Top 360 Cradle Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Cradle quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Whoever had said that the hand rocked the cradle ruled the world must have has a Southern,born bred mother.
The past was only my cradle, and now it cannot hold me, because I am grown too big.
Once more the storm is howling, and half hid
Under this cradle-hood and coverlid
My child sleeps on. — © William Butler Yeats
Once more the storm is howling, and half hid Under this cradle-hood and coverlid My child sleeps on.
It is still an act of academic heresy to regard Egypt as the cradle of civilization and originator of Jewish and Christian religious traditions.
Right. As opposed to your cradle-robbing mentor. I don't really see you making much progress with him.
Spring hangs her infant blossoms on the trees, Rock'd in the cradle of the western breeze.
Life is just a short walk from the cradle to the grave - and it sure behooves us to be kind to one another along the way.
Round my cradle shimmered the last moonbeams of the eighteenth century and the first morning rays of the nineteenth.
A flow'ret crushed in the bud, A nameless piece of Babyhood, Was in her cradle-coffin lying; Extinct, with scarce the sense of dying
The grove is the centre of their whole religion. It is regarded as the cradle of the race and the dwelling-place of the supreme god to whom all things are subject and obedient.
It is evidently known, beyond contradiction, that New Orleans is the cradle of Jazz and I, myself, happened to be the creator in the year 1902.
Novelists are in the business of constructing consciousness out of words, and that's what we all do, cradle to grave. The self is a story we tell.
Babies haven't any hair; Old men's heads are just as bare; between the cradle and the grave lie a haircut and a shave. — © Samuel Hoffenstein
Babies haven't any hair; Old men's heads are just as bare; between the cradle and the grave lie a haircut and a shave.
Death borders upon our birth, and our cradle stands in the grave.
Jude has a very different character. It is not the cradle of Christianity, or of the assembly on earth: it is its decay and its death here below. It does not keep its first estate.
Extinguished theologians lie about the cradle of every science, as strangled snakes beside that of Hercules
I was convinced that Ceylon is the cradle of the human race because everybody there looks an original. All other nations are obviously mass produced.
I believe that culture begins in the cradle . . .To do without tales and stories and books is to lose humanity's past, is to have no star map for our future.
From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to our shortcomings than to our strengths.
Every child was taught from his cradle that money was Mammon, the chief agent of the flesh and the devil.
Disease, insanity, and death were the angels that attended my cradle, and since then have followed me throughout my life.
We have outlived this embryo, this human cradle, and now it's time to be up and about the great business of becoming citizens of the galaxy and at home with our own heart.
I wouldn't give one iota to make a trip from the cradle to the grave unless I could live in a competitive world.
The cradle-to-grave welfare state diminishes individual initiative and can breed a pervasive sclerosis.
Sickness, insanity and death were the angels that surrounded my cradle and they have followed me throughout my life.
The nation guarantees the nurture, education, and comfortable maintenance of every citizen from the cradle to the grave.
Nothing in progression can rest on its original plan. We may as well think of rocking a grown man in the cradle of an infant.
From the cradle to the grave, temptations all around. But no matter how good the fix, its gonna take you down.
It's a terrific honor. To be associated with the number of people who represent the Cradle of Coaches, it's sort of unreal in a sense.
A born poet knows in his cradle that a poetic life is the only life worth living.
It is hard to rescue a man from the slough of luxury and idleness combined. If anything can do it, it is a cradle filled annually.
People get upset when Baghdad, the "Cradle of Civilization" is burning, or when the Buddhas in Afghanistan are falling. These are real concerns.
My mother found herself in a triangular situation of my father and his legitimate wife. I experienced the emotional trauma of that triangle in my cradle.
All along this path I tread, my heart betrays my weary head, with nothing but my love to save, from the cradle to the grave.
A man cannot sleep in his cradle: whatever is useful must in the nature of life become useless.
all history shows that the hand that cradles the rock has ruled the world, not the hand that rocks the cradle!
Empty Cradle, Broken Heart is written with great awareness and sensitivity. Deborah Davis gets it just right.
Brand loyalty starts in the cradle and ends in the grave, as I wrote in my first book, 'Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers.' — © Alissa Quart
Brand loyalty starts in the cradle and ends in the grave, as I wrote in my first book, 'Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers.'
Snuggle in God's arms. When you are hurting, when you feel lonely, left out. let Him cradle you, comfort you, reassure you of His all-sufficient power and love.
You know, I think that the Republicans have made it really clear that they want to end the so-called social safety net from cradle to grave.
Custom meets us at the cradle and leaves us only at the tomb.
If every child might live the life predestined in a mother's heart, all the way from the cradle to the coffin, he would walk upon a beam of light, and shine in glory.
Pale January lay In its cradle day by day Dead or living, hard to say.
If you want to drive the devil out of the world, hit him with a cradle instead of a crutch
Lulled by stupefying illusions, the world is asleep in the cradle of infancy, dreaming away the hours.
The most irritating movie character for me was that cradle-to-grave commie, Mary Poppins.
It's absolutely critical that we not only provide support from cradle to career in the education system but also the wraparound services.
Time, the cradle of hope, but the grave of ambition, is the stern corrector of fools, but the salutary counselor of the wise, bringing all they dread to the one, and all they desire to the other.
Man, who wert once a despot and a slave, A dupe and a deceiver! a decay, A traveller from the cradle to the grave Through the dim night of this immortal day. — © Percy Bysshe Shelley
Man, who wert once a despot and a slave, A dupe and a deceiver! a decay, A traveller from the cradle to the grave Through the dim night of this immortal day.
The bible is the cradle that holds the Christ, without him it is nothing more than wood and straw.
There is not such a cradle of democracy upon the earth as the Free Public Library, this republic of letters, where neither rank, office, nor wealth receives the slightest consideration.
So I cradle this average violin that knows Only forgotten showtunes, but argues The possibility of free declamation anchored To a dull refrain.
A lot of the state-sponsored growth in India was just too fast. You went from cradle to Nirvana in a short period of time.
We come into this world with a specific, personal destiny. We have a job to do, a calling to enact, a self to become. We are who we are from the cradle, and we're stuck with it.
Even if security from the cradle to the grave could eliminate [all] the risks of life, it would [still] be a dead hand on the creative spirit of the American people.
Love of learning led to monasteries, which became the cradle of academic guilds.
Educating bold and ambitious children from cradle to career stands as a clear and foundational goal for Georgia.
[Mystery] is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.
My parents had a pub and each Sunday there was an accordionist. They have told me that when I was in my cradle, I already was imitating the gestures of the musician.
If you give me any problem in America I can trace it down to domestic violence. It is the cradle of most of the problems, economic, psychological, educational.
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