The great tides and currents which engulf the rest of men do not turn aside in their course and pass the judges by.
Nobody, as long as he moves about among the chaotic currents of life, is without trouble.
Hypocrisy and distortion are passing currents under the name of religion
Knowledge is no longer an immobile solid; it has been liquefied. it is actively moving in all the currents of society itself
Most artists have retired too absolutely; they grow rusty, inflexible to the flow of currents.
Beachy Head brims with electrical currents flying backwards and forwards, with the force of poems that have been well fought out and felt. I hear the currents of Alice Notley, of Bernadette Mayer, of Eileen Myles, and Sylvia Plath
The two great cultural and political currents of Italy have always only been concerned with the masses.
Those are some strong currents you're swimming against.
It troubles him to consider the powerful currents and fine-tuning that alter fate, the close and distant influences, the accidents of character and circumstance.
Pleasure unparalleled, into the ocean of love we fell. Swimming in the timeless currents of pure bliss, fantasies interchanging with every kiss.
He solved at a stroke the great question of the direction of nerve-currents in their travel through brain and spinal cord.
Turbulence is a condition that we all experience during a flight when the plane is bouncing around by competing air currents. By analogy, the economy may bounce around a lot because of competing currents of public moods and investments. One week everyone might be optimistic and then suddenly something happens to turn everyone into pessimists. Investment dries up and investors become risk averse. A sudden piece of good news then turns around the public mood.
Do you remember how electrical currents and 'unseen waves' were laughed at? The knowledge about man is still in its infancy.
The whole climate is changing: the winds, the ocean currents, the storm patterns, snow packs, snowmelt, flooding, droughts. Temperature is just a bit of it.
Cities have a psychogeographical relief, with constant currents, fixed points and vortexes which strongly discourage entry into or exit from certain zones
The use of the Will as the projector of Mentative Currents is the real base of all Mental Magic.
The way the clean-up system works is that we let the plastic come to us, using the ocean currents in our advantage.
Somewhere "out there," beyond the walls of the courthouse, run currents and tides of public opinion which lap at the courtroom door.
The poet, the artist, the sleuth, whoever sharpens our perception tends to antisocial; rarely 'well adjusted,' he cannot go along with currents and trends.
It is only liquid currents of thought that move men and the world
I had to learn to navigate the political and religious currents in a state where Mormonism dominates despite not being Mormon.
In a cashless society, the cash has been converted into numbers, into signals, into electronic currents. In short: Information replaces cash.
This transformation is already proceeding, and if we want to consciously find these evolutionary currents operating in our own being as well-if we want to consciously join Spirit-in-action-then the four quardrants can help us orient ourselves more effectively, can help us become more conscious of the evolutionary currents already flowing around us and through us and in us.
Marketing today is much more like sailing than driving. Your boat is the brand. If you point your boat in the right direction, follow the winds/currents, and steer, you will get the boat to go where you want it. Marketers should become the wind, but accept that they’re at the mercy of the currents and weather
Alexander the Great changed a few boundaries and killed a few men. Both he and Napoleon were forced into fame by circumstances outside of themselves and by currents of the time, but Margaret Sanger made currents and circumstances. When the history of our civilization is written, it will be a biological history and Margaret Sanger will be its heroine.
Listen to it, and you are hearing the mighty currents of the air rushing down the latitudes of the earth, currents from the Mackenzie and the Athabasca and the Saskatchewan, and from the prairies and the white Tundra. It is a homeless wind, forever on the move.
The water is calm, but the currents pull beneath the surface. Though they can’t be seen, they have the power to drag cats to their deaths.
Treasure is uncovered by the force of flowing water, and it is buried by the same currents.
Time your actions so you're not fighting against the currents but moving with them.
Whatsoever stirs the stagnant currents, setting these flowing in wholesome directions, promotes brisk spirits and productive thinking. The less of routine, the more of life.
It is not what we learn in conversation that enriches us. It is the elation that comes of swift contact with tingling currents of thought.
You would make a ship sail against the winds and currents by lighting a bonfire under her decks? I have no time for such nonsense.
Pedaling through the dark currents, I find an accurate copy. A blue print of the pleasure in me.
I see my tweets as a current joining a bunch of other currents in the world's craziest ocean.
Changes in solar activity have influenced what has been called the "conveyor-belt" circulation of the great Atlantic Ocean currents over the past 240 years.
Thus, sped by currents of curiosity afloat the swift river of rumor do secrets sail to strange ports.
I am convinced that there are universal currents of Divine Thought vibrating the ether everywhere and that any who can feel these vibrations is inspired.
For a finite-size system to persist in time (to live), it must evolve in such a way that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it.
And the mind actually does generate electrical currents - very weak ones and not necessarily ones that can be picked up by anyone else.
As the dead rise to live, the live sink to die, the currents are deep and raging inside.
The method of production of the material things of life generally determines the social, political and spiritual currents of life.
One of the great currents in the contemporary experience of art is that it seems to come out of the experience of the author.
A laborer no longer makes whole articles. He receives raw materials, puts his touch on them, and passes them to another worker in the series. When the articles are quite finished they are carried out of sight by currents of commercial exchange. These currents are untraceable.
On a horse there is a perfect position of balance where he doesn't feel like he's pushing you along with him or dragging you along with him. It's like two converging currents in a river, where those currents converge, there is a point where there is no movement, no energy; and that's what you're thinking when you're on the back of a horse.
There are five known gyres spinning around in our world's oceans. A gyre is a slowly moving spiral of currents created by a high pressure system of air currents. A spinning soup, so to speak, is made of what exists in the water. And in this case, the gyres are spinning with millions of tons of our discarded and forgotten about plastic waste!
What is an artist? He's a man who has antennae, who knows how to hook up to the currents which are in atmosphere, in the cosmos.
God made us angels of energy, encased in solids - currents of life dazzling through a material bulb of flesh.
The political currents that topped the global agenda in the late 20th century - revolutionary nationalism, feminism and ethnic struggle - place culture at their heart.
The currents rage so deep upon us, this is the age of video violence.
I'm concerned by a deficient technology. In other words, errors or noises. It absorbs me, and I wonder if new cultural currents could emerge from this deficiency.
Let the future say of our generation that we sent forth mighty currents of hope and that we worked together to heal the world.
Joy is a great purifier. It burns away many polluted currents trying to reach us.
He is a lyric poet . . . aloof from the swirling currents in which many of his colleagues are immersed.
If you've ever tried ba travel, I wouldn't recommend it-- unless of course you fancy turning into a phantom chicken and rafting uncontrollably through the currents of the Duat.
In order to understand the phenomena in a certain plasma region, it is necessary to map not only the magnetic but also the electric field and the electric currents. Space is filled with a network of currents which transfer energy and momentum over large or very large distances. The currents often pinch to filamentary or surface currents. The latter are likely to give space, as also interstellar and intergalactic space, a cellular structure.
Inscrutably involved, we live in the currents of universal reciprocity.
The batteries are gradually becoming charged, and if the prudence of the government does not provide an outlet for the currents that are accumulating, some day the spark will be generated.
I'm a candle flame that sways in currents of air you can't see. You need to be the one who steadies me to burn.
We must use whatever methods we can to understand the movement of the universe around us and time our actions so that we are not fighting the currents, but moving with them.
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