Top 1200 Crime And Punishment Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Crime And Punishment quotes.
Last updated on October 10, 2024.
Purposelessness is the fruitful mother of crime.
No crime is so great as daring to excel.
From a single crime know the nation. — © Virgil
From a single crime know the nation.
it is not the deed but the intention that makes the crime.
He who does not prevent a crime when he can, encourages it.
There is no greater crime than desire.
Knife crime devastates communities.
Behind every fortune, there's a crime.
I have had to contend against the unkindness of his sister, and the insolence of his mother; and have suffered the punishment of an attachment, without enjoying its advantages.
The doctrine of eternal punishment is in perfect harmony with the savagery of the men who made the orthodox creeds. It is in harmony with torture, with flaying alive, and with burnings.
Architects think that beauty is a crime.
Low aim, not failure, is the crime.
If people really see that Christ has removed the fear of punishment from them by taking it into Himself, they won't do whatever they want, they'll do whatever He wants.
The majority of Americans get their news and information about what is going on with their government from entities that are licensed by and subject to punishment at the hands of that very government.
I don't agree with capital punishment as it is now, because too often mistakes are made. But I think that if you eliminate the mistakes, then there are times when it is justified.
He who does not prevent a crime, when he can, encourages it. — © Seneca the Younger
He who does not prevent a crime, when he can, encourages it.
As soon as men know that they can kill without fear of punishment or blame, they kill; or at least they encourage killers with approving smiles.
And capital punishment, however ineffective it may be and through whatever ignorance it may be resorted to, is a strictly defensive act, - at least in theory.
Something that my teammates always thought was going to be a punishment for me - sitting next to Coach Russell on the team bus - actually turned out to be the best moment of my life.
A first impulse was never a crime.
Humanity is the crime; God is the criminal.
In the Bible, fate was often presented as the handmaiden of morality: sin was succeeded by misfortune, righteousness by prosperity, with reward and punishment instrumental in persuading man to obey divine commandments.
History is the study of the world's crime
Poverty is a crime and the poor are terrorists
It is the crime not the scaffold which is the disgrace.
Obamacare is a crime against democracy.
Crime is naught but misdirected energy.
Murder is a crime. Describing Murder is not. Sex is not a crime. Describing sex is.
Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.
The rashness of the persecutor hath overspread the rights of the persecuted so that punishment is awarded to him that has gained the victory, the inglorious triumphs, and the man who deserved bonds has carried off the prize.
Crime is a product of social excess.
If you commit a crime, you maybe have to be haunted.
I agree to the conditions, Angel; because you know best what my punishment ought to be; only - only - don't make it more than I can bear!
Crime is a product of a distorted mind.
Failure is not the crime. Low aim is.
I wish I could undo what I did at Enron but I can't. I understand that I deserve punishment. Your honor, I accept the prison sentence that you are about to impose and will serve it without bitterness.
Everything you do in war is a crime in peace
I'm the Jerry Lewis of crime fiction. — © Harlan Coben
I'm the Jerry Lewis of crime fiction.
God ceases to be God only for those who can admit the possibility of His non-existence, and that conception is in itself the most severe punishment they can suffer.
It is worse than a crime, it is a blunder.
That thing of hell and eternal punishment is the most absurd, as well as the most disagreeable thought that ever entered into the head of mortal man.
I didn't really escape that gravity until I moved 300 miles south to go to college at 18, where authorship no longer seemed something liable to induce vengeful punishment.
What do they do to students at the University who eavesdrop?” Bast asked curiously. “I haven’t the slightest idea. I was never caught. I think making you sit and listen to the rest of my story should be punishment enough.
I decided to be what crime made of me.
If we get used to life that is the crime.
While crime is punished it yet increases.
Stupidity is always a capital crime.
Capital punishment is against the best judgment of modern criminology and, above all, against the highest expression of love in the nature of God.
Death must no longer be either the penalty for prosperity or the consolation of misery. God did not destine it to be either the punishment or the compensation for life.
Crime when it succeeds is called virtue.
It is an open question whether any behavior based on fear of eternal punishment can be regarded as ethical or should be regarded as merely cowardly. — © Margaret Mead
It is an open question whether any behavior based on fear of eternal punishment can be regarded as ethical or should be regarded as merely cowardly.
Where does guilt and punishment lie, and are we not more expressive over remorse or guilt when other people see the badness in us?
The crime and not the scaffold makes the shame.
I'm not a post-modernist. Especially when I do crime stories.
We have laws against torture. The Constitution says nothing whatever about torture. It speaks of punishment; 'cruel and unusual' punishments are forbidden.
Where knowledge is a duty, ignorance is a crime.
If rhyme is a crime, my mic is my co-defendant.
Goodness is to do good to the deserving and love the good and hate the wicked, and not to be eager to inflict punishment or take vengeance, but to be gracious and kindly and forgiving.
to teach without zest is a crime.
In times of crisis, the incumbent suffers. And the bigger the crisis, the greater the punishment inflicted on those in power unless they do something that makes a change.
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