Top 1200 Crime Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Crime quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
If you ask people if they enjoy crime novels, they'll say, 'Oh, my guilty pleasure is...' then name a really brilliant crime writer.
A crime is a crime irrespective of the birth marks of the criminal.
The question of crime is one of concern to everybody. But the position is that the security forces in our country for the last four decades did not concentrate on suppressing crime. Their main objective was to suppress, to crush political activity. And in the process, crime grew to unacceptable proportions. And criminals were able to form powerful syndicates, and they virtually took over the control of the life of the community in certain areas.
I'm not at all upset to be considered a crime novelist. But for me, it's never really about the crime or the violence. I'm much more interested in exploring issues.
Make it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime. — © Jerry Weller
Make it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime.
We wish to be treated 'not as ordinary prisoners,' for we are not criminals. We admit no crime - unless, that is, the love of one's people and country is a crime.
If you commit a big crime then you are crazy, and the more heinous the crime the crazier you must be. Therefore you are not responsible, and nothing is your fault.
Crime to many is not crime but simply a way of life. If laws are inconvenient, ignore them, they dont apply to you.
I think that crime is a good vehicle for looking at society in general because the nature of the crime novel means that you draw on a wide group of social possibilities.
Crime is only the worst example, but it is a paradigm for other Labour policy disasters. No one tells the voters that crime is falling: let them stay scared senseless.
Crime, especially crime involving money, reflects the gap between the expectation to provide and the ability to provide... If we really want men to commit crime as infrequently as women, we can start by not expecting men to provide for women more than we expect women to provide for men.
What clever man has ever needed to commit a crime? Crime is the last resort of political half-wits.
Environmental degradation, overpopulation, refugees, narcotics, terrorism, world crime movements, and organized crime are worldwide problems that don't stop at a nation's borders.
White-on-white crime is a devastation in America like so-called black-on-black crime. It's not black or white-on-white crime. It's proximity murder.
It's not crime that makes us more punitive in the United States. It's the way we respond to crime and how we view those people who have been labeled criminals. — © Michelle Alexander
It's not crime that makes us more punitive in the United States. It's the way we respond to crime and how we view those people who have been labeled criminals.
The police, at their best, do three things; they prevent crime, they respond to crime, and they solve crime. In all three of those buckets, they need the trust of the community to do it, so I believe that if we restore the trust that we will change the way police are experiencing communities and ways that will preserve life and make everyone safer.
Crime requires further crime to conceal it.
I want to bear down on violent crime, in all its aspects from terrorism to sexual offences but definitely knife and gun crime, particularly as it affects young people.
If you are passed out drunk or if there is a gun to your head, it is the same crime. It is a crime where there is not consent. It is a felony. And we need to start making sure victims understand that, so they don't do the self blame.
The saying within the writer's room, which were my words of wisdom, if you will, was, "The punishment doesn't have to fit the crime, but there has to be a crime."
Crime is the soul of lust. What would pleasure be if it were not accompanied by crime? It is not the object of debauchery that excites us, rather the idea of evil.
The law which attempts a man's life [capital punishment] is impractical, unjust, inadmissible. It has never repressed crime - for a second crime is every day committed at the foot of the scaffold.
The greatest myth about mass incarceration is that it has been driven by crime and crime rates. It's just not true.
I've always been fascinated with the stealing of innocence. It's the most heinous crime, and certainly a capital crime if there ever was one.
I'm vitally interested in cyber crime and in preparing law enforcement for a time when crime is international in its origins and its consequences.
I like crime movies where the crime is so incredible that, attractive as it seems, you don't wanna do it because it's just too dangerous.
The number of laws is constantly growing in all countries and, owing to this, what is called crime is very often not a crime at all, for it contains no element of violence or harm.
I believe that the high rates of property crime (and some of the increase in violent crime) are part of the price you pay for freedom.
Leaking classified information is a crime. And if we have evidence that somebody in the executive branch is committing a crime, we should prosecute that person.
To punish a man because he has committed a crime, or because he is believed, though unjustly, to have committed a crime, is not persecution. To punish a man, because we infer from the nature of some doctrine which he holds, or from the conduct of other persons who hold the same doctrines with him, that he will commit a crime, is persecution, and is, in every case, foolish and wicked.
A crime which is the crime of many none avenge.
There is no such crime as a crime of thought; there are only crimes of action.
A crime is a crime, regardless of what collar you wear.
Judged by the law of England, I know this crime entails upon me the penalty of death; but the history of Ireland explains that crime and justifies it.
Cops and robbers resemble each other, so there's not a lot to learn in terms of learning the logistics of committing the crime or investigating the crime.
In the 1990s, we introduced Boston's community policing strategy. We reversed the tide of violent crime that threatened our city, and we established a national model for preventing and fighting crime.
Crime is naught but misdirected energy. So long as every institution of today, economic, political, social, and moral, conspires to misdirect human energy into wrong channels; so long as most people are out of place doing the things they hate to do, living a life they loathe to live, crime will be inevitable, and all the laws on the statutes can only increase, but never do away with, crime.
The solving of almost every crime mystery depends on something which seems, at first glance, to bear no relation whatever to the original crime.
I am convinced that imprisonment is a way of pretending to solve the problem of crime. It does nothing for the victims of crime, but perpetuates the idea of retribution, thus maintaining the endless cycle of violence in our culture. It is a cruel and useless substitute for the elimination of those conditions--poverty, unemployment, homelessness, desperation, racism, greed--which are at the root of most punished crime. The crimes of the rich and powerful go mostly unpunished.
It is a strange thing that true crime has now got entertainment value. I don't know why people love shows about crime so much. — © Nick Yarris
It is a strange thing that true crime has now got entertainment value. I don't know why people love shows about crime so much.
What to do about these increases in crime? Plenty of laws already exist to punish violent criminals, and research questions the level of correlation between longer sentences and lower crime rates.
We don't have storm troopers that just knock on the door of every American citizen. We don't do that for any crime. But when we have evidence that a particular person has committed a crime, we send law enforcement to apprehend them.
In the world of crime novels, the annual Audible Sounds of Crime awards are a pretty big deal, and I was thrilled to be shortlisted for my fifth novel in my bestselling Nic Costa series.
I have been addicted to crime since I was born. I was making up crime stories when I was a 4- or 5-year-old kid.
Quality-of-life policing is based on probable cause - an officer has witnessed a crime personally or has a witness to the crime.
The crime should be punished no matter whether poverty or wealth caused it to occur, because the crime is wrong.
When it comes to crime, the violent crime rate in America has been lowered during my presidency and any time in the last three, four decades.
'By Any Means' follows a team of behind-the-scenes crime-prevention team - not police. They basically go to the areas of crime where the police can't touch and organised crime fighting units can't go to - in the public eye - to bring about real justice, treading the line between 'true' justice and what the law says is justice.
The question eventually must be raised: Is it a criminal offense to take the name of the Lord in vain? When people curse their parents, it unquestionably is a capital crime (Ex. 21:17). The son or daughter is under the lawful jurisdiction of the family. The integrity of the family must be maintained by the threat of death. Clearly, cursing God (blasphemy) is a comparable crime, and is therefore a capital crime (Lev. 24:16).
The chief problem in any community cursed with crime is not the punishment of the criminals, but the preventing of the young from being trained to crime. — © W. E. B. Du Bois
The chief problem in any community cursed with crime is not the punishment of the criminals, but the preventing of the young from being trained to crime.
I grew up in a very working-class area with a high crime rate and when I first started to break away from my social conditioning, I fell into a life of crime.
there was no crime like the crime of stagnation - unproductiveness. With a creative trinity, mind, body and spirit, one must yield something back to the generous earth.
If we were really tough on crime, we'd try to save our children from the desperation and deprivation that leave them primed for a life of crime.
A large part of crime is economics - if people are working and and have a home and family to support, then I believe you can reduce the crime rate.
As Dr. Sigmund Freud has observed, it can not even be said that the State has ever shown any disposition to suppress crime, but only to safeguard its own monopoly of crime.
Governments have tried to stop crime through punishment throughout the ages, but crime continued in the past punishment remains. Crime can only be stopped through a preventive approach in the schools. You teach the students Transcendental Meditation, and right away they'll begin using their full brain physiology sensible and they will not get sidetracked into wrong things.
Many commit the same crime with a very different result. One bears a cross for his crime; another a crown.
Ever since the '70s, Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo were the godfathers of Scandinavian crime. They broke the crime novel in Scandinavia from the kiosks and into the serious bookstores.
There is no such thing as a crime of passion, only a crime of possession.
I am one of the first political leaders officially declaring that anti-Semitism is a crime. I expect an official declaration that Islamophobia is a crime against humanity as well.
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