Top 1200 Cute Like Quotes & Sayings - Page 11

Explore popular Cute Like quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
I couldn't be an ingenue today, because the business has changed. I remember when you could dress for a premiere just by putting on a cute top. Now you have to be perfect and fabulous in every way, or you're ridiculed.
I call myself 'Bubblegoth.' I'm really into the goth and industrial stuff, but also the cute and rave-ish stuff, so I'm trying to put it all together.
We adore babies because they're so cute. And, of course, we are amused by jokes because they are funny. This is all backwards. It is. And Darwin shows us why. — © Daniel Dennett
We adore babies because they're so cute. And, of course, we are amused by jokes because they are funny. This is all backwards. It is. And Darwin shows us why.
A lot of sequins for New Year's! Red, green, white - I fail at all of that because I'm always in black. But for Christmas, I do love wearing cute dresses with tights and a pair of boots.
I have gone to Niagara-on-the-Lake. You know, Niagara Falls in Canada. It's this cute little quaint town, and it's just warm, and everyone is so nice.
I love this simply because it's cute, and I guess it's a sign of the times in many respect. It's pretty much saying you complete me, only in the sweetest way possible.
We'd practice in my living room and it was awesome. Our parents were pretty supportive of it because they thought it was cute. I don't think they ever realized how far we would go with it.
I'm going to have cute boobs 'til I'm 90, so there's that. I'll have the best boobs in the nursing home. I'll be the envy of all the ladies around the bridge table.
We buy too much stuff we just don't need. We're trying to look cute for next weekend when we ought to be thinking about the next decade.
Shigure Sohma: Tohru's very cute in a sweet sort of way. Hatori Sohma: For some reason when you say that it reeks of something illegal.
I've come to believe that the simpler the title, the better. Whenever I try to get cute with it, it seems to be a problem but if it's just The 40-Year-Old Virgin, people seem to know what they're in for.
Cameron Diaz was so cute at the MTV Movie Awards when she pulled her skirt up and wiped her armpits.
What's with the cute shoelace on your head?" "What this?" He flicked the end of the cord with his finger. "Yeah. Rambo called, he wants his bandana back.
Today, you can gain a bunch of followers doing a dance in a cute bikini, and suddenly, you're a superstar. Or you could just be a beautiful girl posting pictures of yourself and get discovered that way.
I've always loved the genre of virus movies or Armageddon movies - anything that involves being trapped with the cute boy in detention when the zombies are attacking.
I rarely draw myself, in general, and if I do, I tend to do little cute manga-esque, almost bite-sized drawings of myself. — © Jim Lee
I rarely draw myself, in general, and if I do, I tend to do little cute manga-esque, almost bite-sized drawings of myself.
Make eye contact with cute strangers. Give guys your email. Email is safer than a number, or at least it feels that way.
Going to Nashville to meet the in-laws was the first time when I'd been in America and not been seen as some sort of eccentric character with a cute accent.
Keep Hope alive, particularly if Hope is the name of a very cute puppy and not some ill-defined abstraction that is in fact code for big government.
Adults don't get nearly the attention and support the kids do, maybe because they're not as cute or because people forget that autism is lifelong. But it is.
I don't normally watch films I'm in because I'm squeamish about that and it takes me quite a long time to recover and I have to go to work. I'm not being coy or cute, but it's just true.
I refuse to dress 'hot' for Halloween, 'cause I always have to have makeup and hair and look cute for my job. So on Halloween, I either go gory or weird or funny.
[Ryan Gosling] just got by because he's a cute kid? Yeah. I was an ugly kid; "The Mickey Mouse Club" wasn't for me.
You decent?” I pulled the towel up a little higher. “Yes, if my wrinkled toes don’t offend.” Marco’s swarthy head popped around the doorjamb. “Naw, they’re cute.
They are presented attractively for the same reason that kittens are cute - so that they can draw you in, then pounce on you for the kill. Seriously. Stay away from kittens.
One of my insecurities was my looks. I was short, cute and chubby, and Dad used to call me his 'little fat sausage.' But I always knew I had musical talent.
I have noticed that when a girl or guy falls in love, and they call their girlfriend or boyfriend with cute names, then 'Honey Bunny' is one of the most famous ones, so we picked that up and created a song.
Little cute thing said, what's yo' name? I put my necklace in her face and told her read the chain.
While "cute" is hopelessly anchored to the Teletubby ideal, "ugly" is free to take infinite varieties. In this way, ugly is beautiful.
I used to say that I wanted someone cute and nice, an actor too, so he'd get it. But now I think it would be good for me to date someone who's not in the business.
People who get married because they're in love make a ridiculous mistake. It makes much more sense to marry your best friend. You like your best friend more than anyone you're ever going to be in love with. You dont choose your best friend because they have a cute nose.
I used to breed poodles. I liked them because they were fluffy and so cute - and honestly, they make a lot of money when you sell them!
Grandchildren are the Furbies of the offspring world. They're cute, they're funny, you can play with them and then put them away when they start to get on your nerves.
I am wrestling with the overalls trend. I wore so many pairs in junior high, and no one thought they were cute. Perhaps I'll try them cuffed with a tasteful crop top?
Even my parents are so cute, and they deal with every movie of mine excellently. They check with me ever so casually by asking 'Now how much of nudity are we going to see in this one?
At the prom, you are more about boys thinking you're cute. On the red carpet, you have to please everyone because there are a lot more people looking at those pictures.
I wanted to look cute, hot and sexy all at the same time in 'Bigg Boss!' How else will the Bollywood producers cast me in their films as the lead actress?
When I applied for grad school, I did not specify genre. I said I wanted an MFA in Creative Writing. I was so cute and stupid! The admissions committee at Pitt decided to put me in poetry.
So I didn't adopt Homer because he was cute and little and sweet, or because he was helpless and needed me. I adopted him because when you think you see something so fundamentally worthwhile in someone else, you don't look for the reasons - like bad timing or a negative bank balance - that might keep it out of your life. You commit to being strong enough to build your life around it, no matter what. In doing so, you begin to become the thing you admire.
Kincaid, evidently exhausted himself, drew a gun, took the safety off, placed it on his chest, and went to sleep too. "It's cute," I whispered to Murphy. "He has a teddy Glock.
cute," she announced. "and oh,baby doll,you do give off a powerful vide,don't you? makes me want to touch you." with your teeth,id bet.i say to myself — © Gena Showalter
cute," she announced. "and oh,baby doll,you do give off a powerful vide,don't you? makes me want to touch you." with your teeth,id bet.i say to myself
It's very important to older male homosexuality in Los Angeles to have a pool, so that cute boys will come to your house and swim around in the pool.
Of course, when we got home, we found that Dagda had peed on my down comforter. He had also eaten part of Mom's maidenhair fern and barfed it up on the carpet. Then he had apparently worked himself into a frenzy sharpening his ting by amazingly effective claws on the armrest of my dad's favorite chair. Now he was asleep on a pillow, curled up like a fuzzy little snail. "God, he's so cute," I said, shaking my head.
You know what? I'm really attracted to British women, there's something innately proper about them. However badly they behave their accent is so cute that it makes up for everything!
You know the Prince song where the girl's phone rings but she tells him, "whoever's calling couldn't be as cute as you?" I long to live out this moment in real life.
I'm one of those hovering mothers and I know it's really important to have an independent child, so I'm trying to back off, but it's hard. I love him so much, and he's so funny and cute to me.
I was Marked by a very cute boy with terrible impulse control. I don't remember because I was basically unconscious but everyone was mad at him when I woke up. The end, love Clary.
I want to go into the margins, into those moments where there's snot hanging out of your nose and things aren't cute and you're not pretty. I'm all for messy. That's what I want to explore.
Everyone fixes up their face if it’s not ideal, you know? That’s because of the race-mixing. For example, a Russian marries an Armenian. They have a kid, a cute girl, but she has her dad’s nose. She goes and files it down a little, and it’s all good. Ethnicities are mixing now, so there’s degeneration, and it didn’t used to be like that. Remember how many beautiful women there were in the 1950s and 1960s, without any surgery? And now, thanks to degeneration, we have this.
Animals are not cute. They are disturbing. Pigs do eat their young. Actually, I hate pigs. I just happen to have some who are friends of mine.
Modeling is a very hard job. I know that sounds like a really shallow thing to say, but you have people pulling on your hair all day, telling you what to do, fitting you, telling you to bend over, hitting you, taking your shoes off, throwing you up against a wall - it's a lot. You have to really be able to handle yourself and bring something. It's not just enough to have a cute body and jump up in the air and go, "wow!"
You have to have a lot of respect for hot dogs. It's completely different from sandwich. First of all, the hot dog is American. Sandwiches are not American. They're different. Second of all, a hot dog is like a pop idol. Hot dogs are cute. It's a pop image - everyone knows what a hot dog is.
Even my parents are so cute, and they deal with every movie of mine excellently. They check with me ever so casually by asking 'Now how much of nudity are we going to see in this one?'
My everyday look has definitely become more low maintenance, but accessories are everything. A structured bag, statement jewelry or a cute scarf can add polish to any outfit!
My dental hygienist is cute. Every time I visit, I eat a whole package of Oreo cookies while waiting in the lobby. Sometimes she has to cancel the rest of the afternoon's appointments.
When I watched Lifetime original movies, it took me a day or two to get over the idea that the cute boy next door is actually a serial killer. — © Becca Fitzpatrick
When I watched Lifetime original movies, it took me a day or two to get over the idea that the cute boy next door is actually a serial killer.
Disney will never make a movie about my life story, and that's a shame--I'd make a really cute animated creature.
'Raman Raghav' will break my image of cute boy-next-door. My character in the film is mad, demented, very aggressive. He is a good cop but has his own issues.
No one wants to read a story where I saw a cute puppy on the street and I petted it. I mean, that's not funny. I only write about the funny stuff.
Critics will tell you the 'meet cute' is a tired old writing cliche, but the thing is, cliche's work - because they ring true with the reader.
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