Top 105 Crocodile Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Crocodile quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I used to sock hop to 'Crocodile Rock' and stare at those platform boots on the album cover.
No matter how long a log stays in the water, it doesn't become a crocodile.
It's always the crocodile you don't see you have to worry about. — © Jeremy Wade
It's always the crocodile you don't see you have to worry about.
However long it stays in the river the tree-trunk will never turn into a crocodile.
Only when you have crossed the river can you say that the crocodile has a lump on his snout.
"Appeasement" is the policy of feeding your friends to a crocodile, one at a time, in hopes that the crocodile will eat you last.
I wish that one of my children will be like the Australian guy from the Discovery Channel show. The crocodile hunter.
The work of art is a stuffed crocodile.
Is this how you repay my goodness--with badness?” cried the boy. “Of course,” said the crocodile out of the corner of his mouth. “That is the way of the world.
Right,” I said. “So the baboon, the crocodile…any other pets I should know about?” Amos thought for a moment. “Visible ones? No, I think that’s it.
A crocodile just swung around and hit me with its teeth. It took a big chunk off my leg.
Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last. All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured. But I fear - I fear greatly - the storm will not pass. It will rage and it will roar, even more loudly, even more widely.
Getting eaten by a giant crocodile was bad enough. The kid with the glowing sword only made my day worse. — © Rick Riordan
Getting eaten by a giant crocodile was bad enough. The kid with the glowing sword only made my day worse.
I'm obsessed with crocodiles and getting eaten by one. When I hear that someone's been eaten by a crocodile or shark, I just get all gooey. I start salivating.
Oh, that river of wishes, the slippery crocodile dream of it, how it might have carried my body down through all the glittering sand bars to the sea.
They feed the crocodile in the hope that he will eat them last.
Perhaps the apparent favor of the universe is no more than the crocodile grin of a Doberman breathing hard and about to be hungry?
Are we not witnessing a strange tableau of survival whenever a bird alights on the head of a crocodile, bringing together the evolutionary offspring of Triassic and Jurassic?
If some among you fear taking a stand because you are afraid of reprisals from customers, clients, or even government, recognize that you are just feeding the crocodile hoping he'll eat you last.
Every day, I live a lie But not the crocodile kind.
Love is a crocodile just above the water line waiting to attack the innocent herbivore of my freedom.
To worship a crocodile is better to worship yourself.
A patient doesn't select his physical ailments. They happen to him. You could just as well ask when you are eaten by a crocodile, 'How did you select that crocodile?'. Nonsense. He has selected you. The patient doesn't even select the symptoms unconsciously. That is an extraordinary exaggeration of the subject to say he was choosing such things. They get him.
I've eaten lion, leopard, crocodile, python. I don't recommend lion. It tastes exactly like when a tomcat comes into your house and sprays. Snake and crocodile are great - a cross between lobster and chicken.
When the East Timor conflict broke out, when they gained independence, the militia killed a lot of East Timorese people. And their sacred totem is the crocodile. They believe that their island is actually a solidified crocodile, so it has sacred status.
Alligator: The crocodile of America, superior in every detail to the crocodile of the effete monarchies of the Old World.
...good-Samaritanism in London is considered an extreme sport - like base-jumping or crocodile-wrestling.
Appeasement is feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last.
See you later, alligator. After a while, crocodile.
You look at any poetic creature: muslin, ether, demigoddess, millions of delights; then you look into the soul and find the most ordinary crocodile!
I suppose it's like the ticking crocodile, isn't it? Time is chasing after all of us.
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
I have eaten grasshoppers in Thailand, snails in France, ostrich in Australia, crocodile in South Africa and Polar Bear meat in Moscow.
Being eaten by a crocodile is just like going to a giant blender.
The first crocodile I ever caught was at nine years of age, and it was a rescue.
Man is too near all kinds of beasts,--a fawning dog, a roaring lion, a thieving fox, a robbing wolf, a dissembling crocodile, a treacherous decoy, and a rapacious vulture.
The free world wants to feed South Africa to the Red Crocodile [communism], to appease its hunger.
The crocodile cannot turn its head. Like all science, it must always go forward with all-devouring jaws. — © Pyotr Kapitsa
The crocodile cannot turn its head. Like all science, it must always go forward with all-devouring jaws.
I have no fear of losing my life - if I have to save a koala or a crocodile or a kangaroo or a snake, mate, I will save it.
After 'Crocodile Dundee,' I turned down lots of stuff, most of it where I'd play the girlfriend of some funny man.
I put a bullet into the back of the crocodiles neck just behind the head, thus killing it. If a crocodile is hit in any other part of its anatomy it disappears into the water and is irrecoverable.
Feeling well that breathed words Would all be lost, unheard, and vain as swords Against the enchased crocodile, or leaps Of grasshoppers against the sun.
I went into this little reptile park, and Steve was doing the crocodile show, coincidentally... I was absolutely floored. That was it. This man was a real-life hero. I fell then and there, love at first sight.
I put a bullet into the back of the crocodile's neck just behind the head, thus killing it. If a crocodile is hit in any other part of its anatomy it disappears into the water and is irrecoverable.
Appeasement, said Winston Churchill, consists of being nice to a crocodile in the hope that he will eat you last. At the moment, the biggest crocodile in the world is Microsoft, and everybody is busy sucking up to it.
I could sit and watch nature documentaries with Jenks and the kids the rest of the night if I wanted. And trust me, watching a dozen pixies scream as a crocodile chomped on a zebra was something not to be missed. They invariably cheered for the crocodile, not the zebra.
The crocodile doesn't harm the bird that cleans his teeth for him. He eats the others but not that one.
We were alone in a strange mansion with a baboon, a crocodile, and a weird cat. And apparently, the entire world was in danger. I looked at Sadie. “What do we do now?
I pride myself on being excellent at fancy dress, and I have dressed up as Ronald McDonald, Lady Gaga, a Christmas pudding and a crocodile to name but a few. — © Rosie Jones
I pride myself on being excellent at fancy dress, and I have dressed up as Ronald McDonald, Lady Gaga, a Christmas pudding and a crocodile to name but a few.
I don't care about media crocodile tears for pageviews.
I will neither yield to the song of the siren nor the voice of the hyena, the tears of the crocodile nor the howling of the wolf.
A communist is like a crocodile: when it opens its mouth you cannot tell whether it is trying to smile or preparing to eat you up.
Statistically there's only one crocodile-related human fatality per year in the whole of Australia.
Give me a 15-ft. crocodile any day over a bee.
The worst part of directing is always seeing the first assembly. It's devastating. It really is. It's like going into the delivery room and you can't wait to see your baby, and it's a crocodile.
The crocodile must want to be a crocodile for reasons of the crocodile
The Allegator is the same, as the Crocodile, and differs only in Name.
I've always been adventurous - my wife calls me 'the Hip Hop Crocodile Hunter' - if you can survive in the hood, you can survive anywhere.
I've never been impressed by somebody who came in with a crocodile bag, you know?
'Crocodile Dundee' is about people; it's 10 seconds about crocodiles.
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