls always find me. I’m not a girl anymore and I’m not sad anymore. You want me to be a tragic backdrop so that you can appear to be illuminated, so that people can say ‘Wow, isn't he so terribly brave to love a girl who is so obviously sad?’ You think I’ll be the dark sky so you can be the star? I’ll swallow you whole.
If you can get to a girl and make a difference in her life, you're actually going to have a greater impact on a woman's life. If you don't get to her as a girl, you may not be able ever to help her as a woman.
Millions of infiltrators have entered our country and are eating the country like termites. Should we not uproot them?
When external and internal forces hostile to the development of socialism try to turn the development of a given socialist country in the direction of the restoration of the capitalist system, when a threat arises to the cause of socialism in that country ... this is no longer merely a problem for that country's people, but a common problem, the concern of all socialist countries.
I do think the patriotic thing to do is to critique my country. How else do you make a country better but by pointing out its flaws?
She remembered that once, when she was a little girl, she had seen a pretty young woman with golden hair down to her knees in a long flowered dress, and had said to her, without thinking, "Are you a princess?" The girl had laughed very kindly at her and asked her what her name was. Blanche remembered going away from her, led by her mother's hand, thinking to herself that the girl really was a princess, but in disguise. And she had resolved that someday, she would dress as though she were a princess in disguise.
I'm a country singer. I love all kinds of music, but country is where my loyalty lies. That's just me and what I do, and I'm not going to change it. — © George Strait
I'm a country singer. I love all kinds of music, but country is where my loyalty lies. That's just me and what I do, and I'm not going to change it.
It is clear to me that Democrats want to attack me rather than debate Sen. McCain on important economic issues facing the country. That kind of distraction hurts not only Sen. McCain's ability to present concrete programs to deal with the country's problems; it hurts the country.
'Dirty Dancing', 'Grease', those were the movies that I used to watch over and over and over at my grandma's house when I was a little girl. I just remember watching them, and I always wanted to be Sandy, and I wanted to be Baby. I wanted to be the girl who's lifted in the dance, and she's beautiful and all those things.
But the truth of the matter is that there is there is an opportunity for them to participate in the economic and political future of the country and certainly in the security life of the country.
I am not clear what the U.S. means when they use the term "entity." For us here in Taiwan, we believe that we are a country, a democratic country.
Science and technology are a propellant for building a thriving country, and the happiness of the people and the future of the country hinge on their development.
To be 23 and riding the crest of a song sweeping the world country by country is to live an altered and wholly rarefied existence.
I'll bring the country - you know, we have the expression, "Make America Great Again". It's time to rebuild our country.
Australia is not a secular country. It is a free country. This is a nation where you have the freedom to follow any belief system you choose.
We put people at the centre of securing the country. You can't secure your country with only a security apparatus and missiles.
For nearly a century the psychoanalysts have been writing op-ed pieces about the workings of a country they've never traveled to, a place that, like China, has been off-limits. Suddenly, the country has opened its borders and is crawling with foreign correspondents, neurobiologists are filing ten stories a week, filled with new data. These two groups of writers, however, don't seem to read each other's work. That's because the analysts are writing about a country they call Mind and the neuroscientists are reporting from a country they call Brain.
Knowledge of peace passes from country to country, like children's games, which are so much alike, everywhere.
If you want to serve the country, you recognize it's rough and tumble. And it's nothing like serving your country in the military.
If you sit back and simply allow your country to be, it is highly unlikely to be the kind of country you want. You have to be active.
Our country... invests a tiny fraction of 1 percent in NASA, and this is what's so amazing to me, is with that small investment, we do so much for the country.
Anyone who has entered the United States illegally is subject to deportation. That is what it means to have laws and to have a country. Otherwise we don't have a country.
The word matters in country music, and it always has. And everybody had lived those words in country songs.
Every person is created in the image of God and has value. Every person. Every person is to be treated with respect. Every person is also a citizen of some country. In their country, they have rights and responsibilities; in every other country, they are a guest.
I have done for my country and for all mankind, all that I could do, and I now resign my soul, without fear, to my God - my daughter to my country.
I have so much respect for the country, I don't like blanket indictments. There's a lot of really great things about this country.
When a man must be afraid to drink freely from his country's river and streams that country is no longer fit to live in.
It's a proven fact that when you raise the status of girls and women in a country, that country does much better economically.
You don't see no city when you look at me cause country's all I am. I love runnin' barefoot through the old cornfields and I love that country ham. Well you say I'm made just to fit your plans but there's a barnyard shovel pick your hands. If your eyes are on me you're lookin' at country.
I'm thrilled that country music fans like my stuff, but so do a lot of people outside of country music, people who just love music. My goal is more to reach music lovers than to appeal to a genre. I love country music, and I'm proud to represent it, but I don't obsess over it as a category.
The acting came about because of a girl. I was 19 and met a girl who wanted to go to the premiere drama school in Australia, the National Institute of Dramatic Arts, where Mel Gibson, Cate Blanchett and many others went. She had an audition, and I went with her for moral support - to cheer her on. I did an audition my way, and it kept going.
When you're 38 years old and you've already been in three World Cups... one thing I've learned, especially when you play for your country, is, 'I'm there for my country.' — © Timothy F. Cahill
When you're 38 years old and you've already been in three World Cups... one thing I've learned, especially when you play for your country, is, 'I'm there for my country.'
The Republicans are looking at a country that is going to be a majority minority country in just over a generation. And they are an increasingly white party.
Every nation has the right to demand proper treatment and no country should violate the territory of any other country.
So Pakistan is a country that I'm very fond of and have spent a lot of time, but it is a country where conspiracy theories have a life of their own.
I sound like a racist, a benighted man or a xenophobe, but I'm motivated by love for my country and the knowledge that I don't have another country.
Brezhnev wasn't a minus for the history of our country, he was a huge plus, He laid a foundation for the country's economics and agriculture.
If you play in this country, live in this country, and you grow up in the heartland - and you put on a Russian uniform - you are not a patriotic person.
This is sams phone" there was a long,heavy pause, and then: "oh." Another pause. "Youre the girl, arent you? The girl who was in my house?" I tried to think of what i might gain by denying it and drew a blank "yes" do you have a name?" do you?" he gave a short laugh that was completely without humor but not unpleasent. "I think i might like you. Im Beck.
My father came from Cuba, but he married a nice Jewish girl in Miami, and I followed suit and married a nice Jewish girl in Miami as well.
Having excessive power in the hands of one country meant the fate of the world was too dependent on what happened in that one country.
I see a girl, soon to be a woman," Tibb continues. "The girl who will share your life. She will love you, she will betray you, and finally she will die for you. And it will all have been for nothing. All for nothing in the end.
I just think gay men are looked at much less favorably than gay women. If you look at the overall stereotype, lesbians are sexy, and gay men are disgusting. Girl and girl is fine, and guy and guy seems to just be something completely different.
I have done for my country, and for all mankind, all that I could do, and I now resign my soul, without fear, to my God - my daughter to my country. — © Thomas Jefferson
I have done for my country, and for all mankind, all that I could do, and I now resign my soul, without fear, to my God - my daughter to my country.
If in a country, most of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few, then this country can hardly witness harmony and stability.
I like fat girls. A woman can never be too poor or too fat. I'd take a poor fat girl over a rich thin girl like Kate Moss.
I think various places in this country are ready to explode. I think [race relations] are very tense. I think that [Barack] Obama has divided the country as far as race relations are concerned, and I think that you have certain sections, and you have lots of different locations within this country that potentially are powder kegs.
It's extremely depressing that a country of this magnitude, and where it thinks it lies in itself, can allow so many foodbanks to be operating in this country.
I thank all of those who weren't born in this country for coming here and making a contribution to Australia. We are the least discriminatory country in the world, in my view.
Iran is the only country in the world that's threatening to erase another country from the map as part of a collective genocide.
Every girl is a singer. I wanted to learn the solos and play lead guitar. I would meticulously teach myself solos so when dudes were like, 'Oh, you're a girl, you can't play guitar,' I could rip these insane Telecaster blues solos and tell them, 'Yeah, I can burn up a fret board.'
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