Top 1200 Crumbling Infrastructure Quotes & Sayings - Page 8

Explore popular Crumbling Infrastructure quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
The biggest thing that concerns me is when we start getting countries using cybercrime to shut down infrastructure, electricity, communications systems, the Internet, et cetera.
One needs to redistribute and restructure expenditures in favour of infrastructure, education and so on. Such military expenditures are heavy to carry.
Donald Trump is going to work on infrastructure, building the wall. He's going to farm leaders. — © Kellyanne Conway
Donald Trump is going to work on infrastructure, building the wall. He's going to farm leaders.
They have a beautiful security system and we're emulating the whole security infrastructure.
To reimagine our country, we must first rebuild our infrastructure with community priorities at the center.
As cities have grown rapidly across the nation, many have neglected infrastructure projects and paved over green spaces that once absorbed rainwater.
Work from home will relieve the pressure on urban infrastructure and land, which can be released for mass housing or public transport, and critical lung space.
If you want to create new markets, or disrupt old ones, you create ubiquitous infrastructure.
Science is definitely part of America's infrastructure, the engine of prosperity. And yet science is given almost no visibility in the media.
I'm 33 and in my "Jesus year," and I want it all right now. I want a perfect body. I want to have a perfect love affair. I want every member of my family to be healthy and happy. And I want the world to save itself and for America to realize that it has to give up its idea of being an empire. Wait until I hit 40; then it'll all come crumbling down.
Shikun & Binui, our infrastructure and real estate company, implements sustainability by building their projects 100% sustainable while educating their employees worldwide.
I do not blame the government for not providing infrastructure to athletes. They have given everything for training of athletes.
The Australia to 2050 report highlights something that is well understood by South Australians, that infrastructure plays a key role in long-term economic expansion.
Just as we have what used to be supercomputers in our pockets, our homes now require the telecommunications infrastructure of a small city. — © Steven Levy
Just as we have what used to be supercomputers in our pockets, our homes now require the telecommunications infrastructure of a small city.
Ensuring the safety and security of our monuments and infrastructure is critical to protecting our communities and the American people.
'Glee' is very easy to clown because I feel like it's just crumbling. 'Smash!' 'Smash' is the ultimate. I love it because I'm all about theater. I did plays in high school and college, and it totally brings me back to that feeling: how excited you get on opening night, how it sucks when you're not learning the dance moves.
New Jersey residents deserve to have their tax dollars spent on transportation and infrastructure projects right here in the Garden State instead of being wasted in Washington.
We are growing the economy in smart ways and rebuilding our infrastructure and investing in science and development and that we stay true to those values that helped to get us here.
We must center restaurants, bodegas, and other food businesses as critical food infrastructure for racial and economic justice.
Doing something about infrastructure is something I would like to see while I'm governor.
We don't have a divine right to success. So I agree with a lot of politicians out there when they say, 'We've got serious issues.' We do: immigration, infrastructure. I think income inequality's one of them.
While our world is shaking and crumbling, we need to realize that one thing will never change, and that is God. He is the same today as he was ten million years ago, and will be the same ten million years from today.
Infrastructure sector is all about building assets for the country. It is part of nation building.
Companies usually are not able to provision accurately the amount of data center capacity that they require, and this problem recurs when they create their own internal cloud infrastructure.
The infrastructure for linking environmental health and public health is not working as well as it should.
If telecom are seen as a rightful infrastructure for the growth of many other sectors in the economy and the multiplier force, then I think it doesn't deserve to be taxed so high.
Developing safe products for people around the world will mean accounting for a much wider variety of devices, networks, infrastructure, and political environments.
The U.K. has to keep investing in new technology, skills, and infrastructure to keep pace with international competition.
Infrastructure investment in science is an investment in jobs, in health, in economic growth and environmental solutions.
Mundra Port remains committed towards setting up of world-class port infrastructure and facilities in India.
Think of the Nets infrastructure as a source of natural building resources. Linux is not growing on the trees - it is the trees.
If you only design menus that are essentially junk or fast food, the whole infrastructure supports junk.
My administration is focused on continuing to grow our economic foundation while ensuring emerging industries have the infrastructure and workforce they need to succeed in the global economy.
What made Manhattan Manhattan was the underground infrastructure, that engineering marvel.
If we look in the right places at the right times, we can begin to glimpse America's vast intelligence infrastructure.
The next Led Zeppelin is playing somewhere, and they'll likely never make it because there's no infrastructure for it. They'll never get a chance.
The government can access these funds but only following approval by the parliament to support our budget requirements and investments in infrastructure development, education, public health, and so on.
When it comes to economics, president-elect [Donald] Trump has promised to revive American manufacturing, get tough on trade with China, cut taxes and invest in infrastructure.
I concentrated on a lot of things, so very few people saw me as an education governor, an infrastructure governor. — © Mario Cuomo
I concentrated on a lot of things, so very few people saw me as an education governor, an infrastructure governor.
Attacks on Internet sites and infrastructure, and the compromise of secure information, pose a particularly tricky problem because it is usually impossible to trace an attack back to its instigator.
We put up the very best cyber security - what I call infrastructure to stop them, but [hackers] constantly [didn't stop].
Government must start to look at mobile infrastructure as a critical national resource and not just a resource for tax dollars.
With the Google Brain project, we made the decision to build deep learning processes on top of Google's existing infrastructure.
Inexpensive phones and pay-as-you go services are already spreading mobile phone technology to many parts of that world that never had a wired infrastructure.
I wanted to give everything that I lacked in my childhood to young children of my village. I had only talent but no scientific training, facilities or infrastructure to help.
If we invest in logistic centers, improve on infrastructure and create a facilitative environment, we can easily turn Dar es Salaam into another Dubai of its kind.
Cash is not cheap. The physical infrastructure is not easy to maintain and cheap.
In offering deals on immigration, infrastructure, and prison reform, President Trump has demonstrated that he is ready for compromise. But will Democrats take up his offer?
The Assembly passed a budget that makes the right choices for young students across the state by helping schools avoid cutting essential educational programs, laying off teachers and increasing local property taxes. Without a sound investment in our children and their education, New York would face crumbling school buildings, overcrowded classrooms, and few opportunities to excel.
Infrastructure creates the form of a city and enables life to go on in a city, in a certain way. — © Paul Goldberger
Infrastructure creates the form of a city and enables life to go on in a city, in a certain way.
Documentary filmmaking has all the challenges and hardships of narrative filmmaking without any of the infrastructure or support. That's both a blessing and a curse.
There's no question about it: the climate crisis is happening now and we need bold action to address it - and that includes investing in electric transportation and rebuilding our infrastructure.
Yet if anyone cares to read over the now crumbling minutes giving an account of the meetings at which the Italian Fasci di Combattimento were founded, he will find not a doctrine but a series of pointers... It may be objected that this program implies a return to the guilds (corporazioni). No matter!... I therefore hope this assembly will accept the economic claims advanced by national syndicalism.
The Palestinians are not willing to do anything, they're not willing to make the strategic decision to dismantle the infrastructure of terrorist organizations.
In our country, the vast majority of our critical infrastructure and intellectual property is of course in the hands of the private sector.
All Australians understand that high-quality, reliable and affordable broadband is a critical part of the infrastructure our nation needs to prosper in coming years.
The Palestinians will never, never implement their commitment to dismantle their infrastructure of terrorist organizations.
Investment by any foreign company in any element of the U.K.'s Critical National Infrastructure should receive careful scrutiny.
The combination of funding for our ports, airports, and highways is a really significant investment in our infrastructure.
My infrastructure must run brilliantly. My whole system must be different from what you can get anywhere else in Asia.
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